5. EAL parameters

This document contains a list of all EAL parameters. These parameters can be used by any DPDK application running on FreeBSD.

5.1. Common EAL parameters

The following EAL parameters are common to all platforms supported by DPDK.

5.1.5. Debugging options

  • --no-shconf

    No shared files created (implies no secondary process support).

  • --no-huge

    Use anonymous memory instead of hugepages (implies no secondary process support).

  • --log-level <type:val>

    Specify log level for a specific component. For example:

    --log-level lib.eal:debug

    Can be specified multiple times.

5.1.6. Other options

  • -h, --help

    Display help message listing all EAL parameters.

  • -v

    Display the version information on startup.

  • --mbuf-pool-ops-name:

    Pool ops name for mbuf to use.

5.2. FreeBSD-specific EAL parameters

There are currently no FreeBSD-specific EAL command-line parameters available.