4. API Reference

4.1. Overview

spp-ctl provides simple REST like API. It supports http only, not https.

4.1.1. Request and Response

Request body is JSON format. It is accepted both text/plain and application/json for the content-type header.

Response of GET is JSON format and the content-type is application/json if the request success.

If a request fails, the response is a text which shows error reason and the content-type is text/plain.

4.1.2. Error code

spp-ctl does basic syntax and lexical check of a request.

Table 4.1 Error codes in spp-ctl.
Error Description
400 Syntax or lexical error, or SPP returns error for the request.
404 URL is not supported, or no SPP process of client-id in a URL.
500 System error occured in spp-ctl.

4.2. API independent of the process type

4.2.1. GET /v1/processes

Show the SPP processes connected to the spp-ctl.

  • Normarl response codes: 200 Request example

curl -X GET -H 'application/json' \ Response

An array of process objects.

process object:

Table 4.2 Response params of getting processes info.
Name Type Description
type string process type. one of primary, nfv or vf.
client-id integer client id. if type is primary this member does not exist. Response example

    "type": "primary"
    "type": "vf",
    "client-id": 1
    "type": "nfv",
    "client-id": 2

4.3. API for spp_primary

4.3.1. GET /v1/primary/status

Show statistical information.

  • Normal response codes: 200 Request example

curl -X GET -H 'application/json' \ Response

Table 4.3 Response params of primary status.
Name Type Description
phy_ports array An array of statistics of physical ports.
ring_ports array An array of statistics of ring ports.

Physical port object.

Table 4.4 Attributes of physical port of primary status.
Name Type Description
id integer Port ID of the physical port.
rx integer The total number of received packets.
tx integer The total number of transferred packets.
tx_drop integer The total number of dropped packets of transferred.
eth string MAC address of the port.

Ring port object.

Table 4.5 Attributes of ring port of primary status.
Name Type Description
id integer Port ID of the ring port.
rx integer The total number of received packets.
rx_drop integer The total number of dropped packets of received.
tx integer The total number of transferred packets.
tx_drop integer The total number of dropped packets of transferred. Response example

  "phy_ports": [
      "id": 0,
      "rx": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0,
      "eth": "56:48:4f:53:54:00"
      "id": 1,
      "rx": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0,
      "eth": "56:48:4f:53:54:01"
  "ring_ports": [
      "id": 0,
      "rx": 0,
      "rx_drop": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0
      "id": 1,
      "rx": 0,
      "rx_drop": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0
      "id": 2,
      "rx": 0,
      "rx_drop": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0
      "id": 3,
      "rx": 0,
      "rx_drop": 0,
      "tx": 0,
      "tx_drop": 0

4.3.2. DELETE /v1/primary/status

Clear statistical information.

  • Normal response codes: 204 Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

4.3.3. DELETE /v1/primary

Terminate primary process.

  • Normal response codes: 204 Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

4.4. API for spp_nfv/spp_vm

4.4.1. GET /v1/nfvs/{client_id}

Get the information of the spp_nfv or spp_vm process.

  • Normal response codes: 200
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.6 Request parameter for getting spp_nfv or spp_vm info.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request example

curl -X GET -H 'application/json' \ Response

Table 4.7 Response params of getting spp_nfv or spp_vm info.
Name Type Description
client-id integer client id.
status string Running or Idle.
ports array an array of port ids used by the process.
patches array an array of patches.

patch objest

Table 4.8 Attributes of patch of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
src string source port id.
dst string destination port id. Response example

  "client-id": 1,
  "status": "Running",
  "ports": [
    "phy:0", "phy:1", "vhost:0", "vhost:1", "ring:0", "ring:1", "ring:2", "ring:3"
  "patches": [
      "src": "vhost:0", "dst": "ring:0"
      "src": "ring:1", "dst": "vhost:1"
} Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};status

4.4.2. PUT /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/forward

Start or Stop forwarding.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.9 Request params of forward of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request example

curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "start"}' \ Request(body)

Table 4.10 Request body params of forward of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
action string start or stop. Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request. Equivalent CLI command

action is start

sec {client_id};forward

action is stop

sec {client_id};stop

4.4.3. PUT /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/ports

Add or Delete port.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.11 Request params of ports of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request(body)

Table 4.12 Request body params of ports of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
action string add or del.
port string port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}. Request example

curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "add", "port": "ring:0"}' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};{action} {interface_type} {interface_id}

4.4.4. PUT /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/patches

Add a patch.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.13 Request params of patches of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request(body)

Table 4.14 Request body params of patches of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
src string source port id.
dst string destination port id. Request example

curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"src": "ring:0", "dst": "ring:1"}' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};patch {src} {dst}

4.4.5. DELETE /v1/nfvs/{client_id}/patches

Reset patches.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.15 Request params of deleting patches of spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};patch reset

4.4.6. DELETE /v1/nfvs/{client_id}

Terminate spp_nfv or spp_vm process.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.16 Request parameter for terminating spp_nfv or spp_vm.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \ Response example

There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id}; exit

4.5. API for spp_vf

4.5.1. GET /v1/vfs/{client_id}

Get the information of the spp_vf process.

  • Normal response codes: 200
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.17 Request parameter for getting spp_vf.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request example

curl -X GET -H 'application/json' \ Response

Table 4.18 Response params of getting spp_vf.
Name Type Description
client-id integer client id.
ports array an array of port ids used by the process.
components array an array of component objects in the process.
classifier_table array an array of classifier tables in the process.

component object:

Table 4.19 Component objects of getting spp_vf.
Name Type Description
core integer core id running on the component
name string an array of port ids used by the process.
type string an array of component objects in the process.
rx_port array an array of port objects connected to the rx side of the component.
tx_port array an array of port objects connected to the tx side of the component.

port object:

Table 4.20 Port objects of getting spp_vf.
Name Type Description
port string port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}.
vlan object vlan operation which is applied to the port.

vlan object:

Table 4.21 Vlan objects of getting spp_vf.
Name Type Description
operation string add, del or none.
id integer vlan id.
pcp integer vlan pcp.

classifier table:

Table 4.22 Vlan objects of getting spp_vf.
Name Type Description
type string mac or vlan.
value string mac_address for mac, vlan_id/mac_address for vlan.
port string port id applied to classify. Response example

  "client-id": 1,
  "ports": [
    "phy:0", "phy:1", "vhost:0", "vhost:1", "ring:0", "ring:1", "ring:2", "ring:3"
  "components": [
      "core": 2,
      "name": "forward_0_tx",
      "type": "forward",
      "rx_port": [
        "port": "ring:0",
        "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
      "tx_port": [
          "port": "vhost:0",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
      "core": 3,
      "type": "unuse"
      "core": 4,
      "type": "unuse"
      "core": 5,
      "name": "forward_1_rx",
      "type": "forward",
      "rx_port": [
        "port": "vhost:1",
        "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
      "tx_port": [
          "port": "ring:3",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
      "core": 6,
      "name": "classifier",
      "type": "classifier_mac",
      "rx_port": [
          "port": "phy:0",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
      "tx_port": [
          "port": "ring:0",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
          "port": "ring:2",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
      "core": 7,
      "name": "merger",
      "type": "merge",
      "rx_port": [
          "port": "ring:1",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
          "port": "ring:3",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
      "tx_port": [
          "port": "phy:0",
          "vlan": { "operation": "none", "id": 0, "pcp": 0 }
  "classifier_table": [
      "type": "mac",
      "value": "FA:16:3E:7D:CC:35",
      "port": "ring:0"

The component which type is unused is to indicate unused core. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};status

4.5.2. POST /v1/vfs/{client_id}/components

Start the component.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.23 Request params of components of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request(body)

Table 4.24 Response params of components of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
name string component name. must be unique in the process.
core integer core id.
type string component type. one of forward, merge or classifier_mac. Request example

curl -X POST -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"name": "forwarder1", "core": 12, "type": "forward"}' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful POST request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};component start {name} {core} {type}

4.5.3. DELETE /v1/vfs/{sec id}/components/{name}

Stop the component.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.25 Request params of deleting component of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id.
name string component name. Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful POST request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};component stop {name}

4.5.4. PUT /v1/vfs/{client_id}/components/{name}/ports

Add or Delete port to the component.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.26 Request params for ports of component of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id.
name string component name. Request(body)

Table 4.27 Request body params for ports of component of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
action string attach or detach.
port string port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}.
dir string rx or tx.
vlan object vlan operation which is applied to the port. it can be omitted.

vlan object:

Table 4.28 Request body params for vlan ports of component of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
operation string add, del or none.
id integer vlan id. ignored when operation is del or none.
pcp integer vlan pcp. ignored when operation is del or none. Request example

curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "attach", "port": "vhost:1", "dir": "rx", \
     "vlan": {"operation": "add", "id": 677, "pcp": 0}}' \
curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "detach", "port": "vhost:0", "dir": "tx"} \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request. Equivalent CLI command

action is attach

sec {client_id};port add {port} {dir} {name} [add_vlantag {id} {pcp} | del_vlantag]

action is detach

sec {client_id};port del {port} {dir} {name}

4.5.5. PUT /v1/vfs/{sec id}/classifier_table

Set or Unset classifier table.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.29 Request params for classifier_table of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request(body)

Table 4.30 Request body params for classifier_table of spp_vf.
Name Type Description
action string add or del.
type string mac or vlan.
vlan integer or null vlan id for vlan. null or omitted for mac.
mac_address string mac address.
port string port id. Request example

curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "add", "type": "mac", "mac_address": "FA:16:3E:7D:CC:35", \
   "port": "ring:0"}' \
curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "del", "type": "vlan", "vlan": 475, \
   "mac_address": "FA:16:3E:7D:CC:35", "port": "ring:0"}' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request. Equivalent CLI command

type is mac

classifier_table {action} mac {mac_address} {port}

type is vlan

classifier_table {action} vlan {vlan} {mac_address} {port}

4.6. API for spp_mirror

4.6.1. GET /v1/mirrors/{client_id}

Get the information of the spp_mirror process.

  • Normal response codes: 200
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.31 Request parameter for getting spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request example

curl -X GET -H 'application/json' \ Response

Table 4.32 Response params of getting spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
client-id integer client id.
ports array an array of port ids used by the process.
components array an array of component objects in the process.

component object:

Table 4.33 Component objects of getting spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
core integer core id running on the component
name string an array of port ids used by the process.
type string an array of component objects in the process.
rx_port array an array of port objects connected to the rx side of the component.
tx_port array an array of port objects connected to the tx side of the component.

port object:

Table 4.34 Port objects of getting spp_vf.
Name Type Description
port string port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}. Response example

  "client-id": 1,
  "ports": [
    "phy:0", "phy:1", "ring:0", "ring:1", "ring:2"
  "components": [
      "core": 2,
      "name": "mirror_0",
      "type": "mirror",
      "rx_port": [
        "port": "ring:0"
      "tx_port": [
          "port": "ring:1"
          "port": "ring:2"
      "core": 3,
      "type": "unuse"

The component which type is unused is to indicate unused core. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};status

4.6.2. POST /v1/mirrors/{client_id}/components

Start the component.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.35 Request params of components of spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id. Request(body)

Table 4.36 Response params of components of spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
name string component name. must be unique in the process.
core integer core id.
type string component type. only mirror is available. Request example

curl -X POST -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"name": "mirror_1", "core": 12, "type": "mirror"}' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful POST request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};component start {name} {core} {type}

4.6.3. DELETE /v1/mirrors/{client_id}/components/{name}

Stop the component.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.37 Request params of deleting component of spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id.
name string component name. Request example

curl -X DELETE -H 'application/json' \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful POST request. Equivalent CLI command

sec {client_id};component stop {name}

4.6.4. PUT /v1/mirrors/{client_id}/components/{name}/ports

Add or Delete port to the component.

  • Normal response codes: 204
  • Error response codes: 400, 404 Request(path)

Table 4.38 Request params for ports of component of spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
client_id integer client id.
name string component name. Request(body)

Table 4.39 Request body params for ports of component of spp_mirror.
Name Type Description
action string attach or detach.
port string port id. port id is the form {interface_type}:{interface_id}.
dir string rx or tx. Request example

curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "attach", "port": "ring:1", "dir": "rx"}' \
curl -X PUT -H 'application/json' \
-d '{"action": "detach", "port": "ring:0", "dir": "tx"} \ Response

There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request. Equivalent CLI command

action is attach

sec {client_id};port add {port} {dir} {name}

action is detach

sec {client_id};port del {port} {dir} {name}