194. VF L3 forwarding kernel PF rfc2544 test in LPM mode with IPV4 packets

This document provides benchmark test for NIC VFs which are created from kernel PFs or. These tests use l3fwd as a simple forwarder between NIC vfs. The goal of this test plan is to have a tested benchmark between NIC vfs. The Layer-3 Forwarding performance results are produced using l3fwd application. For detail test plan, please refer to l3fwd_test_plan.rst.

194.1. Prerequisites

194.1.1. Topology

It requires at least 1 port connected traffic generator::
Port0 — TG0
2 ports::
Port0 — TG0 Port1 — TG1
4 ports::
Port0 — TG0 Port1 — TG1 Port2 — TG2 Port3 — TG3

194.1.2. Hardware

This suite focus on l3fwd application, so any standard Ethernet Network Adapter is qualified.

194.1.3. Software

dpdk: git clone http://dpdk.org/git/dpdk trex: git clone http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/trex/release/v2.93.tar.gz

194.2. Test Case

Send a specific number of frames at a specific rate through the DUT and then count the frames that are transmitted by the DUT. If the count of offered frames is not equal to the count of received frames, the rate of the offered stream is reduced and the test is rerun. The throughput is the fastest rate at which the count of test frames transmitted by the DUT is equal to the number of test frames sent to it by the test equipment.

The l3fwd application has a number of command line options, here list the key options will be tested:

./dpdk-l3fwd [EAL options] -- -p PORTMASK
                         [--rx-queue-size NPKTS]
                         [--tx-queue-size NPKTS]
    --force-max-simd-bitwidth: This setting is used to determine the vector path for component selection.
                               And the default is avx2.
    --rx-queue-size: Rx queue size in decimal and default is 1024.
    --tx-queue-size: Tx queue size in decimal and default is 1024.
    --parse-ptype: Optional, set to use software to analyze packet type.
                   Without this option, hardware will check the packet type.
    [-L]|[-E]: L3fwd uses the parameters "-L" and "-E" to correspond to LPM and EM modes respectively.
               And the default is LPM mode.

194.2.1. Common Steps

  1. Bind PF ports to kernel driver, i40e or ice, then create 1 VF from each PF, take E810 for example:

    <dpdk_dir>#echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:17\:00.0/sriov_numvfs

    Set vf mac address:

    <dpdk_dir>#ip link set ens5f0 vf 0 mac 00:12:34:56:78:01

    Bind all the created VFs to vfio-pci:

    <dpdk_dir>#./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -s
    0000:17:00.0 'Device 1592' if=ens5f0 drv=ice unused=vfio-pci
    0000:17:01.0 'Device 1592' if=ens5f0v0 drv=iavf unused=vfio-pci
    <dpdk_dir>#./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci <pci device id>
    <dpdk_dir>#./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 0000:17:01.0
  2. Configure traffic generator to send traffic

    Routing table for IPv4 packets
    • In LPM mode, the LPM table used for packet routing is:
    # LPM prefix (IP/length)
    The flows need to be configured and started by the traffic generator:
    • IPv4 packets
    Flow Traffic Gen. Port IPv4 Dst. Address IPv4 Src. Address
    1 TG0 Any Ip
    2 TG1 Any Ip
    3 TG2 Any Ip
    4 TG3 Any Ip

    Set the packet length : 64 bytes-1518 bytes The IPV4 Src Address increase with the num 1024.

  3. Test result table

    Fwd_core Frame Size Throughput Rate
    1C/1T 64 xxxxx Mpps xxx %
    1C/1T ... xxxxx Mpps xxx %
    2C/2T 64 xxxxx Mpps xxx %
    2C/2T ... xxxxx Mpps xxx %
    4C/4T 64 xxxxx Mpps xxx %
    4C/4T ... xxxxx Mpps xxx %
    8C/8T 64 xxxxx Mpps xxx %
    8C/8T ... xxxxx Mpps xxx %

194.2.2. Test Case: test_perf_vf_rfc2544_ipv4_lpm

  1. Bind VF ports to dpdk driver as common step 1.

  2. Launch l3fwd:

    <build_dir>/examples/dpdk-l3fwd -l 5-8 -n 8 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=512 \
    -- -p 0x1 --config "(0,0,5),(0,1,6),(0,2,7),(0,3,8)" --rx-queue-size 1024 \
    --tx-queue-size 1024 --parse-ptype
  3. Configure traffic generator to send traffic as common step 2.

  4. Record Test results as common step 3.