os_session - OS-aware Remote Session ABC

OS-aware remote session.

DPDK supports multiple different operating systems, meaning it can run on these different operating systems. This module defines the common API that OS-unaware layers use and translates the API into OS-aware calls/utility usage.


Running commands with administrative privileges requires OS awareness. This is the only layer that’s aware of OS differences, so this is where non-privileged command get converted to privileged commands.


A user wishes to remove a directory on a remote SutNode. The SutNode object isn’t aware what OS the node is running - it delegates the OS translation logic to main_session. The SUT node calls remove_remote_dir() with a generic, OS-unaware path and the main_session translates that to rm -rf if the node’s OS is Linux and other commands for other OSs. It also translates the path to match the underlying OS.

class OSSessionInfo

Bases: object

Supplemental OS session information.


The name of the running operating system of the Node.




The version of the running operating system of the Node.




The kernel version of the running operating system of the Node.



__init__(os_name: str, os_version: str, kernel_version: str) None
class OSSession

Bases: ABC

OS-unaware to OS-aware translation API definition.

The OSSession classes create a remote session to a DTS node and implement OS specific behavior. There a few control methods implemented by the base class, the rest need to be implemented by subclasses.


The name of the session.




The remote session maintaining the connection to the node.




The interactive remote session maintaining the connection to the node.



__init__(node_config: NodeConfiguration, name: str, logger: DTSLogger)

Initialize the OS-aware session.

Connect to the node right away and also create an interactive remote session.

  • node_config (NodeConfiguration) – The test run configuration of the node to connect to.

  • name (str) – The name of the session.

  • logger (DTSLogger) – The logger instance this session will use.

is_alive() bool

Check whether the underlying remote session is still responding.

send_command(command: str, timeout: float = 15, privileged: bool = False, verify: bool = False, env: dict | None = None) CommandResult

An all-purpose API for OS-agnostic commands.

This can be used for an execution of a portable command that’s executed the same way on all operating systems, such as Python.

The --timeout command line argument and the DTS_TIMEOUT environment variable configure the timeout of command execution.

  • command (str) – The command to execute.

  • timeout (float) – Wait at most this long in seconds for command execution to complete.

  • privileged (bool) – Whether to run the command with administrative privileges.

  • verify (bool) – If True, will check the exit code of the command.

  • env (dict | None) – A dictionary with environment variables to be used with the command execution.


RemoteCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the command failed.

close() None

Close the underlying remote session.

abstract get_remote_tmp_dir() PurePath

Get the path of the temporary directory of the remote OS.


The absolute path of the temporary directory.

Return type:


abstract get_dpdk_build_env_vars(arch: Architecture) dict

Create extra environment variables needed for the target architecture.

Different architectures may require different configuration, such as setting 32-bit CFLAGS.


A dictionary with keys as environment variables.

Return type:


abstract join_remote_path(*args: str | pathlib.PurePath) PurePath

Join path parts using the path separator that fits the remote OS.


args (str | pathlib.PurePath) – Any number of paths to join.


The resulting joined path.

Return type:


abstract remote_path_exists(remote_path: str | pathlib.PurePath) bool

Check whether remote_path exists on the remote system.


remote_path (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The path to check.


True if the path exists, False otherwise.

Return type:


abstract copy_from(source_file: str | pathlib.PurePath, destination_dir: str | pathlib.Path) None

Copy a file from the remote node to the local filesystem.

Copy source_file from the remote node associated with this remote session to destination_dir on the local filesystem.

  • source_file (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The file on the remote node.

  • destination_dir (str | pathlib.Path) – The directory path on the local filesystem where the source_file will be saved.

abstract copy_to(source_file: str | pathlib.Path, destination_dir: str | pathlib.PurePath) None

Copy a file from local filesystem to the remote node.

Copy source_file from local filesystem to destination_dir on the remote node associated with this remote session.

  • source_file (str | pathlib.Path) – The file on the local filesystem.

  • destination_dir (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The directory path on the remote Node where the source_file will be saved.

abstract copy_dir_from(source_dir: str | pathlib.PurePath, destination_dir: str | pathlib.Path, compress_format: TarCompressionFormat = TarCompressionFormat.none, exclude: str | list[str] | None = None) None

Copy a directory from the remote node to the local filesystem.

Copy source_dir from the remote node associated with this remote session to destination_dir on the local filesystem. The new local directory will be created at destination_dir path.


source_dir = ‘/remote/path/to/source’ destination_dir = ‘/local/path/to/destination’ compress_format = TarCompressionFormat.xz

The method will:
  1. Create a tarball from source_dir, resulting in:


  2. Copy ‘/remote/path/to/source.tar.xz’ to


  3. Extract the contents of the tarball, resulting in:


  4. Remove the tarball after extraction


Final Path Structure:


  • source_dir (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The directory on the remote node.

  • destination_dir (str | pathlib.Path) – The directory path on the local filesystem.

  • compress_format (TarCompressionFormat) – The compression format to use. Defaults to no compression.

  • exclude (str | list[str] | None) – Patterns for files or directories to exclude from the tarball. These patterns are used with tar’s –exclude option.

abstract copy_dir_to(source_dir: str | pathlib.Path, destination_dir: str | pathlib.PurePath, compress_format: TarCompressionFormat = TarCompressionFormat.none, exclude: str | list[str] | None = None) None

Copy a directory from the local filesystem to the remote node.

Copy source_dir from the local filesystem to destination_dir on the remote node associated with this remote session. The new remote directory will be created at destination_dir path.


source_dir = ‘/local/path/to/source’ destination_dir = ‘/remote/path/to/destination’ compress_format = TarCompressionFormat.xz

The method will:
  1. Create a tarball from source_dir, resulting in:


  2. Copy ‘/local/path/to/source.tar.xz’ to


  3. Extract the contents of the tarball, resulting in:


  4. Remove the tarball after extraction


Final Path Structure:


  • source_dir (str | pathlib.Path) – The directory on the local filesystem.

  • destination_dir (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The directory path on the remote node.

  • compress_format (TarCompressionFormat) – The compression format to use. Defaults to no compression.

  • exclude (str | list[str] | None) – Patterns for files or directories to exclude from the tarball. These patterns are used with fnmatch.fnmatch to filter out files.

abstract remove_remote_file(remote_file_path: str | pathlib.PurePath, force: bool = True) None

Remove remote file, by default remove forcefully.

  • remote_file_path (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The file path to remove.

  • force (bool) – If True, ignore all warnings and try to remove at all costs.

abstract remove_remote_dir(remote_dir_path: str | pathlib.PurePath, recursive: bool = True, force: bool = True) None

Remove remote directory, by default remove recursively and forcefully.

  • remote_dir_path (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The directory path to remove.

  • recursive (bool) – If True, also remove all contents inside the directory.

  • force (bool) – If True, ignore all warnings and try to remove at all costs.

abstract create_remote_tarball(remote_dir_path: str | pathlib.PurePath, compress_format: TarCompressionFormat = TarCompressionFormat.none, exclude: str | list[str] | None = None) PurePosixPath

Create a tarball from the contents of the specified remote directory.

This method creates a tarball containing all files and directories within remote_dir_path. The tarball will be saved in the directory of remote_dir_path and will be named based on remote_dir_path.

  • remote_dir_path (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The directory path on the remote node.

  • compress_format (TarCompressionFormat) – The compression format to use. Defaults to no compression.

  • exclude (str | list[str] | None) – Patterns for files or directories to exclude from the tarball. These patterns are used with tar’s –exclude option.


The path to the created tarball on the remote node.

Return type:


abstract extract_remote_tarball(remote_tarball_path: str | pathlib.PurePath, expected_dir: str | pathlib.PurePath | None = None) None

Extract remote tarball in its remote directory.

  • remote_tarball_path (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The tarball path on the remote node.

  • expected_dir (str | pathlib.PurePath | None) – If non-empty, check whether expected_dir exists after extracting the archive.

abstract is_remote_dir(remote_path: PurePath) bool

Check if the remote_path is a directory.


remote_path (PurePath) – The path to the remote tarball.


If True the remote_path is a directory, otherwise False.

Return type:


abstract is_remote_tarfile(remote_tarball_path: PurePath) bool

Check if the remote_tarball_path is a tar archive.


remote_tarball_path (PurePath) – The path to the remote tarball.


If True the remote_tarball_path is a tar archive, otherwise False.

Return type:


abstract get_tarball_top_dir(remote_tarball_path: str | pathlib.PurePath) str | pathlib.PurePosixPath | None

Get the top directory of the remote tarball.

Examines the contents of a tarball located at the given remote_tarball_path and determines the top-level directory. If all files and directories in the tarball share the same top-level directory, that directory name is returned. If the tarball contains multiple top-level directories or is empty, the method return None.


remote_tarball_path (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The path to the remote tarball.


The top directory of the tarball. If there are multiple top directories or the tarball is empty, returns None.

Return type:

str | pathlib.PurePosixPath | None

abstract build_dpdk(env_vars: dict, meson_args: MesonArgs, remote_dpdk_dir: str | pathlib.PurePath, remote_dpdk_build_dir: str | pathlib.PurePath, rebuild: bool = False, timeout: float = 1200) None

Build DPDK on the remote node.

An extracted DPDK tarball must be present on the node. The build consists of two steps:

meson setup <meson args> remote_dpdk_dir remote_dpdk_build_dir
ninja -C remote_dpdk_build_dir

The --compile-timeout command line argument and the DTS_COMPILE_TIMEOUT environment variable configure the timeout of DPDK build.

  • env_vars (dict) – Use these environment variables when building DPDK.

  • meson_args (MesonArgs) – Use these meson arguments when building DPDK.

  • remote_dpdk_dir (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The directory on the remote node where DPDK will be built.

  • remote_dpdk_build_dir (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The target build directory on the remote node.

  • rebuild (bool) – If True, do a subsequent build with meson configure instead of meson setup.

  • timeout (float) – Wait at most this long in seconds for the build execution to complete.

abstract get_dpdk_version(version_path: str | pathlib.PurePath) str

Inspect the DPDK version on the remote node.


version_path (str | pathlib.PurePath) – The path to the VERSION file containing the DPDK version.


The DPDK version.

Return type:


abstract get_remote_cpus() list[framework.testbed_model.cpu.LogicalCore]

Get the list of LogicalCores on the remote node.


use_first_core – If False, the first physical core won’t be used.


The logical cores present on the node.

Return type:


abstract kill_cleanup_dpdk_apps(dpdk_prefix_list: Iterable[str]) None

Kill and cleanup all DPDK apps.


dpdk_prefix_list (Iterable[str]) – Kill all apps identified by dpdk_prefix_list. If dpdk_prefix_list is empty, attempt to find running DPDK apps to kill and clean.

abstract get_dpdk_file_prefix(dpdk_prefix: str) str

Make OS-specific modification to the DPDK file prefix.


dpdk_prefix (str) – The OS-unaware file prefix.


The OS-specific file prefix.

Return type:


abstract setup_hugepages(number_of: int, hugepage_size: int, force_first_numa: bool) None

Configure hugepages on the node.

Get the node’s Hugepage Size, configure the specified count of hugepages if needed and mount the hugepages if needed.

  • number_of (int) – Configure this many hugepages.

  • hugepage_size (int) – Configure hugepages of this size.

  • force_first_numa (bool) – If True, configure just on the first numa node.

abstract get_compiler_version(compiler_name: str) str

Get installed version of compiler used for DPDK.


compiler_name (str) – The name of the compiler executable.


The compiler’s version.

Return type:


abstract get_node_info() OSSessionInfo

Collect additional information about the node.


Node information.

Return type:


abstract get_arch_info() str

Discover CPU architecture of the remote host.


Remote host CPU architecture.

Return type:


abstract get_port_info(pci_address: str) tuple[str, str]

Get port information.


A tuple containing the logical name and MAC address respectively.


ConfigurationError – If the port could not be found.

Return type:

tuple[str, str]

Send operating system specific command for bringing up link on node interfaces.


ports (Iterable[Port]) – The ports to apply the link up command to.

abstract configure_port_mtu(mtu: int, port: Port) None

Configure mtu on port.

  • mtu (int) – Desired MTU value.

  • port (Port) – Port to set mtu on.