DPDK  1.8.0
Data Fields
ipv4_hdr Struct Reference

#include <rte_ip.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t version_ihl
uint8_t type_of_service
uint16_t total_length
uint16_t packet_id
uint16_t fragment_offset
uint8_t time_to_live
uint8_t next_proto_id
uint16_t hdr_checksum
uint32_t src_addr
uint32_t dst_addr

Detailed Description

IPv4 Header

Field Documentation

uint32_t dst_addr

destination address

uint16_t fragment_offset

fragmentation offset

uint16_t hdr_checksum

header checksum

uint8_t next_proto_id

protocol ID

uint16_t packet_id

packet ID

uint32_t src_addr

source address

uint8_t time_to_live

time to live

uint16_t total_length

length of packet

uint8_t type_of_service

type of service

uint8_t version_ihl

version and header length

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: