4.1. Simple SSH Login

This section describes a usecase for simple SSH login through SPP VF. Incoming packets are classified based on destination addresses defined in classifier. Reterned packets are aggregated to merger to send it an outgoing port.

Fig. 4.4 Simple SSH Login

4.1.1. Launch SPP Processes

Change directory to spp and confirm that it is already compiled.

$ cd /path/to/spp

Launch spp-ctl before launching SPP primary and secondary processes. You also need to launch spp.py if you use spp_vf from CLI. -b option is for binding IP address to communicate other SPP processes, but no need to give it explicitly if or localhost although doing explicitly in this example to be more understandable.

# Launch spp-ctl and spp.py
$ python3 ./src/spp-ctl/spp-ctl -b
$ python ./src/spp.py -b

Then, run spp_primary on the second core with -c 0x02.

$ sudo ./src/primary/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/spp_primary \
    -c 0x02 -n 4 \
    --socket-mem 512,512 \
    --huge-dir=/run/hugepages/kvm \
    --proc-type=primary \
    -- \
    -p 0x03 -n 8 -s

After spp_primary is launched, run secondary process spp_vf. Core mask -c 0x3ffd indicates to use twelve cores except the second core, and it equals to -l 0,2-12.

$ sudo ./src/vf/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/spp_vf \
    -c 0x3ffd -n 4 --proc-type=secondary \
    -- \
    --client-id 1 \
    -s \

4.1.2. Network Configuration

Detailed configuration of Fig. 4.4 is described below. In this usecase, there are two NICs on host1 and host2 to duplicate login path. Each of combination of classifier and merger responds to each of pathes.

Incoming packets from NIC0 are classified based on destionation address. For example, classifier1 sends packets to forwarder1 for vNIC0 and to forwarder2 for vNIC2. Outgoing packets from SSH server1 and 2 are aggregated to merger1 and sent to SSH clinet via NIC0.

Fig. 4.5 Network Configuration

You need to input a little bit large amount of commands for the configuration, or use playback command to load from config files. You can find a series of config files for this use case in recipes/spp_vf/usecase1/.

First, lanch threads of SPP VF called component with its core ID and a directive for behaviour. It is launched from component subcommand with options.

spp > sec SEC_ID; component start NAME CORE_ID BEHAVIOUR

In this usecase, spp_vf is launched with ID=1. Let’s start components for the first login path. Directive for classifier classifier_mac means to classify with MAC address. Core ID from 2 to 7 are assigned to each of components.

# Start component to spp_vf
spp > vf 1; component start classifier1 2 classifier_mac
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder1 3 forward
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder2 4 forward
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder3 5 forward
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder4 6 forward
spp > vf 1; component start merger1 7 merge

Each of components must have rx and tx ports for forwarding. Add ports for each of components as following. You might notice that classifier has two tx ports and merger has two rx ports.

# classifier1
spp > vf 1; port add phy:0 rx classifier1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:0 tx classifier1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:1 tx classifier1

# forwarder1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:0 rx forwarder1
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:0 tx forwarder1

# forwarder2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:1 rx forwarder2
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:2 tx forwarder2

# forwarder3
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:0 rx forwarder3
spp > vf 1; port add ring:2 tx forwarder3

# forwarder4
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:2 rx forwarder4
spp > vf 1; port add ring:3 tx forwarder4

# merger1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:2 rx merger1
spp > vf 1; port add ring:3 rx merger1
spp > vf 1; port add phy:0 tx merger1

As given classifier_mac, classifier component decides the destination with MAC address by referring classifier_table. MAC address and corresponging port is registered to the table with classifier_table add mac command.

spp > vf SEC_ID; classifier_table add mac MAC_ADDR PORT

In this usecase, you need to register two MAC addresses of targetting VM for merger1.

# Register MAC address to classifier
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:56 ring:0
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:58 ring:1

Configuration for the second login path is almost similar to the first path.

Start components with core ID 8-13 and directives.

spp > vf 1; component start classifier2 8 classifier_mac
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder5 9 forward
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder6 10 forward
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder7 11 forward
spp > vf 1; component start forwarder8 12 forward
spp > vf 1; component start merger2 13 merge

Add ports to each of components.

# classifier2
spp > vf 1; port add phy:1 rx classifier2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:4 tx classifier2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:5 tx classifier2

# forwarder5
spp > vf 1; port add ring:4 rx forwarder5
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:1 tx forwarder5

# forwarder6
spp > vf 1; port add ring:5 rx forwarder6
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:3 tx forwarder6

# forwarder7
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:1 rx forwarder7
spp > vf 1; port add ring:6 tx forwarder7

# forwarder8
spp > vf 1; port add vhost:3 rx forwarder8
spp > vf 1; port add ring:7 tx forwarder8

# merger2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:6 rx merger2
spp > vf 1; port add ring:7 rx merger2
spp > vf 1; port add phy:1 tx merger2

Register entries to classifier_table for classifier2 with MAC address of targetting VM..

# Register MAC address to classifier
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:57 ring:4
spp > vf 1; classifier_table add mac 52:54:00:12:34:59 ring:5

4.1.3. Setup for VMs

Launch VM1 and VM2 with virsh command. Setup for virsh is described in virsh setup.

$ virsh start spp-vm1  # VM1
$ virsh start spp-vm2  # VM2

After launched, login to spp-vm1 for configuration inside the VM.


To avoid asked for unknown keys while login VMs, use -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no option for ssh.

$ ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no sppuser at

Up interfaces for vhost inside spp-vm1. In addition, you have to disable TCP offload function, or ssh is failed after configuration is done.

# up interfaces
$ sudo ifconfig ens4 inet netmask up
$ sudo ifconfig ens5 inet netmask up

# disable TCP offload
$ sudo ethtool -K ens4 tx off
$ sudo ethtool -K ens5 tx off

Configurations also for spp-vm2 as spp-vm1.

# up interfaces
$ sudo ifconfig ens4 inet netmask up
$ sudo ifconfig ens5 inet netmask up

# disable TCP offload
$ sudo ethtool -K ens4 tx off
$ sudo ethtool -K ens5 tx off

4.1.4. Login to VMs

Now, you can login to VMs from the remote host1.

# spp-vm1 via NIC0
$ ssh sppuser@

# spp-vm1 via NIC1
$ ssh sppuser@

# spp-vm2 via NIC0
$ ssh sppuser@

# spp-vm2 via NIC1
$ ssh sppuser@

4.1.5. Shutdown spp_vf Components

Basically, you can shutdown all of SPP processes with bye all command. This section describes graceful shutting down for SPP VF components.

First, delete entries of classifier_table and ports of components for the first SSH login path.

# Delete MAC address from Classifier
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:56 ring:0
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:58 ring:1
# classifier1
spp > vf 1; port del phy:0 rx classifier1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:0 tx classifier1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:1 tx classifier1
# forwarder1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:0 rx forwarder1
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:0 tx forwarder1
# forwarder2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:1 rx forwarder2
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:2 tx forwarder2

# forwarder3
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:0 rx forwarder3
spp > vf 1; port del ring:2 tx forwarder3

# forwarder4
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:2 rx forwarder4
spp > vf 1; port del ring:3 tx forwarder4

# merger1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:2 rx merger1
spp > vf 1; port del ring:3 rx merger1
spp > vf 1; port del phy:0 tx merger1

Then, stop components.

# Stop component to spp_vf
spp > vf 1; component stop classifier1
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder1
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder2
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder3
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder4
spp > vf 1; component stop merger1

Second, do termination for the second path. Delete entries from classifier_table and ports from each of components.

# Delete MAC address from Classifier
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:57 ring:4
spp > vf 1; classifier_table del mac 52:54:00:12:34:59 ring:5
# classifier2
spp > vf 1; port del phy:1 rx classifier2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:4 tx classifier2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:5 tx classifier2

# forwarder5
spp > vf 1; port del ring:4 rx forwarder5
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:1 tx forwarder5

# forwarder6
spp > vf 1; port del ring:5 rx forwarder6
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:3 tx forwarder6

# forwarder7
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:1 rx forwarder7
spp > vf 1; port del ring:6 tx forwarder7

# forwarder8
spp > vf 1; port del vhost:3 tx forwarder8
spp > vf 1; port del ring:7 rx forwarder8

# merger2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:6 rx merger2
spp > vf 1; port del ring:7 rx merger2
spp > vf 1; port del phy:1 tx merger2

Then, stop components.

# Stop component to spp_vf
spp > vf 1; component stop classifier2
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder5
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder6
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder7
spp > vf 1; component stop forwarder8
spp > vf 1; component stop merger2