DPDK  24.11.0-rc1
Data Structures | Macros | Functions
rte_ip_frag.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rte_config.h>
#include <rte_malloc.h>
#include <rte_memory.h>
#include <rte_ip.h>
#include <rte_byteorder.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  rte_ip_frag_death_row


Obsolete macros, kept here for compatibility reasons.

Will be deprecated/removed in future DPDK releases.

#define ipv6_extension_fragment   rte_ipv6_fragment_ext


struct rte_ip_frag_tbl * rte_ip_frag_table_create (uint32_t bucket_num, uint32_t bucket_entries, uint32_t max_entries, uint64_t max_cycles, int socket_id)
void rte_ip_frag_table_destroy (struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *tbl)
int32_t rte_ipv6_fragment_packet (struct rte_mbuf *pkt_in, struct rte_mbuf **pkts_out, uint16_t nb_pkts_out, uint16_t mtu_size, struct rte_mempool *pool_direct, struct rte_mempool *pool_indirect)
struct rte_mbufrte_ipv6_frag_reassemble_packet (struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *tbl, struct rte_ip_frag_death_row *dr, struct rte_mbuf *mb, uint64_t tms, struct rte_ipv6_hdr *ip_hdr, struct rte_ipv6_fragment_ext *frag_hdr)
static struct rte_ipv6_fragment_ext * rte_ipv6_frag_get_ipv6_fragment_header (struct rte_ipv6_hdr *hdr)
int32_t rte_ipv4_fragment_packet (struct rte_mbuf *pkt_in, struct rte_mbuf **pkts_out, uint16_t nb_pkts_out, uint16_t mtu_size, struct rte_mempool *pool_direct, struct rte_mempool *pool_indirect)
int32_t rte_ipv4_fragment_copy_nonseg_packet (struct rte_mbuf *pkt_in, struct rte_mbuf **pkts_out, uint16_t nb_pkts_out, uint16_t mtu_size, struct rte_mempool *pool_direct)
struct rte_mbufrte_ipv4_frag_reassemble_packet (struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *tbl, struct rte_ip_frag_death_row *dr, struct rte_mbuf *mb, uint64_t tms, struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ip_hdr)
static int rte_ipv4_frag_pkt_is_fragmented (const struct rte_ipv4_hdr *hdr)
void rte_ip_frag_free_death_row (struct rte_ip_frag_death_row *dr, uint32_t prefetch)
void rte_ip_frag_table_statistics_dump (FILE *f, const struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *tbl)
void rte_ip_frag_table_del_expired_entries (struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *tbl, struct rte_ip_frag_death_row *dr, uint64_t tms)

Detailed Description

RTE IP Fragmentation and Reassembly

Implementation of IP packet fragmentation and reassembly.

Definition in file rte_ip_frag.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



death row size (in packets)

Definition at line 31 of file rte_ip_frag.h.



death row size in mbufs

Definition at line 34 of file rte_ip_frag.h.




Definition at line 298 of file rte_ip_frag.h.




Definition at line 300 of file rte_ip_frag.h.

◆ ipv6_extension_fragment

#define ipv6_extension_fragment   rte_ipv6_fragment_ext


Definition at line 302 of file rte_ip_frag.h.

Function Documentation

◆ rte_ip_frag_table_create()

struct rte_ip_frag_tbl* rte_ip_frag_table_create ( uint32_t  bucket_num,
uint32_t  bucket_entries,
uint32_t  max_entries,
uint64_t  max_cycles,
int  socket_id 

Create a new IP fragmentation table.

bucket_numNumber of buckets in the hash table.
bucket_entriesNumber of entries per bucket (e.g. hash associativity). Should be power of two.
max_entriesMaximum number of entries that could be stored in the table. The value should be less or equal then bucket_num * bucket_entries.
max_cyclesMaximum TTL in cycles for each fragmented packet.
socket_idThe socket_id argument is the socket identifier in the case of NUMA. The value can be SOCKET_ID_ANY if there is no NUMA constraints.
The pointer to the new allocated fragmentation table, on success. NULL on error.
examples/ip_reassembly/main.c, and examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c.

◆ rte_ip_frag_table_destroy()

void rte_ip_frag_table_destroy ( struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *  tbl)

Free allocated IP fragmentation table.

tblFragmentation table to free.

◆ rte_ipv6_fragment_packet()

int32_t rte_ipv6_fragment_packet ( struct rte_mbuf pkt_in,
struct rte_mbuf **  pkts_out,
uint16_t  nb_pkts_out,
uint16_t  mtu_size,
struct rte_mempool pool_direct,
struct rte_mempool pool_indirect 

This function implements the fragmentation of IPv6 packets.

pkt_inThe input packet.
pkts_outArray storing the output fragments.
nb_pkts_outNumber of fragments.
mtu_sizeSize in bytes of the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) for the outgoing IPv6 datagrams. This value includes the size of the IPv6 header.
pool_directMBUF pool used for allocating direct buffers for the output fragments.
pool_indirectMBUF pool used for allocating indirect buffers for the output fragments.
Upon successful completion - number of output fragments placed in the pkts_out array. Otherwise - (-1) * errno.

◆ rte_ipv6_frag_reassemble_packet()

struct rte_mbuf* rte_ipv6_frag_reassemble_packet ( struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *  tbl,
struct rte_ip_frag_death_row dr,
struct rte_mbuf mb,
uint64_t  tms,
struct rte_ipv6_hdr ip_hdr,
struct rte_ipv6_fragment_ext *  frag_hdr 

This function implements reassembly of fragmented IPv6 packets. Incoming mbuf should have its l2_len/l3_len fields setup correctly.

tblTable where to lookup/add the fragmented packet.
drDeath row to free buffers to
mbIncoming mbuf with IPv6 fragment.
tmsFragment arrival timestamp.
ip_hdrPointer to the IPv6 header.
frag_hdrPointer to the IPv6 fragment extension header.
Pointer to mbuf for reassembled packet, or NULL if:
  • an error occurred.
  • not all fragments of the packet are collected yet.
examples/ip_reassembly/main.c, and examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c.

◆ rte_ipv6_frag_get_ipv6_fragment_header()

static struct rte_ipv6_fragment_ext* rte_ipv6_frag_get_ipv6_fragment_header ( struct rte_ipv6_hdr hdr)

Return a pointer to the packet's fragment header, if found. It only looks at the extension header that's right after the fixed IPv6 header, and doesn't follow the whole chain of extension headers.

hdrPointer to the IPv6 header.
Pointer to the IPv6 fragment extension header, or NULL if it's not present.
examples/ip_reassembly/main.c, and examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c.

Definition at line 143 of file rte_ip_frag.h.

◆ rte_ipv4_fragment_packet()

int32_t rte_ipv4_fragment_packet ( struct rte_mbuf pkt_in,
struct rte_mbuf **  pkts_out,
uint16_t  nb_pkts_out,
uint16_t  mtu_size,
struct rte_mempool pool_direct,
struct rte_mempool pool_indirect 

IPv4 fragmentation.

This function implements the fragmentation of IPv4 packets.

pkt_inThe input packet.
pkts_outArray storing the output fragments.
nb_pkts_outNumber of fragments.
mtu_sizeSize in bytes of the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) for the outgoing IPv4 datagrams. This value includes the size of the IPv4 header.
pool_directMBUF pool used for allocating direct buffers for the output fragments.
pool_indirectMBUF pool used for allocating indirect buffers for the output fragments.
Upon successful completion - number of output fragments placed in the pkts_out array. Otherwise - (-1) * errno.

◆ rte_ipv4_fragment_copy_nonseg_packet()

int32_t rte_ipv4_fragment_copy_nonseg_packet ( struct rte_mbuf pkt_in,
struct rte_mbuf **  pkts_out,
uint16_t  nb_pkts_out,
uint16_t  mtu_size,
struct rte_mempool pool_direct 

IPv4 fragmentation by copy.

This function implements the fragmentation of IPv4 packets by copy non-segmented mbuf. This function is mainly used to adapt Tx MBUF_FAST_FREE offload. MBUF_FAST_FREE: Device supports optimization for fast release of mbufs. When set, application must guarantee that per-queue all mbufs comes from the same mempool, has refcnt = 1, direct and non-segmented.

pkt_inThe input packet.
pkts_outArray storing the output fragments.
nb_pkts_outNumber of fragments.
mtu_sizeSize in bytes of the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) for the outgoing IPv4 datagrams. This value includes the size of the IPv4 header.
pool_directMBUF pool used for allocating direct buffers for the output fragments.
Upon successful completion - number of output fragments placed in the pkts_out array. Otherwise - (-1) * errno.

◆ rte_ipv4_frag_reassemble_packet()

struct rte_mbuf* rte_ipv4_frag_reassemble_packet ( struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *  tbl,
struct rte_ip_frag_death_row dr,
struct rte_mbuf mb,
uint64_t  tms,
struct rte_ipv4_hdr ip_hdr 

This function implements reassembly of fragmented IPv4 packets. Incoming mbufs should have its l2_len/l3_len fields setup correctly.

tblTable where to lookup/add the fragmented packet.
drDeath row to free buffers to
mbIncoming mbuf with IPv4 fragment.
tmsFragment arrival timestamp.
ip_hdrPointer to the IPV4 header inside the fragment.
Pointer to mbuf for reassembled packet, or NULL if:
  • an error occurred.
  • not all fragments of the packet are collected yet.
examples/ip_reassembly/main.c, and examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c.

◆ rte_ipv4_frag_pkt_is_fragmented()

static int rte_ipv4_frag_pkt_is_fragmented ( const struct rte_ipv4_hdr hdr)

Check if the IPv4 packet is fragmented

hdrIPv4 header of the packet
1 if fragmented, 0 if not fragmented
examples/ip_reassembly/main.c, and examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c.

Definition at line 246 of file rte_ip_frag.h.

◆ rte_ip_frag_free_death_row()

void rte_ip_frag_free_death_row ( struct rte_ip_frag_death_row dr,
uint32_t  prefetch 

Free mbufs on a given death row.

drDeath row to free mbufs in.
prefetchHow many buffers to prefetch before freeing.
examples/ip_reassembly/main.c, and examples/ipsec-secgw/ipsec-secgw.c.

◆ rte_ip_frag_table_statistics_dump()

void rte_ip_frag_table_statistics_dump ( FILE *  f,
const struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *  tbl 

Dump fragmentation table statistics to file.

fFile to dump statistics to
tblFragmentation table to dump statistics from

◆ rte_ip_frag_table_del_expired_entries()

void rte_ip_frag_table_del_expired_entries ( struct rte_ip_frag_tbl *  tbl,
struct rte_ip_frag_death_row dr,
uint64_t  tms 

Delete expired fragments

tblTable to delete expired fragments from
drDeath row to free buffers to
tmsCurrent timestamp