1. Compression Device Supported Functionality Matrices

1.1. Supported Feature Flags

Table 1.11 Features availability in compression drivers
Feature i s a l m l x 5 n i t r o x o c t e o n t x q a t u a d k z l i b
HW Accelerated   Y Y Y Y Y  
CPU SSE Y            
CPU AVX Y            
CPU AVX2 Y            
CPU AVX512 Y            
CPU NEON              
Stateful Compression     Y        
Stateful Decompression     Y   Y    
Pass-through             Y
OOP SGL In SGL Out Y   Y Y Y    
OOP SGL In LB Out Y   Y Y Y    
OOP LB In SGL Out Y   Y Y Y    
Deflate Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
LZ4   Y          
Adler32 Y Y Y   Y    
Crc32 Y Y Y   Y N  
Adler32&Crc32   Y     Y    
xxHash32   Y          
Fixed Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dynamic Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
LZ4 Dictionary ID              
LZ4 Content Checksum              
LZ4 Content Size              
LZ4 Block Checksum   Y          
LZ4 Block Independence   Y          


  • “Pass-through” feature flag refers to the ability of the PMD to let input buffers pass-through it, copying the input to the output, without making any modifications to it (no compression done).
  • “OOP SGL In SGL Out” feature flag stands for “Out-of-place Scatter-gather list Input, Scatter-gather list Output”, which means PMD supports different scatter-gather styled input and output buffers (i.e. both can consists of multiple segments).
  • “OOP SGL In LB Out” feature flag stands for “Out-of-place Scatter-gather list Input, Linear Buffers Output”, which means PMD supports input from scatter-gathered styled buffers, outputting linear buffers (i.e. single segment).
  • “OOP LB In SGL Out” feature flag stands for “Out-of-place Linear Buffers Input, Scatter-gather list Output”, which means PMD supports input from linear buffer, outputting scatter-gathered styled buffers.