testpmd_shell - Testpmd Interactive Remote Shell

Testpmd interactive shell.

Typical usage example in a TestSuite:

testpmd_shell = TestPmdShell(self.sut_node)
devices = testpmd_shell.get_devices()
for device in devices:
class TestPmdDevice

Bases: object

The data of a device that testpmd can recognize.


The PCI address of the device.



__init__(pci_address_line: str)

Initialize the device from the testpmd output line string.


pci_address_line (str) – A line of testpmd output that contains a device.

class VLANOffloadFlag

Bases: Flag

Flag representing the VLAN offload settings of a NIC port.

classmethod from_str_dict(d)

Makes an instance from a dict containing the flag member names with an “on” value.


d – A dictionary containing the flag members as keys and any string value.


A new instance of the flag.

classmethod make_parser() ParserFn

Makes a parser function.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this flag from text.

Return type:


class ChecksumOffloadOptions

Bases: Flag

Flag representing checksum hardware offload layer options.

ip = 1
udp = 2
tcp = 4
sctp = 8
outer_ip = 16
outer_udp = 32
class RSSOffloadTypesFlag

Bases: Flag

Flag representing the RSS offload flow types supported by the NIC port.

ipv4 = 1
ipv4_frag = 2
ipv4_tcp = 4
ipv4_udp = 8
ipv4_sctp = 16
ipv4_other = 32
ipv6 = 64
ipv6_frag = 128
ipv6_tcp = 256
ipv6_udp = 512
ipv6_sctp = 1024
ipv6_other = 2048
l2_payload = 4096
ipv6_ex = 8192
ipv6_tcp_ex = 16384
ipv6_udp_ex = 32768
port = 65536
vxlan = 131072
geneve = 262144
nvgre = 524288
user_defined_22 = 1048576
gtpu = 2097152
eth = 4194304
s_vlan = 8388608
c_vlan = 16777216
esp = 33554432
ah = 67108864
l2tpv3 = 134217728
pfcp = 268435456
pppoe = 536870912
ecpri = 1073741824
mpls = 2147483648
ipv4_chksum = 4294967296
l4_chksum = 8589934592
l2tpv2 = 17179869184
ipv6_flow_label = 34359738368
user_defined_38 = 68719476736
user_defined_39 = 137438953472
user_defined_40 = 274877906944
user_defined_41 = 549755813888
user_defined_42 = 1099511627776
user_defined_43 = 2199023255552
user_defined_44 = 4398046511104
user_defined_45 = 8796093022208
user_defined_46 = 17592186044416
user_defined_47 = 35184372088832
user_defined_48 = 70368744177664
user_defined_49 = 140737488355328
user_defined_50 = 281474976710656
user_defined_51 = 562949953421312
l3_pre96 = 1125899906842624
l3_pre64 = 2251799813685248
l3_pre56 = 4503599627370496
l3_pre48 = 9007199254740992
l3_pre40 = 18014398509481984
l3_pre32 = 36028797018963968
l2_dst_only = 72057594037927936
l2_src_only = 144115188075855872
l4_dst_only = 288230376151711744
l4_src_only = 576460752303423488
l3_dst_only = 1152921504606846976
l3_src_only = 2305843009213693952
ip = 10467
udp = 33288
tcp = 16644
sctp = 1040
tunnel = 917504
vlan = 25165824
all = 20935933951
classmethod from_list_string(names: str) typing_extensions.Self

Makes a flag from a whitespace-separated list of names.


names (str) – a whitespace-separated list containing the members of this flag.


An instance of this flag.

Return type:


classmethod from_str(name: str) typing_extensions.Self

Makes a flag matching the supplied name.


name (str) – a valid member of this flag in text


An instance of this flag.

Return type:


classmethod make_parser() ParserFn

Makes a parser function.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this flag from text.

Return type:


class DeviceCapabilitiesFlag

Bases: Flag

Flag representing the device capabilities.


Device supports Rx queue setup after device started.


Device supports Tx queue setup after device started.


Device supports shared Rx queue among ports within Rx domain and switch domain.


Device supports keeping flow rules across restart.


Device supports keeping shared flow objects across restart.

classmethod make_parser() ParserFn

Makes a parser function.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this flag from text.

Return type:


class DeviceErrorHandlingMode

Bases: StrEnum

Enum representing the device error handling mode.

none = 'none'
passive = 'passive'
proactive = 'proactive'
unknown = 'unknown'
classmethod make_parser() ParserFn

Makes a parser function.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this enum from text.

Return type:


make_device_private_info_parser() ParserFn

Device private information parser.

Ensures that we are not parsing invalid device private info output.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a parser

function that parses the device private info from the TestPmd port info output.

Return type:


class RxQueueState

Bases: StrEnum

RX queue states.


DPDK lib: lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h testpmd display function: app/test-pmd/config.c:get_queue_state_name()

stopped = 'stopped'
started = 'started'
hairpin = 'hairpin'
unknown = 'unknown'
classmethod make_parser() ParserFn

Makes a parser function.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this enum from text.

Return type:


class TestPmdQueueInfo

Bases: TextParser

Dataclass representation of the common parts of the testpmd show rxq/txq info commands.

prefetch_threshold: int
host_threshold: int
writeback_threshold: int
free_threshold: int
deferred_start: bool
ring_size: int

The number of RXD/TXDs is just the ring size of the queue.

is_queue_started: bool
burst_mode: str | None = None
__init__(prefetch_threshold: int, host_threshold: int, writeback_threshold: int, free_threshold: int, deferred_start: bool, ring_size: int, is_queue_started: bool, burst_mode: str | None = None) None
class TestPmdTxqInfo

Bases: TestPmdQueueInfo

Representation of testpmd’s show txq info <port_id> <queue_id> command.


testpmd command function: app/test-pmd/cmdline.c:cmd_showqueue() testpmd display function: app/test-pmd/config.c:rx_queue_infos_display()

rs_threshold: int | None = None

Ring size threshold

__init__(prefetch_threshold: int, host_threshold: int, writeback_threshold: int, free_threshold: int, deferred_start: bool, ring_size: int, is_queue_started: bool, burst_mode: str | None = None, rs_threshold: int | None = None) None
class TestPmdRxqInfo

Bases: TestPmdQueueInfo

Representation of testpmd’s show rxq info <port_id> <queue_id> command.


testpmd command function: app/test-pmd/cmdline.c:cmd_showqueue() testpmd display function: app/test-pmd/config.c:rx_queue_infos_display()

mempool: str | None = None

Mempool used by that queue

drop_packets: bool | None = None

Drop packets if no descriptors are available

scattered_packets: bool | None = None

Scattered packets Rx enabled

queue_state: str | None = None

The state of the queue

__init__(prefetch_threshold: int, host_threshold: int, writeback_threshold: int, free_threshold: int, deferred_start: bool, ring_size: int, is_queue_started: bool, burst_mode: str | None = None, mempool: str | None = None, drop_packets: bool | None = None, scattered_packets: bool | None = None, queue_state: str | None = None) None
class TestPmdPort

Bases: TextParser

Dataclass representing the result of testpmd’s show port info command.

id: int
device_name: str
driver_name: str
socket_id: int
is_promiscuous_mode_enabled: bool
is_allmulticast_mode_enabled: bool
max_mac_addresses_num: int

Maximum number of MAC addresses

max_hash_mac_addresses_num: int

Maximum configurable length of RX packet

min_rx_bufsize: int

Minimum size of RX buffer

max_rx_packet_length: int

Maximum configurable length of RX packet

max_lro_packet_size: int

Maximum configurable size of LRO aggregated packet

rx_queues_num: int

Current number of RX queues

max_rx_queues_num: int

Max possible RX queues

max_queue_rxd_num: int

Max possible number of RXDs per queue

min_queue_rxd_num: int

Min possible number of RXDs per queue

rxd_alignment_num: int

RXDs number alignment

tx_queues_num: int

Current number of TX queues

max_tx_queues_num: int

Max possible TX queues

max_queue_txd_num: int

Max possible number of TXDs per queue

min_queue_txd_num: int

Min possible number of TXDs per queue

txd_alignment_num: int

TXDs number alignment

max_packet_segment_num: int

Max segment number per packet

max_mtu_segment_num: int

Max segment number per MTU/TSO

device_capabilities: DeviceCapabilitiesFlag
device_error_handling_mode: framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.DeviceErrorHandlingMode | None = None
device_private_info: str | None = None
hash_key_size: int | None = None
redirection_table_size: int | None = None
supported_rss_offload_flow_types: RSSOffloadTypesFlag = 0
mac_address: str | None = None
fw_version: str | None = None
dev_args: str | None = None
mem_alloc_socket_id: int | None = None

Socket id of the memory allocation

mtu: int | None = None
vlan_offload: framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.VLANOffloadFlag | None = None
max_rx_bufsize: int | None = None

Maximum size of RX buffer

max_vfs_num: int | None = None

Maximum number of VFs

max_vmdq_pools_num: int | None = None

Maximum number of VMDq pools

switch_name: str | None = None
switch_domain_id: int | None = None
switch_port_id: int | None = None
switch_rx_domain: int | None = None
__init__(id: int, device_name: str, driver_name: str, socket_id: int, is_link_up: bool, link_speed: str, is_link_full_duplex: bool, is_link_autonegotiated: bool, is_promiscuous_mode_enabled: bool, is_allmulticast_mode_enabled: bool, max_mac_addresses_num: int, max_hash_mac_addresses_num: int, min_rx_bufsize: int, max_rx_packet_length: int, max_lro_packet_size: int, rx_queues_num: int, max_rx_queues_num: int, max_queue_rxd_num: int, min_queue_rxd_num: int, rxd_alignment_num: int, tx_queues_num: int, max_tx_queues_num: int, max_queue_txd_num: int, min_queue_txd_num: int, txd_alignment_num: int, max_packet_segment_num: int, max_mtu_segment_num: int, device_capabilities: ~framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.DeviceCapabilitiesFlag, device_error_handling_mode: framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.DeviceErrorHandlingMode | None = None, device_private_info: str | None = None, hash_key_size: int | None = None, redirection_table_size: int | None = None, supported_rss_offload_flow_types: ~framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.RSSOffloadTypesFlag = RSSOffloadTypesFlag.None, mac_address: str | None = None, fw_version: str | None = None, dev_args: str | None = None, mem_alloc_socket_id: int | None = None, mtu: int | None = None, vlan_offload: framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.VLANOffloadFlag | None = None, max_rx_bufsize: int | None = None, max_vfs_num: int | None = None, max_vmdq_pools_num: int | None = None, switch_name: str | None = None, switch_domain_id: int | None = None, switch_port_id: int | None = None, switch_rx_domain: int | None = None) None
class TestPmdPortStats

Bases: TextParser

Port statistics.

port_id: int
rx_packets: int
rx_missed: int
rx_bytes: int
rx_errors: int
rx_nombuf: int
tx_packets: int
tx_errors: int
tx_bytes: int
rx_pps: int
rx_bps: int
tx_pps: int
tx_bps: int
__init__(port_id: int, rx_packets: int, rx_missed: int, rx_bytes: int, rx_errors: int, rx_nombuf: int, tx_packets: int, tx_errors: int, tx_bytes: int, rx_pps: int, rx_bps: int, tx_pps: int, tx_bps: int) None
class FlowRule

Bases: object

Class representation of flow rule parameters.

This class represents the parameters of any flow rule as per the following pattern:

[group {group_id}] [priority {level}] [ingress] [egress] [user_id {user_id}] pattern {item} [/ {item} […]] / end actions {action} [/ {action} […]] / end

group_id: int | None = None
priority_level: int | None = None
direction: Literal['ingress', 'egress']
user_id: int | None = None
pattern: list[str]
actions: list[str]
__init__(*, group_id: int | None = None, priority_level: int | None = None, direction: Literal['ingress', 'egress'], user_id: int | None = None, pattern: list[str], actions: list[str]) None
class PacketOffloadFlag

Bases: Flag

Flag representing the Packet Offload Features Flags in DPDK.

Values in this class are taken from the definitions in the RTE MBUF core library in DPDK located in lib/mbuf/rte_mbuf_core.h. It is expected that flag values in this class will match the values they are set to in said DPDK library with one exception; all values must be unique. For example, the definitions for unknown checksum flags in rte_mbuf_core.h are all set to 0, but it is valuable to distinguish between them in this framework. For this reason flags that are not unique in the DPDK library are set either to values within the RTE_MBUF_F_FIRST_FREE-RTE_MBUF_F_LAST_FREE range for Rx or shifted 61+ bits for Tx.


DPDK lib: lib/mbuf/rte_mbuf_core.h


The RX packet is a 802.1q VLAN packet, and the tci has been saved in mbuf->vlan_tci. If the flag RTE_MBUF_F_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED is also present, the VLAN header has been stripped from mbuf data, else it is still present.


RX packet with RSS hash result.


RX packet with FDIR match indicate.


This flag is set when the outermost IP header checksum is detected as wrong by the hardware.


A vlan has been stripped by the hardware and its tci is saved in mbuf->vlan_tci. This can only happen if vlan stripping is enabled in the RX configuration of the PMD. When RTE_MBUF_F_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED is set, RTE_MBUF_F_RX_VLAN must also be set.


No information about the RX IP checksum. Value is 0 in the DPDK library.


The IP checksum in the packet is wrong.


The IP checksum in the packet is valid.


The IP checksum is not correct in the packet data, but the integrity of the IP header is verified. Value is RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD | RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in the DPDK library.


No information about the RX L4 checksum. Value is 0 in the DPDK library.


The L4 checksum in the packet is wrong.


The L4 checksum in the packet is valid.


The L4 checksum is not correct in the packet data, but the integrity of the L4 data is verified. Value is RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD | RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in the DPDK library.


RX IEEE1588 L2 Ethernet PT Packet.


RX IEEE1588 L2/L4 timestamped packet.


FD id reported if FDIR match.


Flexible bytes reported if FDIR match.


If both RTE_MBUF_F_RX_QINQ_STRIPPED and RTE_MBUF_F_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED are set, the 2 VLANs have been stripped by the hardware. If RTE_MBUF_F_RX_QINQ_STRIPPED is set and RTE_MBUF_F_RX_VLAN_STRIPPED is unset, only the outer VLAN is removed from packet data.

RTE_MBUF_F_RX_LRO = 268435456

When packets are coalesced by a hardware or virtual driver, this flag can be set in the RX mbuf, meaning that the m->tso_segsz field is valid and is set to the segment size of original packets.


Indicate that security offload processing was applied on the RX packet.


Indicate that security offload processing failed on the RX packet.

RTE_MBUF_F_RX_QINQ = 1073741824

The RX packet is a double VLAN. If this flag is set, RTE_MBUF_F_RX_VLAN must also be set. If the flag RTE_MBUF_F_RX_QINQ_STRIPPED is also present, both VLANs headers have been stripped from mbuf data, else they are still present.


No info about the outer RX L4 checksum. Value is 0 in the DPDK library.


The outer L4 checksum in the packet is wrong


The outer L4 checksum in the packet is valid


Invalid outer L4 checksum state. Value is RTE_MBUF_F_RX_OUTER_L4_CKSUM_BAD | RTE_MBUF_F_RX_OUTER_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in the DPDK library.


Outer UDP checksum offload flag. This flag is used for enabling outer UDP checksum in PMD. To use outer UDP checksum, the user either needs to enable the following in mbuf:

  1. Fill outer_l2_len and outer_l3_len in mbuf.

  2. Set the RTE_MBUF_F_TX_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM flag.


Or configure RTE_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM offload flag.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_UDP_SEG = 4398046511104

UDP Fragmentation Offload flag. This flag is used for enabling UDP fragmentation in SW or in HW.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_SEC_OFFLOAD = 8796093022208

Request security offload processing on the TX packet. To use Tx security offload, the user needs to fill l2_len in mbuf indicating L2 header size and where L3 header starts. Similarly, l3_len should also be filled along with ol_flags reflecting current L3 type.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_MACSEC = 17592186044416

Offload the MACsec. This flag must be set by the application to enable this offload feature for a packet to be transmitted.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_VXLAN = 35184372088832
RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_GRE = 70368744177664
RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_IPIP = 2305843009213693952

Value is 3 << 45 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_GENEVE = 140737488355328
RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_MPLSINUDP = 4611686018427387904

TX packet with MPLS-in-UDP RFC 7510 header. Value is 5 << 45 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_VXLAN_GPE = 9223372036854775808

Value is 6 << 45 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_GTP = 18446744073709551616

Value is 7 << 45 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_ESP = 281474976710656
RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_IP = 36893488147419103232

Generic IP encapsulated tunnel type, used for TSO and checksum offload. This can be used for tunnels which are not standards or listed above. It is preferred to use specific tunnel flags like RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_GRE or RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_IPIP if possible. The ethdev must be configured with RTE_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_IP_TNL_TSO. Outer and inner checksums are done according to the existing flags like RTE_MBUF_F_TX_xxx_CKSUM. Specific tunnel headers that contain payload length, sequence id or checksum are not expected to be updated. Value is 0xD << 45 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_UDP = 73786976294838206464

Generic UDP encapsulated tunnel type, used for TSO and checksum offload. UDP tunnel type implies outer IP layer. It can be used for tunnels which are not standards or listed above. It is preferred to use specific tunnel flags like RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TUNNEL_VXLAN if possible. The ethdev must be configured with RTE_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_TNL_TSO. Outer and inner checksums are done according to the existing flags like RTE_MBUF_F_TX_xxx_CKSUM. Specific tunnel headers that contain payload length, sequence id or checksum are not expected to be updated. value is 0xE << 45 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_QINQ = 562949953421312

Double VLAN insertion (QinQ) request to driver, driver may offload the insertion based on device capability. Mbuf ‘vlan_tci’ & ‘vlan_tci_outer’ must be valid when this flag is set.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TCP_SEG = 147573952589676412928

TCP segmentation offload. To enable this offload feature for a packet to be transmitted on hardware supporting TSO:

  • set the RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TCP_SEG flag in mbuf->ol_flags (this flag implies


  • set the flag RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV4 or RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV6
    • if it’s IPv4, set the RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IP_CKSUM flag

  • fill the mbuf offload information: l2_len, l3_len, l4_len, tso_segsz

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IEEE1588_TMST = 295147905179352825856

TX IEEE1588 packet to timestamp.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_L4_NO_CKSUM = 147573952589676412928

Disable L4 cksum of TX pkt. Value is 0 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_TCP_CKSUM = 4503599627370496

TCP cksum of TX pkt. Computed by NIC.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_SCTP_CKSUM = 9007199254740992

SCTP cksum of TX pkt. Computed by NIC.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_UDP_CKSUM = 295147905179352825856

UDP cksum of TX pkt. Computed by NIC. Value is 3 << 52 in the DPDK library.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IP_CKSUM = 18014398509481984

Offload the IP checksum in the hardware. The flag RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV4 should also be set by the application, although a PMD will only check RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IP_CKSUM.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV4 = 590295810358705651712

Packet is IPv4. This flag must be set when using any offload feature (TSO, L3 or L4 checksum) to tell the NIC that the packet is an IPv4 packet. If the packet is a tunneled packet, this flag is related to the inner headers.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_IPV6 = 1180591620717411303424

Packet is IPv6. This flag must be set when using an offload feature (TSO or L4 checksum) to tell the NIC that the packet is an IPv6 packet. If the packet is a tunneled packet, this flag is related to the inner headers.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_VLAN = 2361183241434822606848

VLAN tag insertion request to driver, driver may offload the insertion based on the device capability. mbuf ‘vlan_tci’ field must be valid when this flag is set.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM = 4722366482869645213696

Offload the IP checksum of an external header in the hardware. The flag RTE_MBUF_F_TX_OUTER_IPV4 should also be set by the application, although a PMD will only check RTE_MBUF_F_TX_OUTER_IP_CKSUM.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_OUTER_IPV4 = 9444732965739290427392

Packet outer header is IPv4. This flag must be set when using any outer offload feature (L3 or L4 checksum) to tell the NIC that the outer header of the tunneled packet is an IPv4 packet.

RTE_MBUF_F_TX_OUTER_IPV6 = 18889465931478580854784

Packet outer header is IPv6. This flag must be set when using any outer offload feature (L4 checksum) to tell the NIC that the outer header of the tunneled packet is an IPv6 packet.

classmethod from_list_string(names: str) typing_extensions.Self

Makes a flag from a whitespace-separated list of names.


names (str) – a whitespace-separated list containing the members of this flag.


An instance of this flag.

Return type:


classmethod from_str(name: str) typing_extensions.Self

Makes a flag matching the supplied name.


name (str) – a valid member of this flag in text


An instance of this flag.

Return type:


classmethod make_parser() ParserFn

Makes a parser function.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this flag from text.

Return type:


class RtePTypes

Bases: Flag

Flag representing possible packet types in DPDK verbose output.

Values in this class are derived from definitions in the RTE MBUF ptype library in DPDK located in lib/mbuf/rte_mbuf_ptype.h. Specifically, the names of values in this class should match the possible return options from the functions rte_get_ptype_*_name in rte_mbuf_ptype.c.


DPDK lib: lib/mbuf/rte_mbuf_ptype.h DPDK ptype name formatting functions: lib/mbuf/rte_mbuf_ptype.c:rte_get_ptype_*_name()

L2_ETHER = 1

Ethernet packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases.


Ethernet packet type for time sync.


ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) packet type.


LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) packet type.


NSH (Network Service Header) packet type.


VLAN packet type.


QinQ packet type.


PPPOE packet type.


FCoE packet type..


MPLS packet type.

L2_UNKNOWN = 1024

No L2 packet information.

L3_IPV4 = 2048

IP (Internet Protocol) version 4 packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases, and does not contain any header option.

L3_IPV4_EXT = 4096

IP (Internet Protocol) version 4 packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases, and contains header options.

L3_IPV6 = 8192

IP (Internet Protocol) version 6 packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases, and does not contain any extension header.


IP (Internet Protocol) version 4 packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases, and may or maynot contain header options.

L3_IPV6_EXT = 32768

IP (Internet Protocol) version 6 packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases, and contains extension headers.


IP (Internet Protocol) version 6 packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases, and may or maynot contain extension headers.

L3_UNKNOWN = 131072

No L3 packet information.

L4_TCP = 262144

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases.

L4_UDP = 524288

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases.

L4_FRAG = 1048576

Fragmented IP (Internet Protocol) packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases and refers to those packets of any IP types which can be recognized as fragmented. A fragmented packet cannot be recognized as any other L4 types (RTE_PTYPE_L4_TCP, RTE_PTYPE_L4_UDP, RTE_PTYPE_L4_SCTP, RTE_PTYPE_L4_ICMP, RTE_PTYPE_L4_NONFRAG).

L4_SCTP = 2097152

SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases.

L4_ICMP = 4194304

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases.

L4_NONFRAG = 8388608

Non-fragmented IP (Internet Protocol) packet type. This is used for outer packet for tunneling cases and refers to those packets of any IP types, that cannot be recognized as any of the above L4 types (RTE_PTYPE_L4_TCP, RTE_PTYPE_L4_UDP, RTE_PTYPE_L4_FRAG, RTE_PTYPE_L4_SCTP, RTE_PTYPE_L4_ICMP).

L4_IGMP = 16777216

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) packet type.

L4_UNKNOWN = 33554432

No L4 packet information.

TUNNEL_IP = 67108864

IP (Internet Protocol) in IP (Internet Protocol) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_GRE = 134217728

GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_VXLAN = 268435456

VXLAN (Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_NVGRE = 536870912

NVGRE (Network Virtualization using Generic Routing Encapsulation) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_GENEVE = 1073741824

GENEVE (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_GRENAT = 2147483648

Tunneling packet type of Teredo, VXLAN (Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network) or GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) could be recognized as this packet type, if they can not be recognized independently as of hardware capability.

TUNNEL_GTPC = 4294967296

GTP-C (GPRS Tunnelling Protocol) control tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_GTPU = 8589934592

GTP-U (GPRS Tunnelling Protocol) user data tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_ESP = 17179869184

ESP (IP Encapsulating Security Payload) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_L2TP = 34359738368

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_VXLAN_GPE = 68719476736

VXLAN-GPE (VXLAN Generic Protocol Extension) tunneling packet type.

TUNNEL_MPLS_IN_UDP = 137438953472

MPLS-in-UDP tunneling packet type (RFC 7510).

TUNNEL_MPLS_IN_GRE = 274877906944

MPLS-in-GRE tunneling packet type (RFC 4023).

TUNNEL_UNKNOWN = 549755813888

No tunnel information found on the packet.

INNER_L2_ETHER = 1099511627776

Ethernet packet type. This is used for inner packet type only.

INNER_L2_ETHER_VLAN = 2199023255552

Ethernet packet type with VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) tag.

INNER_L2_ETHER_QINQ = 4398046511104

QinQ packet type.

INNER_L2_UNKNOWN = 8796093022208

No inner L2 information found on the packet.

INNER_L3_IPV4 = 17592186044416

IP (Internet Protocol) version 4 packet type. This is used for inner packet only, and does not contain any header option.

INNER_L3_IPV4_EXT = 35184372088832

IP (Internet Protocol) version 4 packet type. This is used for inner packet only, and contains header options.

INNER_L3_IPV6 = 70368744177664

IP (Internet Protocol) version 6 packet type. This is used for inner packet only, and does not contain any extension header.

INNER_L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN = 140737488355328

IP (Internet Protocol) version 4 packet type. This is used for inner packet only, and may or may not contain header options.

INNER_L3_IPV6_EXT = 281474976710656

IP (Internet Protocol) version 6 packet type. This is used for inner packet only, and contains extension headers.

INNER_L3_IPV6_EXT_UNKNOWN = 562949953421312

IP (Internet Protocol) version 6 packet type. This is used for inner packet only, and may or may not contain extension headers.

INNER_L3_UNKNOWN = 1125899906842624

No inner L3 information found on the packet.

INNER_L4_TCP = 2251799813685248

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packet type. This is used for inner packet only.

INNER_L4_UDP = 4503599627370496

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packet type. This is used for inner packet only.

INNER_L4_FRAG = 9007199254740992

Fragmented IP (Internet Protocol) packet type. This is used for inner packet only, and may or maynot have a layer 4 packet.

INNER_L4_SCTP = 18014398509481984

SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) packet type. This is used for inner packet only.

INNER_L4_ICMP = 36028797018963968

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packet type. This is used for inner packet only.

INNER_L4_NONFRAG = 72057594037927936

Non-fragmented IP (Internet Protocol) packet type. It is used for inner packet only, and may or may not have other unknown layer 4 packet types.

INNER_L4_UNKNOWN = 144115188075855872

No inner L4 information found on the packet.

classmethod from_list_string(names: str) typing_extensions.Self

Makes a flag from a whitespace-separated list of names.


names (str) – a whitespace-separated list containing the members of this flag.


An instance of this flag.

Return type:


classmethod from_str(name: str) typing_extensions.Self

Makes a flag matching the supplied name.


name (str) – a valid member of this flag in text


An instance of this flag.

Return type:


classmethod make_parser(hw: bool) ParserFn

Makes a parser function.


hw (bool) – Whether to make a parser for hardware ptypes or software ptypes. If True, hardware ptypes will be collected, otherwise software pytpes will.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this flag from text.

Return type:


class TestPmdVerbosePacket

Bases: TextParser

Packet information provided by verbose output in Testpmd.

This dataclass expects that packet information be prepended with the starting line of packet bursts. Specifically, the line that reads “port X/queue Y: sent/received Z packets”.

port_id: int

ID of the port that handled the packet.

queue_id: int

ID of the queue that handled the packet.

was_received: bool

Whether the packet was received or sent by the queue/port.

src_mac: str
dst_mac: str
pool: str

Memory pool the packet was handled on.

p_type: int

Packet type in hex.

length: int
nb_segs: int

Number of segments in the packet.

hw_ptype: RtePTypes

Hardware packet type.

sw_ptype: RtePTypes

Software packet type.

l2_len: int
ol_flags: PacketOffloadFlag
rss_hash: int | None = None

RSS hash of the packet in hex.

rss_queue: int | None = None

RSS queue that handled the packet in hex.

l3_len: int | None = None
l4_len: int | None = None
__init__(port_id: int, queue_id: int, was_received: bool, src_mac: str, dst_mac: str, pool: str, p_type: int, length: int, nb_segs: int, hw_ptype: RtePTypes, sw_ptype: RtePTypes, l2_len: int, ol_flags: PacketOffloadFlag, rss_hash: int | None = None, rss_queue: int | None = None, l3_len: int | None = None, l4_len: int | None = None) None
class RxOffloadCapability

Bases: Flag

Rx offload capabilities of a device.

The flags are taken from lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h. They’re prefixed with RTE_ETH_RX_OFFLOAD in lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h instead of RX_OFFLOAD, which is what testpmd changes the prefix to. The values are not contiguous, so the correspondence is preserved by specifying concrete values interspersed between auto() values.

The RX_OFFLOAD prefix has been preserved so that the same flag names can be used in NicCapability. The prefix is needed in NicCapability since there’s no other qualifier which would sufficiently distinguish it from other capabilities.


DPDK lib: lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h testpmd display function: app/test-pmd/cmdline.c:print_rx_offloads()


Device supports L3 checksum offload.


Device supports L4 checksum offload.


Device supports L4 checksum offload.


Device supports Large Receive Offload.


Device supports QinQ (queue in queue) offload.


Device supports inner packet L3 checksum.


Device supports MACsec.


Device supports filtering of a VLAN Tag identifier.


Device supports VLAN offload.


Device supports receiving segmented mbufs.


Device supports Timestamp.


Device supports crypto processing while packet is received in NIC.


Device supports CRC stripping.


Device supports L4 checksum offload.


Device supports inner packet L4 checksum.


Device supports RSS hashing.


Device supports


Device supports all checksum capabilities.


Device supports all VLAN capabilities.

classmethod from_string(line: str) typing_extensions.Self

Make an instance from a string containing the flag names separated with a space.


line (str) – The line to parse.


A new instance containing all found flags.

Return type:


classmethod make_parser(per_port: bool) ParserFn

Make a parser function.


per_port (bool) – If True, will return capabilities per port. If False, will return capabilities per queue.


A dictionary for the dataclasses.field metadata argument containing a

parser function that makes an instance of this flag from text.

Return type:


class RxOffloadCapabilities

Bases: TextParser

The result of testpmd’s show port <port_id> rx_offload capabilities command.


testpmd command function: app/test-pmd/cmdline.c:cmd_rx_offload_get_capa() testpmd display function: app/test-pmd/cmdline.c:cmd_rx_offload_get_capa_parsed()

port_id: int
per_queue: RxOffloadCapability

Per-queue Rx offload capabilities.

per_port: RxOffloadCapability

Capabilities other than per-queue Rx offload capabilities.

__init__(port_id: int, per_queue: RxOffloadCapability, per_port: RxOffloadCapability) None
class TestPmdPortFlowCtrl

Bases: TextParser

Class representing a port’s flow control parameters.

The parameters can also be parsed from the output of show port <port_id> flow_ctrl.

rx: bool = False

Enable Reactive Extensions.

tx: bool = False

Enable Transmit.

high_water: int = 0

High threshold value to trigger XOFF.

low_water: int = 0

Low threshold value to trigger XON.

pause_time: int = 0

Pause quota in the Pause frame.

send_xon: bool = False

Send XON frame.

mac_ctrl_frame_fwd: bool = False

Enable receiving MAC control frames.

autoneg: bool = False

Change the auto-negotiation parameter.

__init__(rx: bool = False, tx: bool = False, high_water: int = 0, low_water: int = 0, pause_time: int = 0, send_xon: bool = False, mac_ctrl_frame_fwd: bool = False, autoneg: bool = False) None
requires_stopped_ports(func: Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, P]], Any]) Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, P]], Any]

Decorator for TestPmdShell commands methods that require stopped ports.

If the decorated method is called while the ports are started, then these are stopped before continuing.


func (Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, ~P]], Any]) – The TestPmdShell method to decorate.

requires_started_ports(func: Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, P]], Any]) Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, P]], Any]

Decorator for TestPmdShell commands methods that require started ports.

If the decorated method is called while the ports are stopped, then these are started before continuing.


func (Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, ~P]], Any]) – The TestPmdShell method to decorate.

add_remove_mtu(mtu: int = 1500) Callable[[Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, P]], Any]], Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, P]], Any]]

Configure MTU to mtu on all ports, run the decorated function, then revert.


mtu (int) – The MTU to configure all ports on.


The method decorated with setting and reverting MTU.

Return type:

Callable[[Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, ~P]], Any]], Callable[[Concatenate[TestPmdShell, ~P]], Any]]

class TestPmdShell

Bases: DPDKShell

Testpmd interactive shell.

The testpmd shell users should never use the send_command() method directly, but rather call specialized methods. If there isn’t one that satisfies a need, it should be added.


Indicates whether the ports are started.



path: ClassVar[PurePath] = PurePosixPath('app/dpdk-testpmd')

The path to the testpmd executable.

__init__(name: str | None = None, privileged: bool = True, **app_params: typing_extensions.Unpack.<class 'framework.params.types.TestPmdParamsDict'>) None

Overrides __init__(). Changes app_params to kwargs.

property ports: list[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdPort]

The ports of the instance.

This caches the ports returned by show_port_info_all(). To force an update of port information, execute show_port_info_all() or show_port_info().

Returns: The list of known testpmd ports.

start(verify: bool = True) None

Start packet forwarding with the current configuration.


verify (bool) – If True , a second start command will be sent in an attempt to verify packet forwarding started as expected.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and forwarding fails to start or ports fail to come up.

stop(verify: bool = True) str

Stop packet forwarding.


verify (bool) – If True , the output of the stop command is scanned to verify that forwarding was stopped successfully or not started. If neither is found, it is considered an error.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the command to stop forwarding results in an error.


Output gathered from the stop command and all other preceding logs in the buffer. This output is most often used to view forwarding statistics that are displayed when this command is sent as well as any verbose packet information that hasn’t been consumed prior to calling this method.

Return type:


get_devices() list[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdDevice]

Get a list of device names that are known to testpmd.

Uses the device info listed in testpmd and then parses the output.


A list of devices.

Return type:


Wait until the link status on the given port is “up”.

  • port_id (int) – Port to check the link status on.

  • timeout – Time to wait for the link to come up. The default value for this argument may be modified using the --timeout command-line argument or the DTS_TIMEOUT environment variable.


Whether the link came up in time or not.

Return type:


set_forward_mode(mode: SimpleForwardingModes, verify: bool = True)

Set packet forwarding mode.

  • mode (SimpleForwardingModes) – The forwarding mode to use.

  • verify (bool) – If True the output of the command will be scanned in an attempt to verify that the forwarding mode was set to mode properly.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the forwarding mode fails to update.

stop_all_ports(verify: bool = True) None

Stops all the ports.


verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command will be checked for a successful execution.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the ports were not stopped successfully.

start_all_ports(verify: bool = True) None

Starts all the ports.


verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command will be checked for a successful execution.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the ports were not started successfully.

set_ports_queues(number_of: int) None

Sets the number of queues per port.


number_of (int) – The number of RX/TX queues to create per port.


InternalError – If number_of is invalid.

show_port_info_all() list[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdPort]

Returns the information of all the ports.


A list containing all the ports information as TestPmdPort.

Return type:


show_port_info(port_id: int) TestPmdPort

Returns the given port information.


port_id (int) – The port ID to gather information for.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If port_id is invalid.


An instance of TestPmdPort containing the given port’s information.

Return type:


set_mac_addr(port_id: int, mac_address: str, add: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Add or remove a mac address on a given port’s Allowlist.

  • port_id (int) – The port ID the mac address is set on.

  • mac_address (str) – The mac address to be added to or removed from the specified port.

  • add (bool) – If True, add the specified mac address. If False, remove specified mac address.

  • verify (bool) – If :data:’True’, assert that the ‘mac_addr’ operation was successful. If :data:’False’, run the command and skip this assertion.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If the set mac address operation fails.

set_multicast_mac_addr(port_id: int, multi_addr: str, add: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Add or remove multicast mac address to a specified port’s allow list.

  • port_id (int) – The port ID the multicast address is set on.

  • multi_addr (str) – The multicast address to be added or removed from the filter.

  • add (bool) – If :data:’True’, add the specified multicast address to the port filter. If :data:’False’, remove the specified multicast address from the port filter.

  • verify (bool) – If :data:’True’, assert that the ‘mcast_addr’ operations was successful. If :data:’False’, execute the ‘mcast_addr’ operation and skip the assertion.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If either the ‘add’ or ‘remove’ operations fails.

show_port_stats_all() list[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdPortStats]

Returns the statistics of all the ports.


A list containing all the ports stats as TestPmdPortStats.

Return type:


show_port_stats(port_id: int) TestPmdPortStats

Returns the given port statistics.


port_id (int) – The port ID to gather information for.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If port_id is invalid.


An instance of TestPmdPortStats containing the given port’s stats.

Return type:


set_multicast_all(on: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Turns multicast mode on/off for the specified port.

  • on (bool) – If True, turns multicast mode on, otherwise turns off.

  • verify (bool) – If True an additional command will be sent to verify that multicast mode is properly set. Defaults to True.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and multicast mode is not properly set.

csum_set_hw(layers: ChecksumOffloadOptions, port_id: int, verify: bool = True) None

Enables hardware checksum offloading on the specified layer.

  • layers (ChecksumOffloadOptions) – The layer/layers that checksum offloading should be enabled on.

  • port_id (int) – The port number to enable checksum offloading on, should be within 0-32.

  • verify (bool) – If True the output of the command will be scanned in an attempt to verify that checksum offloading was enabled on the port.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If checksum offload is not enabled successfully.

flow_create(flow_rule: FlowRule, port_id: int) int

Creates a flow rule in the testpmd session.

This command is implicitly verified as needed to return the created flow rule id.

  • flow_rule (FlowRule) – FlowRule object used for creating testpmd flow rule.

  • port_id (int) – Integer representing the port to use.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If flow rule is invalid.


Id of created flow rule.

Return type:


flow_delete(flow_id: int, port_id: int, verify: bool = True) None

Deletes the specified flow rule from the testpmd session.

  • flow_id (int) – ID of the flow to remove.

  • port_id (int) – Integer representing the port to use.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command is scanned to ensure the flow rule was deleted successfully.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If flow rule is invalid.

set_port_mtu(port_id: int, mtu: int, verify: bool = True) None

Change the MTU of a port using testpmd.

Some PMDs require that the port be stopped before changing the MTU, and it does no harm to stop the port before configuring in cases where it isn’t required, so ports are stopped prior to changing their MTU. On the other hand, some PMDs require that the port had already been started once since testpmd startup. Therefore, ports are also started before stopping them to ensure this has happened.

  • port_id (int) – ID of the port to adjust the MTU on.

  • mtu (int) – Desired value for the MTU to be set to.

  • verify (bool) – If verify is True then the output will be scanned in an attempt to verify that the mtu was properly set on the port. Defaults to True.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the MTU was not properly updated on the port matching port_id.

set_port_mtu_all(mtu: int, verify: bool = True) None

Change the MTU of all ports using testpmd.

Runs set_port_mtu() for every port that testpmd is aware of.

  • mtu (int) – Desired value for the MTU to be set to.

  • verify (bool) – Whether to verify that setting the MTU on each port was successful or not. Defaults to True.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the MTU was not properly updated on at least one port.

static extract_verbose_output(output: str) list[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdVerbosePacket]

Extract the verbose information present in given testpmd output.

This method extracts sections of verbose output that begin with the line “port X/queue Y: sent/received Z packets” and end with the ol_flags of a packet.


output (str) – Testpmd output that contains verbose information


List of parsed packet information gathered from verbose information in output.

Return type:


set_vlan_filter(port: int, enable: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Set vlan filter on.

  • port (int) – The port number to enable VLAN filter on.

  • enable (bool) – Enable the filter on port if True, otherwise disable it.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command and show port info is scanned to verify that vlan filtering was set successfully.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the filter fails to update.

set_mac_address(port: int, mac_address: str, verify: bool = True) None

Set port’s MAC address.

  • port (int) – The number of the requested port.

  • mac_address (str) – The MAC address to set.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command is scanned to verify that the mac address is set in the specified port.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the command fails to execute.

set_flow_control(port: int, flow_ctrl: TestPmdPortFlowCtrl, verify: bool = True) None

Set the given port’s flow control.

  • port (int) – The number of the requested port.

  • flow_ctrl (TestPmdPortFlowCtrl) – The requested flow control parameters.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command is scanned to verify that the flow control in the specified port is set.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the command fails to execute.

show_port_flow_info(port: int) framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdPortFlowCtrl | None

Show port info flow.


port (int) – The number of the requested port.


The current port flow control parameters if supported, otherwise None.

Return type:

framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdPortFlowCtrl | None

rx_vlan(vlan: int, port: int, add: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Add specified vlan tag to the filter list on a port. Requires vlan filter to be on.

  • vlan (int) – The vlan tag to add, should be within 1-1005.

  • port (int) – The port number to add the tag on.

  • add (bool) – Adds the tag if True, otherwise removes the tag.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command is scanned to verify that the vlan tag was added to the filter list on the specified port.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the tag is not added.

set_vlan_strip(port: int, enable: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Enable or disable vlan stripping on the specified port.

  • port (int) – The port number to use.

  • enable (bool) – If True, will turn vlan stripping on, otherwise will turn off.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command and show port info is scanned to verify that vlan stripping was enabled on the specified port.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and stripping fails to update.

tx_vlan_set(port: int, enable: bool, vlan: int | None = None, verify: bool = True) None

Set hardware insertion of vlan tags in packets sent on a port.

  • port (int) – The port number to use.

  • enable (bool) – Sets vlan tag insertion if True, and resets if False.

  • vlan (int | None) – The vlan tag to insert if enable is True.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command is scanned to verify that vlan insertion was enabled on the specified port.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the insertion tag is not set.

set_promisc(port: int, enable: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Enable or disable promiscuous mode for the specified port.

  • port (int) – Port number to use.

  • enable (bool) – If True, turn promiscuous mode on, otherwise turn off.

  • verify (bool) – If True an additional command will be sent to verify that promiscuous mode is properly set. Defaults to True.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and promiscuous mode is not correctly set.

set_verbose(level: int, verify: bool = True) None

Set debug verbosity level.

  • level (int) – 0 - silent except for error 1 - fully verbose except for Tx packets 2 - fully verbose except for Rx packets >2 - fully verbose

  • verify (bool) – If True the command output will be scanned to verify that verbose level is properly set. Defaults to True.

rx_vxlan(vxlan_id: int, port_id: int, enable: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Add or remove vxlan id to/from filter list.

  • vxlan_id (int) – VXLAN ID to add to port filter list.

  • port_id (int) – ID of the port to modify VXLAN filter of.

  • enable (bool) – If True, adds specified VXLAN ID, otherwise removes it.

  • verify (bool) – If True, the output of the command is checked to verify the VXLAN ID was successfully added/removed from the port.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and VXLAN ID is not successfully added or removed.

get_capabilities_rx_offload(supported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability], unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability]) None

Get all rx offload capabilities and divide them into supported and unsupported.

  • supported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Supported capabilities will be added to this set.

  • unsupported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.

get_port_queue_info(port_id: int, queue_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool) TestPmdQueueInfo

Returns the current state of the specified queue.

setup_port_queue(port_id: int, queue_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool) None

Setup a given queue on a port.

This functionality cannot be verified because the setup action only takes effect when the queue is started.

  • port_id (int) – ID of the port where the queue resides.

  • queue_id (int) – ID of the queue to setup.

  • is_rx_queue (bool) – Type of queue to setup. If True an RX queue will be setup, otherwise a TX queue will be setup.

stop_port_queue(port_id: int, queue_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Stops a given queue on a port.

  • port_id (int) – ID of the port that the queue belongs to.

  • queue_id (int) – ID of the queue to stop.

  • is_rx_queue (bool) – Type of queue to stop. If True an RX queue will be stopped, otherwise a TX queue will be stopped.

  • verify (bool) – If True an additional command will be sent to verify the queue stopped. Defaults to True.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the queue fails to stop.

start_port_queue(port_id: int, queue_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Starts a given queue on a port.

First sets up the port queue, then starts it.

  • port_id (int) – ID of the port that the queue belongs to.

  • queue_id (int) – ID of the queue to start.

  • is_rx_queue (bool) – Type of queue to start. If True an RX queue will be started, otherwise a TX queue will be started.

  • verify (bool) – if True an additional command will be sent to verify that the queue was started. Defaults to True.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and the queue fails to start.

get_queue_ring_size(port_id: int, queue_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool) int

Returns the current size of the ring on the specified queue.

set_queue_ring_size(port_id: int, queue_id: int, size: int, is_rx_queue: bool, verify: bool = True) None

Update the ring size of an Rx/Tx queue on a given port.

Queue is setup after setting the ring size so that the queue info reflects this change and it can be verified.

  • port_id (int) – The port that the queue resides on.

  • queue_id (int) – The ID of the queue on the port.

  • size (int) – The size to update the ring size to.

  • is_rx_queue (bool) – Whether to modify an RX or TX queue. If True an RX queue will be updated, otherwise a TX queue will be updated.

  • verify (bool) – If True an additional command will be sent to check the ring size of the queue in an attempt to validate that the size was changes properly.


InteractiveCommandExecutionError – If verify is True and there is a failure when updating ring size.

set_queue_deferred_start(port_id: int, queue_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool, on: bool) None

Set the deferred start attribute of the specified queue on/off.

  • port_id (int) – The port that the queue resides on.

  • queue_id (int) – The ID of the queue on the port.

  • is_rx_queue (bool) – Whether to modify an RX or TX queue. If True an RX queue will be updated, otherwise a TX queue will be updated.

  • on (bool) – Whether to set deferred start mode on or off. If True deferred start will be turned on, otherwise it will be turned off.

get_capabilities_rxq_info(supported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability], unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability]) None

Get all rxq capabilities and divide them into supported and unsupported.

  • supported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Supported capabilities will be added to this set.

  • unsupported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.

get_capabilities_show_port_info(supported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability], unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability]) None

Get all capabilities from show port info and divide them into supported and unsupported.

  • supported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Supported capabilities will be added to this set.

  • unsupported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.

get_capabilities_mcast_filtering(supported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability], unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability]) None

Get multicast filtering capability from mcast_addr add and check for testpmd error code.

  • supported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Supported capabilities will be added to this set.

  • unsupported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.

get_capabilities_flow_ctrl(supported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability], unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet[NicCapability]) None

Get flow control capability and check for testpmd failure.

  • supported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Supported capabilities will be added to this set.

  • unsupported_capabilities (MutableSet[NicCapability]) – Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.

class NicCapability

Bases: Enum

A mapping between capability names and the associated TestPmdShell methods.

The TestPmdShell capability checking method executes the command that checks whether the capability is supported. A decorator may optionally be added to the method that will add and remove configuration that’s necessary to retrieve the capability support status. The Enum members may be assigned the method itself or a tuple of (capability_checking_method, decorator_function).

The signature of each TestPmdShell capability checking method must be:

fn(self, supported_capabilities: MutableSet, unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet) -> None

The capability checking method must get whether a capability is supported or not from a testpmd command. If multiple capabilities can be obtained from a testpmd command, each should be obtained in the method. These capabilities should then be added to supported_capabilities or unsupported_capabilities based on their support.

The two dictionaries are shared across all capability discovery function calls in a given test run so that we don’t call the same function multiple times. For example, when we find SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED in TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rxq_info(), we don’t go looking for it again if a different test case also needs it.

SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rxq_info>, <function add_remove_mtu.<locals>.decorator>)

Scattered packets Rx enabled

RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_STRIP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)
RX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports L3 checksum offload.

RX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports L4 checksum offload.

RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports L4 checksum offload.

RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_LRO: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports Large Receive Offload.

RX_OFFLOAD_QINQ_STRIP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports QinQ (queue in queue) offload.

RX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports inner packet L3 checksum.

RX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_STRIP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports MACsec.

RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_FILTER: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports filtering of a VLAN Tag identifier.

RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_EXTEND: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports VLAN offload.

RX_OFFLOAD_SCATTER: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports receiving segmented mbufs.

RX_OFFLOAD_TIMESTAMP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports Timestamp.

RX_OFFLOAD_SECURITY: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports crypto processing while packet is received in NIC.

RX_OFFLOAD_KEEP_CRC: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports CRC stripping.

RX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports L4 checksum offload.

RX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports inner packet L4 checksum.

RX_OFFLOAD_RSS_HASH: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports RSS hashing.

RX_OFFLOAD_BUFFER_SPLIT: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports scatter Rx packets to segmented mbufs.

RX_OFFLOAD_CHECKSUM: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports all checksum capabilities.

RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload>, None)

Device supports all VLAN capabilities.

RUNTIME_RX_QUEUE_SETUP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_show_port_info>, None)

Device supports Rx queue setup after device started.

RUNTIME_TX_QUEUE_SETUP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_show_port_info>, None)

Device supports Tx queue setup after device started.

RXQ_SHARE: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_show_port_info>, None)

Device supports shared Rx queue among ports within Rx domain and switch domain.

FLOW_RULE_KEEP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_show_port_info>, None)

Device supports keeping flow rules across restart.

FLOW_SHARED_OBJECT_KEEP: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_show_port_info>, None)

Device supports keeping shared flow objects across restart.

MCAST_FILTERING: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_mcast_filtering>, None)

Device supports multicast address filtering.

FLOW_CTRL: tuple[collections.abc.Callable[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], collections.abc.MutableSet[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.NicCapability], None], collections.abc.Callable[collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any], collections.abc.Callable[Concatenate[framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell.TestPmdShell, P], Any]] | None] = (<function TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_flow_ctrl>, None)

Device supports flow ctrl.