203. power bidirection channel test plan

203.1. preparation work

  1. Turn on speedstep option in BIOS.

  2. Turn on CPU C3 and C6.

  3. Turn on turbo in BIOS.

  4. Disable intel_pstate in Linux kernel command intel_pstate=disable.

  5. modprobe msr module to let the application can get the CPU HW info.

  6. Let user space can control the CPU frequency:

    cpupower frequency-set -g userspace
  7. set a folder:

    mkdir /tmp/powermonitor
    chmod 777 /tmp/powermonitor

203.2. Test Case 1 : Check VM can send power policy command to host and get acked

Step 1. Launch VM using libvirt:

virsh start [VM name]

Step 2. Launch VM power manager example on the host to monitor the channel from VM:

./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-vm_power_manager -c 0xfffe -n 4 --no-pci
vmpower> add_vm [vm name]
vmpower> add_channels [vm name] all
vmpower> set_channel_status [vm name] all enabled
vmpower> show_vm [vm name]

If VM name is ubuntu, the command as following:
vmpower> add_vm ubuntu
vmpower> add_channels ubuntu all
vmpower> set_channel_status ubuntu all enabled
vmpower> show_vm ubuntu

Step 3. In the VM, launch dpdk-guest_cli to set and send the power manager policy to the host power example:

./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-guest_cli -c 0xfe -n 4 -m 1024 --no-pci --file-prefix=vm_power -- --vm-name=ubuntu --vcpu-list=0-7

 Send command to the core 7 on host APP:
 vmpower(guest)> set_cpu_freq 7 down

 Check following info will be returned for the ACK activity, as following:
 ACK received for message sent to host.

 If command can't be executed, NACK will be returned, as following:
 NACK received for message sent to host.

Step 4. Set frequency on core which is out of the VM’s core scope:

For example, the vcpu range is 0-7, we set command to vcpu number 8 as following:
vmpower(guest)> set_cpu_freq 8 down
GUEST_CHANNEL: Channel is not connected
Error sending message: Unknown error -1

203.3. Test Case 2 : Query Host CPU frequency list from VM

Step 1. Launch VM using libvirt:

virsh start [VM name]

Step 2. Launch VM power manager example on the host to monitor the channel from VM:

./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-vm_power_manager  -c 0xfffe -n 4 --no-pci
vmpower> add_vm [vm name]
vmpower> add_channels [vm name] all
vmpower> set_channel_status [vm name] all enabled
vmpower> show_vm [vm name]
vmpower> set_query <vm_name> <enable|disable>

Step 3. Enable the query permission for target VM from host dpdk-vm_power_manager example:

Command format: set_query <vm_name> <enable|disable>
if vm name is ubuntu,command as following:
vmpower> set_query ubuntu enable

Step 4. Query the CPU frequency for all CPU cores from VM side:

./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-guest_cli  -c 0xfe -n 4 -m 1024 --no-pci --file-prefix=vm_power -- --vm-name=ubuntu --vcpu-list=0-7
 vmpower> query_cpu_freq <core_num> | all

 Check vcpu 0~7 frequency info will be returned, for example:
     Frequency of [0] vcore is 2300000.
     Frequency of [1] vcore is 2200000.
     Frequency of [2] vcore is 2800000.
     Frequency of [3] vcore is 2300000.
     Frequency of [4] vcore is 2300000.
     Frequency of [5] vcore is 2300000.
     Frequency of [6] vcore is 2300000.
     Frequency of [7] vcore is 2300000.

Step 5. Disable query permission from VM, check the host CPU frequency won’t be returned:

at host side, disable query permission by dpdk-vm_power_manager example:
vmpower> set_query ubuntu disable

at VM side, query CPU frequency again, this action should not be executed successfully, log as following:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_freq all
GUEST_CLI: Error receiving message.
Error during frequency list reception.

203.4. Test Case 3: Query CPU capability from VM

Step1~3. The same as test case 2

Step4: Query all the valid CPU core capability of host, check all cores’ information is returned. Check the high priority core is recognized correctly:

For example, core 2 is returned as high priority core:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_caps all
Capabilities of [0] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [1] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [2] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 1.
Capabilities of [3] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [4] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [5] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [6] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [7] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.

Step 5: Query CPU capability for core out of scope, check no CPU info will be return:

For example, the valid vcpu range is 0~7, query cpu capability of core 8 should return error as following:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_caps 8
Invalid parameter provided.

Step 6: Disable query permission from VM, check the host CPU capability won’t be returned:

at host side, disable query permission by dpdk-vm_power_manager example:
vmpower> set_query ubuntu disable

at VM side, query CPU capability again, this action should not be executed successfully, log as following:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_caps all
GUEST_CLI: Error receiving message.
Error during capabilities reception.