238. DPDK GSO lib test plan

Generic Segmentation Offload (GSO) is a widely used software implementation of TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO), which reduces per-packet processing overhead. Much like TSO, GSO gains performance by enabling upper layer applications to process a smaller number of large packets (e.g. MTU size of 64KB), instead of processing higher numbers of small packets (e.g. MTU size of 1500B), thus reducing per-packet overhead.

For example, GSO allows guest kernel stacks to transmit over-sized TCP segments that far exceed the kernel interface’s MTU; this eliminates the need to segment packets within the guest, and improves the data-to-overhead ratio of both the guest-host link, and PCI bus. The expectation of the guest network stack in this scenario is that segmentation of egress frames will take place either in the NIC HW, or where that hardware capability is unavailable, either in the host application, or network stack.

Bearing that in mind, the GSO library enables DPDK applications to segment packets in software. Note however, that GSO is implemented as a standalone library, and not via a ‘fallback’ mechanism (i.e. for when TSO is unsupported in the underlying hardware); that is, applications must explicitly invoke the GSO library to segment packets. The size of GSO segments (segsz) is configurable by the application.

This test plan includes dpdk gso lib test with TCP/UDP/VxLAN/GRE traffic.

238.1. Prerequisites

238.2. Test flow

NIC2(In kernel) <- NIC1(DPDK) <- testpmd(csum fwd) <- Vhost <- Virtio-net

238.3. Test Case1: DPDK GSO test with tcp traffic

  1. Connect two nic port directly, put nic2 into another namesapce and turn on the gro of this nic port by below cmds:

    ip netns del ns1
    ip netns add ns1
    ip link set [enp216s0f0] netns ns1                   # [enp216s0f0] is the name of nic2
    ip netns exec ns1 ifconfig [enp216s0f0] up
    ip netns exec ns1 ethtool -K [enp216s0f0] gro on
  2. Bind nic1 to vfio-pci, launch vhost-user with testpmd:

    ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci xx:xx.x       # xx:xx.x is the pci addr of nic1
    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 2-4 -n 4 \
    --file-prefix=vhost --vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,client=0' -- -i --txd=1024 --rxd=1024
    testpmd>set fwd csum
    testpmd>csum mac-swap off 0
    testpmd>csum mac-swap off 1
    testpmd>port stop 0
    testpmd>csum set tcp hw 0
    testpmd>csum set ip hw 0
    testpmd>set port 0 gso on
    testpmd>set gso segsz 1460
    testpmd>port start 0
  3. Set up vm with virto device and using kernel virtio-net driver:

    taskset -c 13 qemu-system-x86_64 -name us-vhost-vm1 -cpu host -enable-kvm -m 2048 -object memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=2048M,mem-path=/mnt/huge,share=on -numa node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc -monitor unix:/tmp/vm2_monitor.sock,server,nowait -net nic,macaddr=00:00:00:08:e8:aa,addr=1f -net user,hostfwd=tcp: -smp cores=1,sockets=1 -drive file=/home/osimg/ubuntu16.img -chardev socket,id=char0,path=./vhost-net -netdev type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char0,vhostforce -device virtio-net-pci,mac=52:54:00:00:00:01,netdev=mynet1,mrg_rxbuf=on,csum=on,gso=on,host_tso4=on,guest_tso4=on,rx_queue_size=1024,tx_queue_size=1024 -vnc :10 -daemonize

  4. In vm, config the virtio-net device with ip:

    ifconfig [ens3] up  # [ens3] is the name of virtio-net
  5. Start iperf test, run iperf server at host side and iperf client at vm side, check throughput in log:

    Host side :  ip netns exec ns1 iperf -s
    VM side:     iperf -c -i 1 -t 60

238.4. Test Case2: DPDK GSO test with udp traffic

Similar as Test Case1, all steps are similar except step 5.

  1. Start iperf test, run iperf server at host side and iperf client at vm side, check throughput in log:

    Host side :  ip netns exec ns1 iperf -s -u
    VM side:     iperf -c -i 1 -t 60 -P 4 -u -b 10G -l 9000

238.5. Test Case3: DPDK GSO test with vxlan traffic

  1. Connect two nic port directly, put nic2 into another namesapce and generate the vxlan device in this name space:

    ip netns del ns1
    ip netns add ns1
    ip link set [enp216s0f0] netns ns1       # [enp216s0f0] is the name of nic2
    ip netns exec ns1 ifconfig [enp216s0f0] up
    ip netns exec ns1 ip link add vxlan100 type vxlan id 1000 remote local dstport 4789 dev [enp216s0f0]
    ip netns exec ns1 ifconfig vxlan100 up
  2. Bind nic1 to vfio-pci, launch vhost-user with testpmd:

    ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci xx:xx.x
    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 2-4 -n 4 \
    --file-prefix=vhost --vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,client=0' -- -i --txd=1024 --rxd=1024
    testpmd>set fwd csum
    testpmd>csum mac-swap off 0
    testpmd>csum mac-swap off 1
    testpmd>port stop 0
    testpmd>csum set tcp hw 0
    testpmd>csum set ip hw 0
    testpmd>csum set outer-ip hw 0
    testpmd>csum parse-tunnel on 0
    testpmd>set port 0 gso on
    testpmd>set gso segsz 1400
    testpmd>port start 0
  3. Set up vm with virto device and using kernel virtio-net driver:

    taskset -c 13 qemu-system-x86_64 -name us-vhost-vm1 -cpu host -enable-kvm -m 2048 -object memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=2048M,mem-path=/mnt/huge,share=on -numa node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc -monitor unix:/tmp/vm2_monitor.sock,server,nowait -net nic,macaddr=00:00:00:08:e8:aa,addr=1f -net user,hostfwd=tcp: -smp cores=1,sockets=1 -drive file=/home/osimg/ubuntu16.img -chardev socket,id=char0,path=./vhost-net -netdev type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char0,vhostforce -device virtio-net-pci,mac=52:54:00:00:00:01,netdev=mynet1,mrg_rxbuf=on,csum=on,gso=on,host_tso4=on,guest_tso4=on,rx_queue_size=1024,tx_queue_size=1024 -vnc :10 -daemonize

  4. In vm, config the virtio-net device with ip:

    ifconfig [ens3] up  # [ens3] is the name of virtio-net
    ip link add vxlan100 type vxlan id 1000 remote local dstport 4789 dev [ens3]
    ifconfig vxlan100 up
  5. Start iperf test, run iperf server at host side and iperf client at vm side, check throughput in log:

    Host side :  ip netns exec ns1 iperf -s
    VM side:     iperf -c -i 1 -t 60

238.6. Test Case4: DPDK GSO test with gre traffic

  1. Connect two nic port directly, put nic2 into another namesapce and generate the gre device in this name space:

    ip netns del ns1
    ip netns add ns1
    ip link set [enp216s0f0] netns ns1       # [enp216s0f0] is the name of nic2
    ip netns exec ns1 ifconfig [enp216s0f0] up
    ip netns exec ns1 ip tunnel add gre100 mode gre remote local
    ip netns exec ns1 ifconfig gre100 up
  2. Bind nic1 to vfio-pci, launch vhost-user with testpmd:

    ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci xx:xx.x
    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 2-4 -n 4 \
    --file-prefix=vhost --vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=vhost-net,queues=1,client=0' -- -i --txd=1024 --rxd=1024
    testpmd>set fwd csum
    testpmd>csum mac-swap off 0
    testpmd>csum mac-swap off 1
    testpmd>port stop 0
    testpmd>csum set tcp hw 0
    testpmd>csum set ip hw 0
    testpmd>csum set outer-ip hw 0
    testpmd>csum parse-tunnel on 0
    testpmd>set port 0 gso on
    testpmd>set gso segsz 1400
    testpmd>port start 0
  3. Set up vm with virto device and using kernel virtio-net driver:

    taskset -c 13 qemu-system-x86_64 -name us-vhost-vm1 -cpu host -enable-kvm -m 2048 -object memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=2048M,mem-path=/mnt/huge,share=on -numa node,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc -monitor unix:/tmp/vm2_monitor.sock,server,nowait -net nic,macaddr=00:00:00:08:e8:aa,addr=1f -net user,hostfwd=tcp: -smp cores=1,sockets=1 -drive file=/home/osimg/ubuntu16.img -chardev socket,id=char0,path=./vhost-net -netdev type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char0,vhostforce -device virtio-net-pci,mac=52:54:00:00:00:01,netdev=mynet1,mrg_rxbuf=on,csum=on,gso=on,host_tso4=on,guest_tso4=on,rx_queue_size=1024,tx_queue_size=1024 -vnc :10 -daemonize

  4. In vm, config the virtio-net device with ip:

    ifconfig [ens3] up  # [ens3] is the name of virtio-net
    ip tunnel add gre100 mode gre remote local
    ifconfig gre100 up
  5. Start iperf test, run iperf server at host side and iperf client at vm side, check throughput in log:

    Host side :  ip netns exec ns1 iperf -s
    VM side:     iperf -c -i 1 -t 60