settings - Command Line Arguments and Environment Variables
Environment variables and command line arguments parsing.
This is a simple module utilizing the built-in argparse module to parse command line arguments, augment them with values from environment variables and make them available across the framework.
The command line value takes precedence, followed by the environment variable value, followed by the default value defined in this module.
The command line arguments along with the supported environment variables are:
- --test-runs-config-file
The path to the YAML configuration file of the test runs.
- --nodes-config-file
The path to the YAML configuration file of the nodes.
- --output-dir, --output
The directory where DTS logs and results are saved.
- --compile-timeout
The timeout for compiling DPDK.
- -t, --timeout
The timeout for all DTS operation except for compiling DPDK.
- -v, --verbose
Set to any value to enable logging everything to the console.
- --dpdk-tree
The path to the DPDK source tree directory to test. Cannot be used in conjunction with –tarball.
- --tarball, --snapshot
The path to the DPDK source tarball to test. DPDK must be contained in a folder with the same name as the tarball file. Cannot be used in conjunction with –dpdk-tree.
- --remote-source
Set this option if either the DPDK source tree or tarball to be used are located on the SUT node. Can only be used with –dpdk-tree or –tarball.
- --precompiled-build-dir
Define the subdirectory under the DPDK tree root directory or tarball where the pre-compiled binaries are located.
- --test-suite
A test suite with test cases which may be specified multiple times. In the environment variable, the suites are joined with a comma.
- --re-run, --re_run
Re-run each test case this many times in case of a failure.
- --random-seed
The seed to use with the pseudo-random generator. If not specified, the configuration value is used instead. If that’s also not specified, a random seed is generated.
The module provides one key module-level variable:
The module level variable storing framework-wide DTS settings.
Typical usage example:
from framework.settings import SETTINGS
foo =
- class Settings
Default framework-wide user settings.
The defaults may be modified at the start of the run.
- test_runs_config_path: Path
- nodes_config_path: Path
- output_dir: str
- timeout: float
- verbose: bool
- dpdk_location: framework.config.test_run.LocalDPDKTreeLocation | framework.config.test_run.LocalDPDKTarballLocation | framework.config.test_run.RemoteDPDKTreeLocation | framework.config.test_run.RemoteDPDKTarballLocation | None
- precompiled_build_dir: str | None
- compile_timeout: float
- test_suites: list[framework.config.test_run.TestSuiteConfig]
- re_run: int
- random_seed: int | None
- __init__(test_runs_config_path: ~pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/srv/dpdk_data/doc/current/dpdk/dts/test_runs.yaml'), nodes_config_path: ~pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/srv/dpdk_data/doc/current/dpdk/dts/nodes.yaml'), output_dir: str = 'output', timeout: float = 15, verbose: bool = False, dpdk_location: framework.config.test_run.LocalDPDKTreeLocation | framework.config.test_run.LocalDPDKTarballLocation | framework.config.test_run.RemoteDPDKTreeLocation | framework.config.test_run.RemoteDPDKTarballLocation | None = None, precompiled_build_dir: str | None = None, compile_timeout: float = 1200, test_suites: list[framework.config.test_run.TestSuiteConfig] = <factory>, re_run: int = 0, random_seed: int | None = None) None