.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Copyright(c) 2021 ARM Corporation. Cross compiling DPDK for aarch64 and aarch32 ============================================ This chapter describes how to cross compile DPDK for aarch64 on x86 build machine and compile 32-bit aarch32 DPDK on aarch64 build machine. .. note:: Whilst it is recommended to natively build DPDK on aarch64 (just like with x86), it is also possible to cross compile DPDK for aarch64. An aarch64 cross compiler GNU toolchain or an LLVM/clang toolchain may be used for cross-compilation. Prerequisites ------------- NUMA library ~~~~~~~~~~~~ NUMA is required by most modern machines, not needed for non-NUMA architectures. .. note:: For compiling the NUMA lib, run libtool --version to ensure the libtool version >= 2.2, otherwise the compilation will fail with errors. .. code-block:: console git clone https://github.com/numactl/numactl.git cd numactl git checkout v2.0.13 -b v2.0.13 ./autogen.sh autoconf -i ./configure --host=aarch64-linux-gnu CC= --prefix= make install .. note:: The compiler above can be either aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc or clang. See below for information on how to get specific compilers. The numa header files and lib file is generated in the include and lib folder respectively under ````. Meson prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meson depends on pkgconfig to find the dependencies. The package ``pkg-config-aarch64-linux-gnu`` is required for aarch64. To install it in Ubuntu:: sudo apt install pkg-config-aarch64-linux-gnu For aarch32, install ``pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabihf``:: sudo apt install pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabihf GNU toolchain ------------- .. _obtain_GNU_toolchain: Get the cross toolchain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The latest GNU cross compiler toolchain can be downloaded from: https://developer.arm.com/open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-a/downloads. It is always recommended to check and get the latest compiler tool from the page and use it to generate better code. As of this writing 9.2-2019.12 is the newest, the following description is an example of this version. For aarch64:: wget https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-a/9.2-2019.12/binrel/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz tar -xvf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz export PATH=$PATH:/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin For aarch32:: wget https://developer.arm.com/-/media/Files/downloads/gnu-a/9.2-2019.12/binrel/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz tar -xvf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz export PATH=$PATH:/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin .. note:: For the host requirements and other info, refer to the release note section: https://releases.linaro.org/components/toolchain/binaries/ .. _augment_the_gnu_toolchain_with_numa_support: Augment the GNU toolchain with NUMA support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This way is optional, an alternative is to use extra CFLAGS and LDFLAGS. Copy the NUMA header files and lib to the cross compiler's directories: .. code-block:: console cp /include/numa*.h /gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/aarch64-none-linux-gnu/libc/usr/include/ cp /lib/libnuma.a /gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/lib/gcc/aarch64-none-linux-gnu/9.2.1/ cp /lib/libnuma.so /gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/lib/gcc/aarch64-none-linux-gnu/9.2.1/ Cross Compiling DPDK with GNU toolchain using Meson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To cross-compile DPDK on a desired target machine we can use the following command:: meson setup cross-build --cross-file ninja -C cross-build For example if the target machine is aarch64 we can use the following command:: meson setup aarch64-build-gcc --cross-file config/arm/arm64_armv8_linux_gcc ninja -C aarch64-build-gcc If the target machine is aarch32 we can use the following command:: meson setup aarch32-build --cross-file config/arm/arm32_armv8_linux_gcc ninja -C aarch32-build LLVM/Clang toolchain -------------------- Obtain the cross tool chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The latest LLVM/Clang cross compiler toolchain can be downloaded from: https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/llvm-toolchain. .. code-block:: console # Ubuntu binaries wget https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-10.0.0/clang+llvm-10.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz The LLVM/Clang toolchain does not implement the standard c library. The GNU toolchain ships an implementation we can use. Refer to obtain_GNU_toolchain_ to get the GNU toolchain. Unzip and add into the PATH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: console tar -xvf clang+llvm-10.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz export PATH=$PATH:/clang+llvm-10.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04/bin Cross Compiling DPDK with LLVM/Clang toolchain using Meson ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: To use the NUMA library follow the same steps as for augment_the_gnu_toolchain_with_numa_support_. The paths to GNU stdlib must be specified in a cross file. Augmenting the default cross-file's ``c_args`` and ``c_link_args`` ``config/arm/arm64_armv8_linux_clang_ubuntu1804`` would look like this: .. code-block:: console ... c_args = ['-target', 'aarch64-linux-gnu', '--sysroot', '/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/aarch64-none-linux-gnu/libc'] c_link_args = ['-target', 'aarch64-linux-gnu', '-fuse-ld=lld', '--sysroot', '/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/aarch64-none-linux-gnu/libc', '--gcc-toolchain=/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu'] Assuming the file with augmented ``c_args`` and ``c_link_args`` is named ``arm64_armv8_linux_clang``, use the following command to cross-compile DPDK for the target machine:: meson setup aarch64-build-clang --cross-file config/arm/arm64_armv8_linux_clang ninja -C aarch64-build-clang Cross Compiling DPDK with LLVM/Clang toolchain using Meson on Ubuntu 18.04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On most popular Linux distribution it is not necessary to download the toolchains, but rather use the packages provided by said distributions. On Ubuntu 18.04, these packages are needed: .. code-block:: console sudo apt-get install pkg-config-aarch64-linux-gnu clang llvm llvm-dev lld libc6-dev-arm64-cross libatomic1-arm64-cross libgcc-8-dev-arm64-cross Use the following command to cross-compile DPDK for the target machine:: meson setup aarch64-build-clang --cross-file config/arm/arm64_armv8_linux_clang_ubuntu1804 ninja -C aarch64-build-clang Building for an aarch64 SoC on an aarch64 build machine ------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to build on an aarch64 build machine for a different aarch64 SoC, you don't need a separate cross toolchain, just a different set of configuration options. To build for an aarch64 SoC, use the -Dplatform meson option:: meson setup soc_build -Dplatform= Substitute with one of the supported SoCs .. literalinclude:: ../../../config/arm/meson.build :start-after: Start of SoCs list :end-before: End of SoCs list These SoCs are also used in cross files, e.g.:: [properties] # Generate binaries that are portable across all Armv8 machines platform = 'generic' Supported SoC configuration --------------------------- The SoC configuration is a combination of implementer and CPU part number configuration and SoC-specific configuration:: soc_ = { 'description': 'SoC Description', # mandatory 'implementer': , # mandatory 'part_number': , # mandatory 'numa': false, # optional, specify for non-NUMA SoCs 'enable_drivers': 'common/*,bus/*', # optional, comma-separated list of # drivers to build, wildcards are accepted 'disable_drivers': 'crypto/*', # optional, comma-separated list of # drivers to disable, wildcards are accepted 'flags': [ ['RTE_MAX_LCORE', '16'], ['RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES', '1'] ] # optional, list of DPDK options that will be added # or overwritten } Where is a key defined in the implementers dictionary in config/arm/meson.build (e.g. 0x41) and part_number is a key defined in implementers[]['part_number_config'] dictionary (i.e. the part number must be defined for the implementer, e.g. for 0x41, a valid value is 0xd49, which is the neoverse-n2 SoC).