283. Flexible RXd Test Suites

283.1. Description

The test suite will cover the flexible RX descriptor on Intel E810 network interface card.

283.2. Prerequisites

Copy correct ice.pkg into /lib/firmware/updates/intel/ice/ddp/, For the test cases, comms package is expected.

Prepare test toplogoy, in the test case, it requires

  • 1 Intel E810 interface
  • 1 network interface for sending test packet, which could be connect to the E810 interface
  • Directly connect the 2 interfaces

Patch testpmd for dumping flexible fields from RXD:

diff --git a/app/test-pmd/util.c b/app/test-pmd/util.c
index a1164b7..b90344d 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/util.c
+++ b/app/test-pmd/util.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <rte_ether.h>
#include <rte_ethdev.h>
#include <rte_flow.h>
+#include <rte_pmd_ice.h>

#include "testpmd.h"

@@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ dump_pkt_burst(uint16_t port_id, uint16_t queue, struct rte_mbuf *pkts[],
                                printf("hash=0x%x ID=0x%x ",
                                       mb->hash.fdir.hash, mb->hash.fdir.id);
+               rte_net_ice_dump_proto_xtr_metadata(mb);
                if (ol_flags & PKT_RX_TIMESTAMP)
                        printf(" - timestamp %"PRIu64" ", mb->timestamp);
                if (ol_flags & PKT_RX_QINQ)

Compile DPDK and testpmd:

rm -rf x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
CC=gcc meson -Denable_kmods=True -Dlibdir=lib  --default-library=static x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
ninja -C x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc

Bind Intel E810 interface to igb_uio driver, (e.g. 0000:18:00.0)

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b igb_uio 18:00.0

283.3. Test Case 01: Check single VLAN fields in RXD (802.1Q)

Launch testpmd by:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=vlan -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

testpmd>set verbose 1
testpmd>set fwd io

Please change the core setting (-l option) and port’s PCI (-a option) by your DUT environment

Send a packet with VLAN tag from test network interface:

scapy #launch scapy in shell

#In scapy interactive UI
p = Ether(src="3c:fd:fe:c0:e1:8c", dst="00:00:00:00:01:02", type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()
sendp(p, iface='enp175s0f0', count=1)

Please notice

  • Change ethernet source address with your test network interface’s address
  • Make sure the ethernet destination address is NOT your real E810 interface’s address

Check the output in testpmd, ctag=1:0:23 is expected, which is consistent with VLAN tag set in test packet:

testpmd> port 0/queue 28: received 1 packets
src=3C:FD:FE:C0:E1:8C - dst=00:00:00:00:01:02 - type=0x8100 - length=60 - nb_segs=1 - RSS hash=0xf31f649c - RSS queue=0x1c - Protocol Extraction:[0x0000:0x2017],vlan,stag=0:0:0,ctag=1:0:23  - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_UDP  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER_VLAN L3_IPV4 L4_UDP  - l2_len=18 - l3_len=20 - l4_len=8 - Receive queue=0x1c

283.4. Test Case 02: Check double VLAN fields in RXD (802.1Q) only 1 VLAN tag

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=vlan -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c', type=0x9100)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()

Expected output in testpmd:


283.5. Test Case 03: Check double VLAN fields in RXD (802.1Q) 2 VLAN tags

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=vlan -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c', type=0x9100)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/Dot1Q(prio=4,vlan=56)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()

Expected output in testpmd:


283.6. Test Case 04: Check double VLAN fields in RXD (802.1ad)

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=vlan -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c', type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/Dot1Q(prio=4,vlan=56)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()

Expected output in testpmd:


283.7. Test Case 05: Check IPv4 fields in RXD

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=ipv4 -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c')/IP(tos=23,ttl=98)/UDP()/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')

Expected output in testpmd:


283.8. Test Case 06: Check IPv6 fields in RXD

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=ipv6 -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c')/IPv6(tc=12,hlim=34,fl=0x98765)/UDP()/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')

Expected output in testpmd:


283.9. Test Case 07: Check IPv6 flow field in RXD

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=ipv6_flow -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c')/IPv6(tc=12,hlim=34,fl=0x98765)/UDP()/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')

Expected output in testpmd:


283.10. Test Case 08: Check TCP fields in IPv4 in RXD

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=tcp -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c')/IP()/TCP(flags='AS')/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')

Expected output in testpmd:


283.11. Test Case 09: Check TCP fields in IPv6 in RXD

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr=tcp -- -i --rxq=32 --txq=32 --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

Test packet:

p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c')/IPv6()/TCP(flags='S')/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')

Expected output in testpmd:


283.12. Test Case 10: Check IPv4, IPv6, TCP fields in RXD on specific queues

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

Launch testpmd command:

./x86_64-native-linux-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a 18:00.0,proto_xtr='[(2):ipv4,(3):ipv6,(4):tcp]' -- -i --rxq=64 --txq=64 --portmask=0x1

Create generic flow on NIC:

flow create 0 ingress pattern eth dst is 68:05:ca:a3:13:4c / ipv4 src is dst is tos is 23 ttl is 98 / end actions queue index 2 / end
flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 src is 2001::3 dst is 2001::4 tc is 8 / end actions queue index 3 / end
flow create 0 ingress pattern eth dst is 68:05:ca:8d:ed:a9 / ipv4 src is dst is / tcp src is 25 dst is 23 / end actions queue index 63 / end

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="68:05:ca:a3:13:4c")/IP(src="",dst="",tos=23,ttl=98)/UDP()/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')
p = Ether(src='3c:fd:fe:bc:f6:78', dst='68:05:ca:a3:13:4c')/IPv6(src='2001::3', dst='2001::4', tc=8,hlim=34,fl=0x98765)/UDP()/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')
p = Ether(dst='68:05:ca:8d:ed:a9')/IP(src='', dst='')/TCP(flags='AS', dport=23, sport=25)/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')

Expected output in testpmd:

Receive queue=0x2

Receive queue=0x3

Receive queue=0x3f

283.13. Test Case 11: Check effect of replacing pkg from RXID #22 to RXID #16

Put the ice.pkg with RXID #16(ice- and more) to /lib/firmware/updates/intel/ice/ddp/ice.pkg, then reload ice driver:

rmmod ice
modprobe ice

Make sure the new ice.pkg is different with the original one. Take ‘dmesg’ command to get ice.pkg version:

dmesg | grep package

Start the testpmd:

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xff -n 4 -- -i --rxq=64 --txq=64

Check the testpmd started failed. Failed info output:

Port (0) - Rx queue (0) is set with RXDID : 16
ice_rx_queue_start(): fail to program RX queue 0
ice_dev_start(): fail to start Rx queue 0
Fail to start port 0
Please stop the ports first
Port (0) - Rx queue (0) is set with RXDID : 16

Replace correct ice.pkg to /lib/firmware/updates/intel/ice/ddp/ice.pkg,then reload ice driver:

rmmod ice
modprobe ice.ko

283.14. MPLS cases

Test steps are same to Test Case 01, just change the launch command of testpmd, test packet and expected output

MPLS cases use same parameter Launch testpmd:

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-9 -n 4 -a af:01.0,proto_xtr=ip_offset -- -i  --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=2

check RXDID value correct:

expected: RXDID[25]

scapy prepare:

about scapy:
from scapy.contrib.mpls import MPLS

283.14.1. Test Case: Check ip offset of ip

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=18

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=18

283.14.2. Test Case: check ip offset with vlan

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=22

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=22

283.14.3. Test Case: check offset with 2 vlan tag

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

283.14.4. Test Case: check ip offset with multi MPLS

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=18

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=22

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=30

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=34

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=18

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=22

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=30

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=34

283.14.5. Test Case: check ip offset with multi MPLS with vlan tag

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=22

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=30

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=34

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=38

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=22

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=30

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=34

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=38

283.14.6. Test Case: check ip offset with multi MPLS with 2 vlan tag

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=30

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=34

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=38

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IP()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=42

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=26

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=30

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=34

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=38

Test packet:

p = Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55",type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(type=0x8847)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=0)/MPLS(s=1)/IPv6()

Expected output in testpmd:

Protocol Offset:ip_offset=42