tg_node - Traffic Generator Node

Traffic generator node.

A traffic generator (TG) generates traffic that’s sent towards the SUT node. A TG node is where the TG runs.

class TGNode

Bases: Node

The traffic generator node.

The TG node extends Node with TG specific features:

  • Traffic generator initialization,

  • The sending of traffic and receiving packets,

  • The sending of traffic without receiving packets.

Not all traffic generators are capable of capturing traffic, which is why there must be a way to send traffic without that.


The traffic generator running on the node.



__init__(node_config: TGNodeConfiguration)

Extend the constructor with TG node specifics.

Initialize the traffic generator on the TG node.


node_config (TGNodeConfiguration) – The TG node’s test run configuration.

send_packets_and_capture(packets: list[scapy.packet.Packet], send_port: Port, receive_port: Port, filter_config: PacketFilteringConfig = PacketFilteringConfig(no_lldp=True, no_arp=True), duration: float = 1) list[scapy.packet.Packet]

Send packets, return received traffic.

Send packets on send_port and then return all traffic captured on receive_port for the given duration. Also record the captured traffic in a pcap file.

  • packets (list[scapy.packet.Packet]) – The packets to send.

  • send_port (Port) – The egress port on the TG node.

  • receive_port (Port) – The ingress port in the TG node.

  • filter_config (PacketFilteringConfig) – The filter to use when capturing packets.

  • duration (float) – Capture traffic for this amount of time after sending packet.


A list of received packets. May be empty if no packets are captured.

Return type:


send_packets(packets: list[scapy.packet.Packet], port: Port)

Send packets without capturing resulting received packets.

  • packets (list[scapy.packet.Packet]) – Packets to send.

  • port (Port) – Port to send the packets on.

close() None

Free all resources used by the node.

This extends the superclass method with TG cleanup.