203. power bidirection channel test plan¶
203.1. preparation work¶
Turn on speedstep option in BIOS.
Turn on CPU C3 and C6.
Turn on turbo in BIOS.
Disable intel_pstate in Linux kernel command
.modprobe msr module to let the application can get the CPU HW info.
Let user space can control the CPU frequency:
cpupower frequency-set -g userspace
set a folder:
mkdir /tmp/powermonitor chmod 777 /tmp/powermonitor
203.2. Test Case 1 : Check VM can send power policy command to host and get acked¶
Step 1. Launch VM using libvirt:
virsh start [VM name]
Step 2. Launch VM power manager example on the host to monitor the channel from VM:
./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-vm_power_manager -c 0xfffe -n 4 --no-pci
vmpower> add_vm [vm name]
vmpower> add_channels [vm name] all
vmpower> set_channel_status [vm name] all enabled
vmpower> show_vm [vm name]
If VM name is ubuntu, the command as following:
vmpower> add_vm ubuntu
vmpower> add_channels ubuntu all
vmpower> set_channel_status ubuntu all enabled
vmpower> show_vm ubuntu
Step 3. In the VM, launch dpdk-guest_cli to set and send the power manager policy to the host power example:
./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-guest_cli -c 0xfe -n 4 -m 1024 --no-pci --file-prefix=vm_power -- --vm-name=ubuntu --vcpu-list=0-7
Send command to the core 7 on host APP:
vmpower(guest)> set_cpu_freq 7 down
Check following info will be returned for the ACK activity, as following:
ACK received for message sent to host.
If command can't be executed, NACK will be returned, as following:
NACK received for message sent to host.
Step 4. Set frequency on core which is out of the VM’s core scope:
For example, the vcpu range is 0-7, we set command to vcpu number 8 as following:
vmpower(guest)> set_cpu_freq 8 down
GUEST_CHANNEL: Channel is not connected
Error sending message: Unknown error -1
203.3. Test Case 2 : Query Host CPU frequency list from VM¶
Step 1. Launch VM using libvirt:
virsh start [VM name]
Step 2. Launch VM power manager example on the host to monitor the channel from VM:
./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-vm_power_manager -c 0xfffe -n 4 --no-pci
vmpower> add_vm [vm name]
vmpower> add_channels [vm name] all
vmpower> set_channel_status [vm name] all enabled
vmpower> show_vm [vm name]
vmpower> set_query <vm_name> <enable|disable>
Step 3. Enable the query permission for target VM from host dpdk-vm_power_manager example:
Command format: set_query <vm_name> <enable|disable>
if vm name is ubuntu,command as following:
vmpower> set_query ubuntu enable
Step 4. Query the CPU frequency for all CPU cores from VM side:
./<build_target>/examples/dpdk-guest_cli -c 0xfe -n 4 -m 1024 --no-pci --file-prefix=vm_power -- --vm-name=ubuntu --vcpu-list=0-7
vmpower> query_cpu_freq <core_num> | all
Check vcpu 0~7 frequency info will be returned, for example:
Frequency of [0] vcore is 2300000.
Frequency of [1] vcore is 2200000.
Frequency of [2] vcore is 2800000.
Frequency of [3] vcore is 2300000.
Frequency of [4] vcore is 2300000.
Frequency of [5] vcore is 2300000.
Frequency of [6] vcore is 2300000.
Frequency of [7] vcore is 2300000.
Step 5. Disable query permission from VM, check the host CPU frequency won’t be returned:
at host side, disable query permission by dpdk-vm_power_manager example:
vmpower> set_query ubuntu disable
at VM side, query CPU frequency again, this action should not be executed successfully, log as following:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_freq all
GUEST_CLI: Error receiving message.
Error during frequency list reception.
203.4. Test Case 3: Query CPU capability from VM¶
Step1~3. The same as test case 2
Step4: Query all the valid CPU core capability of host, check all cores’ information is returned. Check the high priority core is recognized correctly:
For example, core 2 is returned as high priority core:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_caps all
Capabilities of [0] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [1] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [2] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 1.
Capabilities of [3] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [4] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [5] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [6] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Capabilities of [7] vcore are: turbo possibility: 1, is priority core: 0.
Step 5: Query CPU capability for core out of scope, check no CPU info will be return:
For example, the valid vcpu range is 0~7, query cpu capability of core 8 should return error as following:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_caps 8
Invalid parameter provided.
Step 6: Disable query permission from VM, check the host CPU capability won’t be returned:
at host side, disable query permission by dpdk-vm_power_manager example:
vmpower> set_query ubuntu disable
at VM side, query CPU capability again, this action should not be executed successfully, log as following:
vmpower(guest)> query_cpu_caps all
GUEST_CLI: Error receiving message.
Error during capabilities reception.