1.6. Use Cases

SPP Container provides an easy way to configure network path for DPDK application running on containers. It is useful for testing your NFV applications with testpmd or pktgen quickly, or providing a reproducible environment for evaluation with a configuration files.

In addition, using container requires less CPU and memory resources comparing with using virtual machines. It means that users can try to test variety kinds of use cases without using expensive servers.

This chapter describes examples of simple use cases of SPP container.


As described in Build Docker Images section, you had better to use Ubuntu 16.04 with --dist-ver option because SPP container is not stable for running on the latest version.

Please notice that examples in this section does not use dist-ver options explicitly for simplicity.

1.6.1. Perfromance Test of Vhost in Single Node

First use case is a simple performance test of vhost PMDs as shown in Fig. 1.3. Two of containers of spp_nfv are connected with a ring PMD and all of app container processes run on a single node.

Fig. 1.3 Test of vhost PMD in a single node

You use two terminals in this example, one is for SPP controller and other one is for managing app containers. First of all, launch SPP controller in terminal 1.

# Terminal 1
$ cd /path/to/spp
$ python src/spp.py

Move to terminal 2, launch app containers of spp_primary and spp_nfv step by step in background mode. You notice that TAP device is attached with -dt 1 which is not used actually. It is because that SPP primary requires at least one port even if it is no need. You can also assign a physical port or vhost instead of this TAP device.

# Terminal 2
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/spp-primary.py -l 0 -p 0x01 -dt 1
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 1 -l 1-2
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 2 -l 3-4

Then, add two vhost PMDs for pktgen app container from SPP controller.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;add vhost 1
spp > sec 2;add vhost 2

Now, it is ready for launching pktgen app container. In this use case, use five lcores for pktgen. One lcore is used for master, and remaining lcores are used for rx and tx evenly. Device ID option -d 1,2 is for refferring vhost 1 and 2.

# Terminal 2
$ python app/pktgen.py -fg -l 5-9 -d 1,2

Finally, configure network path from SPP controller,

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;patch ring:0 vhost:1
spp > sec 2;patch vhost:2 ring:0
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward

and start forwarding from pktgen.

# Terminal 2
$ Pktgen:/> start 1

You find that packet count of rx of port 0 and tx of port 1 is increased rapidlly.

1.6.2. Performance Test of Ring

Ring PMD is a very fast path to communicate between DPDK processes. It is a kind of zero-copy data passing via shared memory and better performance than vhost PMD. Currently, only spp_nfv and spp_vm provide ring PMD in SPP container. It is also possible other DPDK applications to have ring PMD interface for SPP technically, but not implemented yet.

This use case is for testing performance of ring PMDs. As described in Fig. 1.4, each of app containers on which spp_nfv is running are connected with ring PMDs in serial.

Fig. 1.4 Test of ring PMD

You use two terminals on host 1, one is for SPP controller and another one for spp_nfv app containers. Pktgen on host 2 is started forwarding after setup on host 1 is finished.

First, Launch SPP controller in terminal 1 as Performance Test of Ring.

# Terminal 1
$ cd /path/to/spp
$ python src/spp.py

In terminal 2, launch spp_primary and spp_nfv containers in background mode. In this case, you attach physical ports to spp_primary with portmask option.

# Terminal 2
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/spp-primary.py -l 0 -p 0x03
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 1 -l 1-2
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 2 -l 3-4
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 3 -l 5-6
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 4 -l 7-8


It might happen an error to input if the number of SPP process is increased. It also might get bothered to launch several SPP processes if the number is large.

You can use tools/spp-launcher.py to launch SPP processes at once. Here is an example for launching spp_primary and four spp_nfv processes. -n is for specifying the nubmer of spp_nfv.

$ python tools/spp-launcher.py -n 4

You will find that lcore assignment is the same as below. Lcore is assigned from 0 for primary, and next two lcores for the first spp_nfv.

$ python app/spp-primary.py -l 0 -p 0x03
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 1 -l 1,2
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 2 -l 3,4
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 3 -l 5,6
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 4 -l 7,8

You can also assign lcores with --shared to master lcore be shared among spp_nfv processes. It is useful to reduce the usage of lcores as explained in Pktgen and L2fwd using less Lcores.

$ python tools/spp-launcher.py -n 4 --shared

The result of assignment of this command is the same as below. Master lcore 1 is shared among secondary processes.

$ python app/spp-primary.py -l 0 -p 0x03
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 1 -l 1,2
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 2 -l 1,3
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 3 -l 1,4
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 4 -l 1,5

Add ring PMDs considering which of rings is shared between which of containers. You can use recipe scripts from playback command instead of typing commands step by step. For this usecase example, it is included in recipes/sppc/usecases/test_ring.

# Terminal 2
spp > sec 1;add ring:0
spp > sec 2;add ring:1
spp > sec 2;add ring:2
spp > sec 3;add ring:2
spp > sec 3;add ring:3
spp > sec 4;add ring:3

Then, patch all of ports to be configured containers are connected in serial.

# Terminal 2
spp > sec 1;patch phy:0 ring:0
spp > sec 2;patch ring:0 ring:1
spp > sec 3;patch ring:1 ring:2
spp > sec 3;patch ring:2 ring:3
spp > sec 4;patch ring:3 phy:1
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
spp > sec 3;forward
spp > sec 4;forward

After setup on host 1 is finished, start forwarding from pktgen on host 2. You can see the throughput of rx and tx ports on pktgen’s terminal. You also find that the throughput is almost not decreased and keeping wire rate speed even after it through several chained containers.

1.6.3. Pktgen and L2fwd

To consider more practical service function chaining like use case, connect not only SPP processes, but also DPDK application to pktgen. In this example, use l2fwd app container as a DPDK application for simplicity. You can also use other DPDK applications as similar to this example as described in next sections.

Fig. 1.5 Chainning pktgen and l2fwd

This configuration requires more CPUs than previous example. It is up to 14 lcores, but you can reduce lcores to do the trick. It is a trade-off between usage and performance. In this case, we focus on the usage of maximum lcores to get high performance.

Here is a list of lcore assignment for each of app containers.

  • One lcore for spp_primary container.
  • Eight lcores for four spp_nfv containers.
  • Three lcores for pktgen container.
  • Two lcores for l2fwd container.

First of all, launch SPP controller.

# Terminal 1
$ cd /path/to/spp
$ python src/spp.py

Launch spp_primary and spp_nfv containers in background. It does not use physical NICs as similar to Perfromance Test of Vhost in Single Node. Use four of spp_nfv containers for using four vhost PMDs. For this usecase example, recipe scripts are included in recipes/sppc/usecases/pg_l2fwd.

# Terminal 2
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/spp-primary.py -l 0 -p 0x01 -dt 1
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 1 -l 1-2
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 2 -l 3-4
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 3 -l 5-6
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 4 -l 7-8

Assign ring and vhost PMDs. Each of vhost IDs to be the same as its secondary ID.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;add vhost 1
spp > sec 2;add vhost 2
spp > sec 3;add vhost 3
spp > sec 4;add vhost 4
spp > sec 1;add ring 0
spp > sec 4;add ring 0
spp > sec 2;add ring 1
spp > sec 3;add ring 1

After vhost PMDs are created, you can launch containers of pktgen and l2fwd.

In this case, pktgen container owns vhost 1 and 2,

# Terminal 2
$ python app/pktgen.py -l 9-11 -d 1,2

and l2fwd container owns vhost 3 and 4.

# Terminal 3
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/l2fwd.py -l 12-13 -d 3,4

Then, configure network path by pactching each of ports and start forwarding from SPP controller.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;patch ring:0 vhost:1
spp > sec 2;patch vhost:2 ring:1
spp > sec 3;patch ring:1 vhost:3
spp > sec 4;patch vhost:4 ring:0
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
spp > sec 3;forward
spp > sec 4;forward

Finally, start forwarding from pktgen container. You can see that packet count is increased on both of pktgen and l2fwd.

1.6.4. Pktgen and L2fwd using less Lcores

This section describes the effort of reducing the usage of lcore for Pktgen and L2fwd.

Here is a list of lcore assignment for each of app containers. It is totally 7 lcores while the maximum number is 14.

  • One lcore for spp_primary container.
  • Three lcores for four spp_nfv containers.
  • Two lcores for pktgen container.
  • One lcores for l2fwd container.

Fig. 1.6 Pktgen and l2fwd using less lcores

First of all, launch SPP controller.

# Terminal 1
$ cd /path/to/spp
$ python src/spp.py

Launch spp_primary and spp_nfv containers in background. It does not use physical NICs as similar to Perfromance Test of Vhost in Single Node. Use two of spp_nfv containers for using four vhost PMDs. For this usecase example, recipe scripts are included in recipes/sppc/usecases/pg_l2fwd_less.

# Terminal 2
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/spp-primary.py -l 0 -p 0x01 -dt 1
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 1 -l 1,2
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 2 -l 1,3

The number of process and CPUs are fewer than previous example. You can reduce the number of spp_nfv processes by assigning several vhost PMDs to one process, although performance is decreased possibly. For the number of lcores, you can reduce it by sharing the master lcore 1 which has no heavy tasks.

Assign each of two vhost PMDs to the processes.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;add vhost 1
spp > sec 1;add vhost 2
spp > sec 2;add vhost 3
spp > sec 2;add vhost 4
spp > sec 1;add ring 0
spp > sec 1;add ring 1
spp > sec 2;add ring 0
spp > sec 2;add ring 1

After vhost PMDs are created, you can launch containers of pktgen and l2fwd. These processes also share the master lcore 1 with others.

In this case, pktgen container uses vhost 1 and 2,

# Terminal 2
$ python app/pktgen.py -l 1,4,5 -d 1,2

and l2fwd container uses vhost 3 and 4.

# Terminal 3
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/l2fwd.py -l 1,6 -d 3,4

Then, configure network path by pactching each of ports and start forwarding from SPP controller.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;patch ring:0 vhost:1
spp > sec 1;patch vhost:2 ring:1
spp > sec 3;patch ring:1 vhost:3
spp > sec 4;patch vhost:4 ring:0
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
spp > sec 3;forward
spp > sec 4;forward

Finally, start forwarding from pktgen container. You can see that packet count is increased on both of pktgen and l2fwd.

1.6.5. Load-Balancer and Pktgen

Previous examples are all the single-path configurations and do not have branches. To explain how to setup a multi-path configuration, we use Load-Balancer application in this example. It is an application distributes packet I/O task with several worker lcores to share IP addressing.

Fig. 1.7 Multi-path configuration with load_balancer and pktgen

Packets from tx of pktgen, through ring:0, are received by rx of load_balancer. Then, load_balancer classify the packets to decide the destionations. You can count received packets on rx ports of pktgen.

There are six spp_nfv and two DPDK applications in this example. To reduce the number of lcores, configure lcore assignment to share the master lcore. Do not assign several vhosts to a process to avoid the performance degradation. It is 15 lcores required to the configuration.

Here is a list of lcore assignment for each of app containers.

  • One lcore for spp_primary container.
  • Seven lcores for four spp_nfv containers.
  • Three lcores for pktgen container.
  • Four lcores for load_balancer container.

First of all, launch SPP controller.

# Terminal 1
$ cd /path/to/spp
$ python src/spp.py

Launch spp_primary and spp_nfv containers in background. It does not use physical NICs as similar to Perfromance Test of Vhost in Single Node. Use six spp_nfv containers for using six vhost PMDs. For this usecase example, recipe scripts are included in recipes/sppc/usecases/lb_pg.

# Terminal 2
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/spp-primary.py -l 0 -p 0x01 -dt 1
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 1 -l 1,2
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 2 -l 1,3
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 3 -l 1,4
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 4 -l 1,5
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 5 -l 1,6
$ python app/spp-nfv.py -i 6 -l 1,7

Assign ring and vhost PMDs. Each of vhost IDs to be the same as its secondary ID.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;add vhost 1
spp > sec 2;add vhost 2
spp > sec 3;add vhost 3
spp > sec 4;add vhost 4
spp > sec 5;add vhost 5
spp > sec 6;add vhost 6
spp > sec 1;add ring 0
spp > sec 2;add ring 1
spp > sec 3;add ring 2
spp > sec 4;add ring 0
spp > sec 5;add ring 1
spp > sec 6;add ring 2

And patch all of ports.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;patch vhost:1 ring:0
spp > sec 2;patch ring:1 vhost:2
spp > sec 3;patch ring:2 vhost:3
spp > sec 4;patch ring:0 vhost:4
spp > sec 5;patch vhost:5 ring:1
spp > sec 6;patch vhost:6 ring:2

You had better to check that network path is configured properly. topo command is useful for checking it with a graphical image. Define two groups of vhost PMDs as c1 and c2 with topo_subgraph command before.

# Terminal 1
# define c1 and c2 to help your understanding
spp > topo_subgraph add c1 vhost:1,vhost:2,vhost:3
spp > topo_subgraph add c2 vhost:4,vhost:5,vhost:6

# show network diagram
spp > topo term

Finally, launch pktgen and load_balancer app containers to start traffic monitoring.

For pktgen container, assign lcores 8-10 and vhost 1-3. -T options is required to enable color terminal output.

# Terminal 2
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/pktgen.py -l 8-10 -d 1-3 -T

For load_balancer container, assign lcores 12-15 and vhost 4-6. Four lcores are assigned to rx, tx and two workers. You should add -nq option because this example requires three or more queues. In this case, assign 4 queues.

# Terminal 3
$ cd /path/to/spp/tools/sppc
$ python app/load_balancer.py -l 11-14 -d 4-6 -fg -nq 4
  -rx "(0,0,11),(0,1,11),(0,2,11)" \
  -tx "(0,12),(1,12),(2,12)" \
  -w 13,14 \
  --lpm ">0;>1;>2;"

Then, configure network path by pactching each of ports and start forwarding from SPP controller.

# Terminal 1
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
spp > sec 3;forward
spp > sec 4;forward
spp > sec 5;forward
spp > sec 6;forward

You start forwarding from pktgen container. The destination of load_balancer is decided by considering LPM rules. Try to classify incoming packets to port 1 on the load_balancer application.

On pktgen, change the destination IP address of port 0 to, and start.

# Terminal 3
Pktgen:/> set 0 dst ip
Pktgen:/> start 0

As forwarding on port 0 is started, you will find the packet count of port 1 is increase rapidly. You can change the destination IP address and send packets to port 2 by stopping to forward, changing the destination IP address to and restart forwarding.

# Terminal 3
Pktgen:/> stop 0
Pktgen:/> set 0 dst ip
Pktgen:/> start 0

You might not be able to stop load_balancer application with Ctrl-C. In this case, terminate it with docker kill directly as explained in Load-Balancer Container. You can find the name of container from docker ps.