49. ICE DCF Lifecycle Test Suite

49.1. Description

The DCF is a device configuration function (DCF - driver) bound to one of the device’s VFs which can act as a sole controlling entity to exercise advance functionality (such as switch, ACL) for rest of the VNFs (virtual network functions) under a DPDK based NFV deployment.

The DCF can act as a special VF talking to the kernel PF over the same virtchannel mailbox to configure the underlying device (port) for the VFs.

The test suite covers the lifecycle of DCF context in Kernel PF, such as launch, and exit, switch rules handling, resetting, and exception exit.

49.2. Configuration

NIC: 2x25G or 2x100G, several TC need breakout mode. NIC should have 2 PF ports at least, and connect to tester’s ports.


+——-+ +——–+ | | | | | p1|<—–>| | | DUT | | Tester | | p2|<—–>| | | | | | +——-+ +——–+

Device naming convention and mapping in this test suite (You should change these names by your setup)

Device Name PCI addr Kernel Interface
P1 0000:18:00.0 enp24s0f0
VF0 0000:18:01.0 enp24s1
P2 0000:18:00.1 enp24s0f1

49.3. Support DCF mode

49.3.1. TC01: DCF on 1 trust VF on 1 PF

Generate 1 trust VF on 1 PF, and request 1 DCF on the trust VF. PF should grant DCF mode to it.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=vf -- -i

Expected: VF get DCF mode. There are outputs in testpmd launching

EAL: Probe PCI driver: net_ice_dcf (8086:1889) device: 0000:18:01.0 (socket 0)

49.3.2. TC02: DCF on 2 PFs, 1 trust VF on each PF

Generate 2 trust VFs on 2 PFs, each trust VF request DCF. Each PF should grant DCF mode to them.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs
echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.1/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust on each PF

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on
ip link set enp24s0f1 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF on each PF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0 18:11.0
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf1 -- -i
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 11-15 -n 4 -a 18:11.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf2 -- -i

Expected: VF get DCF mode. There are outputs in each testpmd launching

EAL: Probe PCI driver: net_ice_dcf (8086:1889) device: 0000:18:01.0 (socket 0)

EAL: Probe PCI driver: net_ice_dcf (8086:1889) device: 0000:18:11.0 (socket 0)

49.3.3. TC03: Check only VF zero can get DCF mode

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 1 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.1
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.1,cap=dcf --file-prefix=vf -- -i

Expected: VF can NOT get DCF mode. testpmd should provide a friendly output

ice_dcf_get_vf_resource(): Failed to get response of OP_GET_VF_RESOURCE
ice_dcf_init_hw(): Failed to get VF resource
ice_dcf_dev_init(): Failed to init DCF hardware

Error message in dmesg

ice 0000:18:00.0: VF 1 requested DCF capability, but only VF 0 is allowed to request DCF capability

49.3.4. TC04: Check only trusted VF can get DCF mode

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust off

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=vf -- -i

Expected: VF can NOT get DCF mode. testpmd should provide a friendly output

ice_dcf_get_vf_resource(): Failed to get response of OP_GET_VF_RESOURCE
ice_dcf_init_hw(): Failed to get VF resource
ice_dcf_dev_init(): Failed to init DCF hardware

Error message in dmesg

ice 0000:18:00.0: VF needs to be trusted to configure DCF capability

49.3.5. TC05: DCF graceful exit

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0 18:01.1
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1] --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Launch another testpmd on the VF1, and start mac forward

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 11-14 -n 4 -a 18:01.1 --file-prefix=vf -- -i
set verbose 1
set fwd mac

Set switch rule to VF1 0000:18:01.1 from DCF

flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

Send a scapy packet to VF1

p = Ether(dst='xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx')/IP(src='', dst='')/Raw(64*'x')
sendp(p, iface='testeri0', count=1)

Check VF1 received the packet. Stats shows 1 packet received and forwarded.

show port stats all

Exit the DCF in DCF testpmd


Send scapy packet again. Check VF1 can’t receive the packet

show port stats all

Expect: VF1 can’t receive the packet

49.4. Handling of switch filters added by DCF

49.4.1. TC11: Turn trust mode off, when DCF launched

If turn trust mode off, when DCF launched. The DCF rules should be removed.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0 18:01.1
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1] --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Launch another testpmd on the VF1, and start mac forward

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 11-14 -n 4 -a 18:01.1 --file-prefix=vf -- -i
set verbose 1
set fwd mac

Set switch rule to VF1 0000:18:01.1 from DCF

flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

Send a scapy packet to VF1

p = Ether(dst='xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx')/IP(src='', dst='')/Raw(64*'x')
sendp(p, iface='testeri0', count=1)

Check VF1 received the packet. Stats shows 1 packet received and forwarded

show port stats all

Turn off DCF trust mode

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust off

Send scapy packet again. Check VF1 can’t receive the packet

show port stats all

Expect: VF1 can’t receive the packet

49.4.2. TC12: Kill DCF process

If kill DCF process, when DCF launched. The DCF rules should be removed.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0 18:01.1
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1] --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Launch another testpmd on the VF1, and start mac forward

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 11-14 -n 4 -a 18:01.1 --file-prefix=vf -- -i
set verbose 1
set fwd mac

Set switch rule to VF1 0000:18:01.1 from DCF

flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

Send a scapy packet to VF1

p = Ether(dst='xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx')/IP(src='', dst='')/Raw(64*'x')
sendp(p, iface='testeri0', count=1)

Check VF1 received the packet. Stats shows 1 packet received and forwarded

show port stats all

Kill DCF process

ps -ef |grep testpmd #Check the process id
kill -9 <pid>

Send scapy packet again. DCF flow rule is still valid, check VF1 can receive the packet

show port stats all

Expect: VF1 can receive the packet

49.4.3. TC13: Launch 2nd DCF process on the same VF

Launch 2nd DCF process on the same VF, PF shall reject the request. DPDK does not support to open 2nd DCF PMD driver on same VF.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0 18:01.1
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Launch another testpmd on the DCF

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 11-14 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf2 -- -i

Expect: the second testpmd can’t be launched

49.4.4. TC14: DCF enabled, one of VF reset

If DCF enabled, one of VF reset. DCF shall clean up all the rules of this VF.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0 18:01.1
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1-2] --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Launch another testpmd on the VF1 and VF2, and start mac forward

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 11-14 -n 4 -a 18:01.1 --file-prefix=vf1 -- -i
set verbose 1
set fwd mac

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 15-16 -n 4 -a 18:01.2 --file-prefix=vf2 -- -i
set verbose 1
set fwd mac

Set switch rule to VF1 0000:18:01.1 from DCF

flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end
flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

Send a scapy packet to VF1

p = Ether(dst='xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx')/IP(src='', dst='')/Raw(64*'x')
sendp(p, iface='testeri0', count=1)

Send a scapy packet to VF2

p = Ether(dst='xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx')/IP(src='', dst='')/Raw(64*'x')
sendp(p, iface='testeri0', count=1)

Check VF1 received the packet. Stats shows 1 packet received and forwarded

show port stats all

Reset VF1 by set mac addr, to trigger VF reset

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 1 mac 00:01:02:03:04:05

Reset port in testpmd:

port stop all
port reset all
port start all

Send scapy packet again. Check VF1 can receive the packet

show port stats all

Expect: Send packet to VF1 and VF2. VF1 can receive the packet, VF2 can receive the packet.

49.4.5. TC15: DCF enabled, PF reset - PFR

If DCF enabled, PF reset - PFR. All DCF the rules should be clean up.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0 18:01.1 18:01.2
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1-2] --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Launch another testpmd on the VF1 and VF2, and start mac forward

./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 11-14 -n 4 -a 18:01.1 -a 18:01.2 --file-prefix=vf -- -i
set verbose 1
set fwd mac

Set switch rule to VF1 0000:18:01.1 and VF2 0000:18:01.2 from DCF

flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

Send a scapy packet to VF1 and VF2

p1 = Ether(dst='xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx')/IP(src='', dst='')/Raw(64*'x')
sendp(p1, iface='testeri0', count=1)

Check if VF1 and VF2 received the packet. Stats shows 1 packet received and forwarded on each VF

show port stats all

Reset PF by lanconf command:

lanconf /zeroinit
<Choose 18:00.0 device> and Enter. See the "Initialize Options Menu"
Press Esc, See "LANConf Menu"
Select "SV Menu" and then select "Reset Menu"
Select "PF Reset" to trigger PF reset event

Send scapy packet again. Check VF1 can’t receive the packet:

show port stats all

Expect: VF1 can’t receive the packet

49.4.6. TC16: DCF enabled, PF reset - CORER. All the rules should be clean up

Same to TC15, just reset command is different at last step:

Select "Core Reset" to trigger Core reset event

49.4.7. TC17: DCF enabled, PF reset - GLOBR. All the rules should be clean up

Same to TC15, just reset command is different at last step:

Select "Global Reset" to trigger Global reset event

49.4.8. TC18: DCF enabled, PF reset - ENPR. All the rules should be clean up

Same to TC15, just reset command is different at last step:

Select "EMP Reset" to trigger EMP reset event

49.5. ADQ and DCF mode shall be mutually exclusive

49.5.1. TC19: When ADQ set on PF, PF should reject the DCF mode

When ADQ set on PF, PF should reject the DCF mode. Remove the ADQ setting, PF shall accept DCF mode.

Host kernel version is required 4.19+, and MACVLAN offload should be set off

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Set ADQ on PF

modprobe sch_mqprio
modprobe act_mirred
modprobe cls_flower

ethtool -K enp24s0f0 hw-tc-offload on
tc qdisc add dev enp24s0f0 ingress
tc qdisc show dev enp24s0f0
tc qdisc add dev enp24s0f0 root mqprio num_tc 4 map 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 queues 4@0 4@4 8@8 8@16 hw 1 mode channel
tc filter add dev enp24s0f0 protocol ip parent ffff: prio 1 flower dst_ip ip_proto tcp action gact pass
tc filter show dev enp24s0f0 parent ffff:

Try to launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Expect: testpmd can’t be launched. PF should reject DCF mode.

Remove ADQ on PF

tc filter del dev enp24s0f0 parent ffff: pref 1 protocol ip
tc filter show dev enp24s0f0 parent ffff:
tc qdisc del dev enp24s0f0 root mqprio
tc qdisc del dev enp24s0f0 ingress
tc qdisc show dev enp24s0f0
ethtool -K enp24s0f0 hw-tc-offload off

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Expect: testpmd can launch successfully. DCF mode can be grant

EAL: Probe PCI driver: net_ice_dcf (8086:1889) device: 0000:18:01.0 (socket 0)

49.5.2. TC20: When DCF mode enabled, ADQ setting on PF shall fail

When DCF mode enabled, ADQ setting on PF shall fail. Exit DCF mode, ADQ setting on PF shall be successful.

Generate 4 VFs on PF

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Set ADQ on PF

ethtool -K enp24s0f0 hw-tc-offload on
tc qdisc add dev enp24s0f0 ingress
tc qdisc show dev enp24s0f0
tc qdisc add dev enp24s0f0 root mqprio num_tc 4 map 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 queues 4@0 4@4 8@8 8@16 hw 1 mode channel
tc filter add dev enp24s0f0 protocol ip parent ffff: prio 1 flower dst_ip ip_proto tcp action gact pass
tc filter show dev enp24s0f0 parent ffff:

Expect: ADQ command can’t be executed successfully

Exit testpmd


Set ADQ on PF again

Expect: ADQ can be set.

49.5.3. TC21: DCF and ADQ can be enabled on different PF

Configure the DCF on 1 PF port and configure ADQ on the other PF port. Then turn off DCF, other PF’s should not be impact.

Generate 4 VFs on PF1 and 4VFs on PF2

echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs
echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.1/sriov_numvfs

Set a VF as trust

ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on

Launch dpdk on the VF0 on PF1, request DCF mode

./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 18:01.0
./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 6-10 -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=dcf -- -i

Set ADQ on PF2

modprobe sch_mqprio
modprobe act_mirred
modprobe cls_flower

ethtool -K enp24s0f1 hw-tc-offload on
tc qdisc add dev enp24s0f1 ingress
tc qdisc show dev enp24s0f1
tc qdisc add dev enp24s0f1 root mqprio num_tc 4 map 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 queues 4@0 4@4 8@8 8@16 hw 1 mode channel
tc filter add dev enp24s0f1 protocol ip parent ffff: prio 1 flower dst_ip ip_proto tcp action gact pass
tc filter show dev enp24s0f1 parent ffff:

Expect: ADQ can be set on PF2.

49.6. L2 Forwarding (MAC-VLAN feature) and DCF mode shall be mutually exclusive

49.6.1. TC22: When L2 forwarding set, PF should reject the DCF mode

When L2 forwarding set, PF should reject the DCF mode. Remove L2 forwarding set, PF shall accept the DCF mode.

Similar to ADQ test TC19

Just change the ADQ commands to MAC-VLAN

ethtool -K enp24s0f0 l2-fwd-offload on
ip link add link macvlan0 link enp24s0f0 type macvlan
ifconfig macvlan0
ipconfig macvlan0 up

Remove MAC-VLAN commands

ip link del macvlan0
ethtool -K enp24s0f0 l2-fwd-offload off

49.6.2. TC23: When DCF mode enabled, PF can’t set L2 forwarding

When DCF mode enabled, PF can’t set L2 forwarding. Exit DCF mode, PF can set L2 forwarding.

Similar to ADQ test TC20

Just change the ADQ commands to MAC-VLAN

ethtool -K enp24s0f0 l2-fwd-offload on
ip link add link macvlan0 link enp24s0f0 type macvlan
ifconfig macvlan0
ipconfig macvlan0 up

Remove MAC-VLAN commands

ip link del macvlan0
ethtool -K enp24s0f0 l2-fwd-offload off

49.6.3. TC24: DCF and L2 forwarding can be enabled on different PF

Configure the DCF on 1 PF port and configure MAC-VLAN on the other PF port. Then turn off DCF, other PF’s MAC-VLAN filter should not be impact.

Similar to ADQ test TC21

Just change the ADQ commands to MAC-VLAN

ethtool -K enp24s0f1 l2-fwd-offload on
ip link add link macvlan0 link enp24s0f1 type macvlan
ifconfig macvlan0
ipconfig macvlan0 up

Remove MAC-VLAN commands

ip link del macvlan0
ethtool -K enp24s0f1 l2-fwd-offload off

49.7. Handling of ACL filters added by DCF

  1. PF base driver shall track all the ACL filters being added by DCF. Additionally it shall also track the related profiles needed for the ACL filters being added.
  2. PF base driver shall ensure cleanup of these ACL filters and profiles during resets and exception cases.


  1. Generate 2 VFs on PF0:

    echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs
    0000:18:01.0 'Ethernet Adaptive Virtual Function 1889' if=enp24s1 drv=iavf unused=vfio-pci
    0000:18:01.1 'Ethernet Adaptive Virtual Function 1889' if=enp24s1f1 drv=iavf unused=vfio-pci
  2. Set VF0 as trust:

    ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on
  3. Bind VFs to dpdk driver:

    modprobe vfio-pci
    ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 0000:18:01.0 0000:18:01.1
  4. Launch dpdk on VF0, and VF0 request DCF mode:

    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xf -n 4 -a 0000:18:01.0,cap=dcf --file-prefix=vf0 -- -i
    testpmd> set fwd mac
    testpmd> set verbose 1
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> show port info all

    check the VF0 driver is net_ice_dcf.

  5. Launch dpdk on VF1:

    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xf0 -n 4 -a 18:01.1 --file-prefix=vf1 -- -i
    testpmd> set fwd rxonly
    testpmd> set verbose 1
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> show port info all

    check the VF1 driver is net_iavf. the mac address is 5E:8E:8B:4D:89:05

49.7.1. TC25: Turn trust mode off, when DCF launched

If turn trust mode off, when DCF launched. The DCF rules should be removed.

  1. Create an ACL rule:

    flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / tcp src spec 8010 src mask 65520 / end actions drop / end

    check the rule created successfully.

  2. send packet with dst mac of VF1:

    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="5E:8E:8B:4D:89:05")/IP()/TCP(sport=8012)/Raw(load='X'*30)], iface="testeri0")

    check the packet is dropped by VF1:

    ---------------------- Forward statistics for port 0  ----------------------
    RX-packets: 0              RX-dropped: 1             RX-total: 1
    TX-packets: 0              TX-dropped: 0             TX-total: 0
    +++++++++++++++ Accumulated forward statistics for all ports+++++++++++++++
    RX-packets: 0              RX-dropped: 1             RX-total: 1
    TX-packets: 0              TX-dropped: 0             TX-total: 0
  3. turn VF0 trust mode off, while DCF launched:

    ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust off
  4. check the DCF ACL rule can be listed. send the packet again, check the packet not dropped by VF1. so the rule can’t take effect any more.

  5. turn VF0 trust mode on, then re-launch dpdk on VF0, which requests DCF mode again. check there is no ACL rule listed. repeat step 1-2, check the packet is dropped by VF1.

49.7.2. TC26: Kill DCF process

If kill DCF process, when DCF launched. The DCF rules should be removed.

  1. Create an ACL rule:

    flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / tcp src spec 8010 src mask 65520 / end actions drop / end

    check the rule created successfully.

  2. send packet with dst mac of VF1:

    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="5E:8E:8B:4D:89:05")/IP()/TCP(sport=8012)/Raw(load='X'*30)], iface="testeri0")

    check the packet is dropped by VF1.

  3. kill DCF process

    ps -ef |grep testpmd #Check the process id
    kill -9 <pid>
  4. send the packet again, check the packet not dropped by VF1. so the rule can’t take effect any more.

  5. re-launch dpdk on VF0, which requests DCF mode again. check there is no ACL rule listed. send the packet again, check the packet not dropped by VF1.

  6. repeat step 1-2, check the packet is dropped by VF1.

49.7.3. TC27: Allow AVF request

This is a scenario when the DCF user process was killed and a new AVF is being installed. Kill DCF process, then fail to launch avf on the previous DCF VF.

  1. Create an ACL rule:

    flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / tcp src spec 8010 src mask 65520 / end actions drop / end

    check the rule created successfully.

  2. send packet with dst mac of VF1:

    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="5E:8E:8B:4D:89:05")/IP()/TCP(sport=8012)/Raw(load='X'*30)], iface="testeri0")

    check the packet is dropped by VF1.

  3. kill DCF process

    ps -ef |grep testpmd #Check the process id
    kill -9 <pid>
  4. send the packet again, check the packet not dropped by VF1. so the rule can’t take effect any more.

  5. re-launch dpdk on VF0, which requests AVF mode:

    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xf -n 4 -a 0000:18:01.0 --file-prefix=vf0 -- -i


    iavf_get_vf_resource(): Failed to execute command of OP_GET_VF_RESOURCE
    iavf_init_vf(): iavf_get_vf_config failed
    iavf_dev_init(): Init vf failed

    then quit the process, re-launch AVF on VF0 again, launch successfully. send the packet again, check the packet not dropped by VF1.

49.7.4. TC28: DCF graceful exit

  1. Create an ACL rule:

    flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / tcp src spec 8010 src mask 65520 / end actions drop / end

    check the rule created successfully.

  2. send packet with dst mac of VF1:

    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="5E:8E:8B:4D:89:05")/IP()/TCP(sport=8012)/Raw(load='X'*30)], iface="testeri0")

    check the packet is dropped by VF1.

  3. Exit the DCF in DCF testpmd

    testpmd> quit
  4. send the packet again, check the packet not dropped by VF1. the ACL rule is removed.

49.7.5. TC29: DCF enabled, AVF VF reset

  1. Create an ACL rule:

    flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / tcp src spec 8010 src mask 65520 / end actions drop / end

    check the rule created successfully.

  2. send packet with dst mac of VF1:

    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="5E:8E:8B:4D:89:05")/IP()/TCP(sport=8012)/Raw(load='X'*30)], iface="testeri0")

    check the packet is dropped by VF1.

  3. reset VF1 in testpmd:

    port stop 0
    port reset 0
    port start 0
  4. send the packet again, check the packet still be dropped by VF1. so the rule still take effect.

  5. Reset VF1 by setting mac addr:

    ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 1 mac 00:01:02:03:04:05

    Reset port in testpmd:

    port stop all
    port reset all
    port start all
  6. send the packet with changed dst mac address “00:01:02:03:04:05”, check the packet still be dropped by VF1. so the rule still take effect.

49.7.6. TC30: DCF enabled, DCF VF reset

  1. Create an ACL rule:

    flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / tcp src spec 8010 src mask 65520 / end actions drop / end

    check the rule created successfully.

  2. send packet with dst mac of VF1:

    sendp([Ether(src="00:11:22:33:44:55", dst="5E:8E:8B:4D:89:05")/IP()/TCP(sport=8012)/Raw(load='X'*30)], iface="testeri0")

    check the packet is dropped by VF1.

  3. reset VF0 in testpmd:

    port stop 0
    port reset 0
    port start 0
  4. send the packet with new mac address of VF1 again, check the packet not dropped by VF1. the rule is removed.

49.8. DCF mode and any ACL filters (not added by DCF) shall be mutually exclusive

PF base driver shall ensure ACL filters being added by host based configuration tools such as tc flower or tc u32 (but not limited to) are mutually exclusive to DCF mode.

49.8.1. TC31: add ACL rule by kernel, reject request for DCF functionality

  1. create 2 VFs on PF0, set trust mode to VF0:

    echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs
    ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on
  2. create an ACL rule on PF0 by kernel command:

    # ethtool -N enp24s0f0 flow-type tcp4 src-ip m dst-port 8000 m 0x00ff action -1
    Added rule with ID 15871
  3. launch testpmd on VF0 requesting for DCF funtionality:

    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xc -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --log-level=ice,7 -- -i --port-topology=loop

    report error:

    ice_dcf_init_parent_hw(): firmware 5.1.5 api 1.7.3 build 0x7a25e184
    ice_load_pkg_type(): Active package is:, ICE COMMS Package
    ice_dcf_send_aq_cmd(): No response (201 times) or return failure (desc: -63 / buff: -63)
    ice_flow_init(): Failed to initialize engine 4
    ice_dcf_init_parent_adapter(): Failed to initialize flow
    ice_dcf_dev_init(): Failed to init DCF parent adapter

    get dmesg:

    ice 0000:18:00.0: Grant request for DCF functionality to VF0
    ice 0000:18:00.0: Failed to grant ACL capability to VF0 as ACL rules already exist
  4. delete the kernel ACL rule:

    ethtool -N enp24s0f0 delete 15871
  5. relaunch testpmd on VF0 requesting for DCF funtionality with same command. accept request for DCF functionality. show the port info:

    Driver name: net_ice_dcf

    there is not Failed infomation in dmesg.

49.8.2. TC32: add ACL rule by kernel, accept request for DCF functionality of another PF

  1. create 2 VFs on PF0, set trust mode to VF0:

    echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs
    ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on
  2. create an ACL rule on PF1 by kernel command:

    # ethtool -N enp24s0f1 flow-type tcp4 src-ip m dst-port 8000 m 0x00ff action -1
    Added rule with ID 15871
  3. launch testpmd on VF0 of PF0 requesting for DCF funtionality successfully:

    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xc -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --log-level=ice,7 -- -i --port-topology=loop

    show the port info:

    Driver name: net_ice_dcf

    there is not Failed infomation in dmesg.

49.8.3. TC33: ACL DCF mode is active, add ACL filters by way of host based configuration is rejected

  1. create 2 VFs on PF0, set trust mode to VF0:

    echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs
    ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on
  2. launch testpmd on VF0 of PF0 requesting for DCF funtionality successfully:

    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xc -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --log-level=ice,7 -- -i --port-topology=loop

    show the port info:

    Driver name: net_ice_dcf
  3. failed to add ACL filter by host kernel command:

    ~# ethtool -N enp24s0f0 flow-type tcp4 src-ip m dst-port 8000 m 0x00ff action -1
    rmgr: Cannot insert RX class rule: No such file or directory
  4. exit ACL DCF mode:

    testpmd> quit
  5. add ACL filters by way of host based configuration successfully:

    # ethtool -N enp24s0f0 flow-type tcp4 src-ip m dst-port 8000 m 0x00ff action -1
    Added rule with ID 15871

49.8.4. TC34: ACL DCF mode is active, add ACL filters by way of host based configuration on another PF successfully

  1. create 2 VFs on PF0, set trust mode to VF0:

    echo 2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:18:00.0/sriov_numvfs
    ip link set enp24s0f0 vf 0 trust on
  2. launch testpmd on VF0 of PF0 requesting for DCF funtionality successfully:

    ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xc -n 4 -a 18:01.0,cap=dcf --log-level=ice,7 -- -i --port-topology=loop

    show the port info:

    Driver name: net_ice_dcf
  3. add ACL filter by host kernel command on PF1 successfully:

    # ethtool -N enp24s0f1 flow-type tcp4 src-ip m dst-port 8000 m 0x00ff action -1
    Added rule with ID 15871

50. ICE DCF enable device reset API

50.1. Description

DCF PMD need to support rte_eth_dev_reset.The reason is that when a DCF instance be killed, all the flow rules still exist in hardware. when DCF gets to reconnect, It has already lost the flow context, and if the application wants to create new rules, they may fail because FW reports that the rules already exist.The current workaround assumes that the user can turn off / turn on VF trust mode, so kernel PF will reset DCF by removing all old rules.The rte_eth_dev_reset API provides a more elegant way for the application to reset DCF through the command “port reset all” when reconnecting.

50.2. Prerequisites

50.2.1. Hardware

Supportted NICs: Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter E810-XXVDA4/Intel® Ethernet Network Adapter E810-CQDA2

50.2.3. General Set Up

  1. Compile DPDK:

    # CC=gcc meson --werror -Denable_kmods=True -Dlibdir=lib --default-library=static <dpdk build dir>
    # ninja -C <dpdk build dir> -j 110
  2. Get the pci device id and interface of DUT and tester. For example, 0000:3b:00.0 and 0000:af:00.0 is pci device id, ens785f0 and ens260f0 is interface:

    <dpdk dir># ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -s
    0000:3b:00.0 'Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP 1593' if=ens785f0 drv=ice unused=vfio-pci
    0000:af:00.0 'Ethernet Controller XXV710 for 25GbE SFP28 158b' if=ens260f0 drv=i40e unused=vfio-pci
  3. Generate 4 VFs on PF0:

    # echo 4 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:3b:00.0/sriov_numvfs
  4. Get VF pci device id and interface of DUT.

    # ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -s

    0000:3b:01.0 ‘Ethernet Adaptive Virtual Function 1889’ if=ens785f0v0 drv=iavf unused=vfio-pci 0000:3b:01.1 ‘Ethernet Adaptive Virtual Function 1889’ if=ens785f0v1 drv=iavf unused=vfio-pci

  5. Set VF0 as trust:

    # ip link set ens785f0 vf 0 trust on
  6. Bind the DUT port to dpdk:

    <dpdk dir># ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci <DUT port pci device id>

50.3. Test case

50.3.1. Common Steps

The common steps launch two testpmds and kill DCF process, then relaunch two testpmds.

  1. Launch the userland testpmd application on DUT as follows:

    <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a <DUT port pci device id> -- -i


For <EAL options>, you can use "-c 0x6 -n 4", you can also refer to testpmd doc for other setings.
For <DUT port pci device id>, you can use "0000:3b:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1] --file-prefix=dcf" for this test plan.
  1. Launch another testpmd application on the VF1 of DUT as follows:

    <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a <DUT port pci device id> -- -i


For <EAL options>, you can use "-c 0x18 -n 4", you can also refer to testpmd doc for other setings.
For this test plan, you can use "0000:3b:01.1 --file-prefix=vf" for this test plan.
  1. Set verbose in VF testpmd:

    testpmd> set verbose 1
  2. Set fwd engine and start in VF testpmd:

    testpmd> set fwd mac
    testpmd> start
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, check the VF1 of DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")

the VF1 of DUT:

   testpmd> port 0/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

All the packets in this test plan use below settings: dst src: 00:11:22:33:44:55 dst mac: C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 ipv4 src: ipv4 dst:

50.3.2. Test Case 1: two_testpmd_dcf_reset_port

The test case resets DCF by killing DCF and resetting the port, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Check the process ID and kill DCF process:

    # ps -ef |grep testpmd
    # kill -9 #####
  2. Relaunch the userland testpmd application on DUT as follows:

    <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a <DUT port pci device id> -- -i


For <EAL options>, you can use "-c 0x6 -n 4", you can also refer to testpmd doc for other setings.
For <DUT port pci device id>, you can use "0000:3b:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1] --file-prefix=dcf" for this test plan.
  1. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, DCF flow rule is still valid and check the VF1 of DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")

the VF1 of DUT:

   testpmd> port 0/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0
  1. Reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  2. Validate a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  3. Create a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  4. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check the VF1 of DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")

the VF1 of DUT:

   testpmd> port 0/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.3. Test Case 2: two_testpmd_dcf_reset_device

The test case resets DCF by resetting the device, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Reset DCF device:

    # echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:3b:01.0/reset
  2. Reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check the VF1 of DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")

the VF1 of DUT:

   testpmd> port 0/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.4. Test Case 3: two_testpmd_dcf_reset_port_detach

The test case resets DCF by detaching the port, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Reset DCF device:

    # echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:3b:01.0/reset
  2. Detach and reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop 0
    testpmd> port detach 0
    testpmd> port attach 3b:01.0,cap=dcf
    testpmd> port reset 0
    testpmd> port start 0
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check the VF1 of DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")

the VF1 of DUT:

   testpmd> port 0/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.5. Test Case 4: two_testpmd_dcf_reset_mtu

The test case resets DCF by resetting the mtu, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Modify the value of mtu:

    # ifconfig ens785f0 mtu 3000
  2. Reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check the VF1 of DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")

the VF1 of DUT:

   testpmd> port 0/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.6. Test Case 5: two_testpmd_dcf_reset_mac

The test case resets DCF by resetting mac addr, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Reset VF0 by set mac addr:

    # ip link set ens785f0 vf 0 mac 00:01:02:03:04:05
  2. Reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 in DCF testpmd and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check the VF1 of DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")

the VF1 of DUT:

   testpmd> port 0/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.7. Common Steps

The common steps launch one testpmd and kill DCF process, then relaunch one testpmd.

  1. Launch the userland testpmd application on DUT as follows:

    <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a <DUT port pci device id> -- -i


For <EAL options>, you can use "-c 0x6 -n 4", you can also refer to testpmd doc for other setings.
For <DUT port pci device id>, you can use"-a 3b:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1] -a 3b:01.1 --file-prefix=dcf" for this test plan.
  1. Set verbose:

    testpmd> set verbose 1
  2. Set fwd engine and start:

    testpmd> set fwd mac
    testpmd> start
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, check DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")


  testpmd> port 1/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.8. Test Case 6: one_testpmd_dcf_reset_port

The test case resets DCF by killing DCF and resetting the port, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Check the process ID and kill DCF process:

    # ps -ef |grep testpmd
    # kill -9 #####
  2. Relaunch the userland testpmd application on DUT as follows:

    <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a <DUT port pci device id> -- -i


For <EAL options>, you can use "-c 0x6 -n 4", you can also refer to testpmd doc for other setings.
For <DUT port pci device id>, you can use"-a 3b:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1] -a 3b:01.1 --file-prefix=dcf" for this test plan.
  1. Set verbose:

    testpmd> set verbose 1
  2. Set fwd engine and start:

    testpmd> set fwd mac
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, DCF flow rule is cleared and check DUT can’t receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")


  1. Reset port in testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
  2. Validate a switch rule to VF1:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  3. Create a switch rule to VF1 and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  4. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")


  testpmd> port 1/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.9. Test Case 7: one_testpmd_dcf_reset_device

The test case resets DCF by resetting the device, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Reset DCF device:

    # echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:3b:01.0/reset
  2. Reset port in testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")


  testpmd> port 1/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.10. Test Case 8: one_testpmd_dcf_reset_port_detach

The test case resets DCF by detaching the port, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Reset DCF device:

    # echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:3b:01.0/reset
  2. Detach and reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop 0
    testpmd> port detach 0
    testpmd> port attach 3b:01.0,cap=dcf,representor=vf[1]
    testpmd> port reset 0
    testpmd> port start 0
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")


  testpmd> port 1/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.11. Test Case 9: one_testpmd_dcf_reset_mtu

The test case resets DCF by resetting the mtu, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Modify the value of mtu:

    # ifconfig ens785f0 mtu 3000
  2. Reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")


  testpmd> port 1/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0

50.3.12. Test Case 10: one_testpmd_dcf_reset_mac

The test case resets DCF by resetting mac addr, and DCF should clean up all old rules. Test Steps

  1. Reset VF0 by set mac addr:

    # ip link set ens785f0 vf 0 mac 00:01:02:03:04:05
  2. Reset port in DCF testpmd:

    testpmd> stop
    testpmd> port stop all
    testpmd> port reset all
    testpmd> port start all
    testpmd> start
    testpmd> flow list 0
  3. Validate a switch rule to VF1:

    testpmd> flow validate 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule validated
  4. Create a switch rule to VF1 and list rules:

    testpmd> flow create 0 priority 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 src is <ipv4 src> dst is <ipv4 dst> / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end

    Get the message:

    Flow rule #0 created

    Check the flow list:

    testpmd> flow list 0

    ID Group Prio Attr Rule 0 0 0 i– ETH IPV4 => VF

  5. Send a matched packet in scapy to VF1, and check DUT can receive the packet.


>>> sendp([Ether(src="<src mac>",dst="<dst mac>")/IP(src="<ipv4 src>",dst="<ipv4 dst>")/("X"*64)], iface="<tester interface>")


  testpmd> port 1/queue 0: received 1 packets
src=00:11:22:33:44:55 - dst=C6:44:32:0A:EC:E1 - type=0x0800 - length=98 - nb_segs=1 - hw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN L4_NONFRAG  - sw ptype: L2_ETHER L3_IPV4  - l2_len=14 - l3_len=20 - Receive queue=0x0