3. Use Cases

3.1. Single spp_nfv

The most simple use case mainly for testing performance of packet forwarding on host. One spp_nfv and two physical ports.

In this use case, try to configure two senarios.

  • Configure spp_nfv as L2fwd
  • Configure spp_nfv for Loopback

First of all, Check the status of spp_nfv from SPP controller.

spp > sec 1;status
recv:6:{Client ID 1 Idling
port id: 0,on,PHY,outport: -99
port id: 1,on,PHY,outport: -99

This message explains that sec 1 has two physical ports refered as port id 0 and 1. outpport: -99 means that destionation port is not assigned.

3.1.1. Configure spp_nfv as L2fwd

Assing the destination of ports with patch subcommand and start forwarding. Patch from port 0 to port 1 and port 1 to port 0, which means it is bi-directional connection.

spp > sec 1;patch 0 1
spp > sec 1;patch 1 0
spp > sec 1;forward

Confirm that status of sec 1 is updated.

spp > sec 1;status
recv:6:{Client ID 1 Running
port id: 0,on,PHY,outport: 1
port id: 1,on,PHY,outport: 0
                                +--------------+                      |
                                |    spp_nfv   |                      |
                                |    (sec 1)   |                      |
                                +--------------+                      |
                                     ^      :                         |
                                     |      |                         |
                                     :      v                         |
+----+----------+-------------------------------------------------+   |
|    | primary  |                    ^      :                     |   |
|    +----------+                    :      :                     |   |
|                                    :      :                     |   |
|                         +----------+      +---------+           |   |  host
|                         :                           v           |   |
|                  +--------------+            +--------------+   |   |
|                  |   phy port 0 |            |   phy port 1 |   |   |
+------------------+--------------+------------+--------------+---+ __|
                          ^                           :
                          |                           |
                          :                           v

Stop forwarding and reset patch to clear configuration.

spp > sec 1;stop
spp > sec 1;patch reset

3.1.2. Configure spp_nfv for Loopback

Patch port 0 to port 0 and port 1 to port 1 for loopback.

spp > sec 1;patch 0 0
spp > sec 1;patch 1 1
spp > sec 1;forward

3.2. Dual spp_nfv

Use case for testing performance of packet forwarding with two spp_nfv on host. Throughput is expected to be better than Single spp_nfv use case because bi-directional forwarding of single nfv shared with two of uni-directional forwarding between dual spp_nfv.

In this use case, configure two senarios almost similar to previous section.

  • Configure Two spp_nfv as L2fwd
  • Configure Two spp_nfv for Loopback

3.2.1. Configure Two spp_nfv as L2fwd

Assing the destination of ports with patch subcommand and start forwarding. Patch from port 0 to port 1 for sec 1 and from port 1 to port 0 for sec 2.

spp > sec 1;patch 0 1
spp > sec 2;patch 1 0
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
                     +--------------+          +--------------+       |
                     |    spp_nfv   |          |    spp_nfv   |       |
                     |    (sec 1)   |          |    (sec 2)   |       |
                     +--------------+          +--------------+       |
                        ^        :               :         :          |
                        |        |      +--------+         |          |
                        :        v      |                  v          |
+----+----------+-----------------------+-------------------------+   |
|    | primary  |       ^        :      |                  :      |   |
|    +----------+       |        +------+--------+         :      |   |
|                       :               |        :         :      |   |
|                       :        +------+        :         |      |   |  host
|                       :        v               v         v      |   |
|                  +--------------+            +--------------+   |   |
|                  |   phy port 0 |            |   phy port 1 |   |   |
+------------------+--------------+------------+--------------+---+ __|
                          ^                           :
                          |                           |
                          :                           v

3.2.2. Configure two spp_nfv for Loopback

Patch port 0 to port 0 for sec 1 and port 1 to port 1 for sec 2 for loopback.

spp > sec 1;patch 0 0
spp > sec 2;patch 1 1
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
                     +--------------+          +--------------+       |
                     |    spp_nfv   |          |    spp_nfv   |       |
                     |    (sec 1)   |          |    (sec 2)   |       |
                     +--------------+          +--------------+       |
                        ^        :               ^         :          |
                        |        |               |         |          |
                        :        v               :         v          |
+----+----------+-------------------------------------------------+   |
|    | primary  |       ^        :               ^         :      |   |
|    +----------+       |        :               |         :      |   |
|                       :        :               :         :      |   |
|                       :        |               :         |      |   |  host
|                       :        v               :         v      |   |
|                  +--------------+            +--------------+   |   |
|                  |   phy port 0 |            |   phy port 1 |   |   |
+------------------+--------------+------------+--------------+---+ __|
                          ^                           ^
                          |                           |
                          v                           v

3.3. Dual spp_nfv with Ring PMD

In this use case, configure two senarios by using ring PMD.

  • Uni-Directional L2fwd
  • Bi-Directional L2fwd

3.3.1. Ring PMD

Ring PMD is an interface for communicating between secondaries on host. The maximum number of ring PMDs is defined as -n option of spp_primary and ring ID is started from 0.

A reference of a ring PMD is added by using add subcommand. All of ring PMDs is showed by status subcommand.

spp > sec 1;add ring 0
spp > sec 1;status
recv:6:{Client ID 1 Idling
port id: 0,on,PHY,outport: -99
port id: 1,on,PHY,outport: -99
port id: 2,on,RING(0),outport: -99

Notice that ring 0 is added to sec 1 and it is referred as port id 2.

To clear the configuration, delete ring 0.

spp > sec 1;del ring 0
spp > sec 1;status
recv:6:{Client ID 1 Idling
port id: 0,on,PHY,outport: -99
port id: 1,on,PHY,outport: -99

3.3.2. Uni-Directional L2fwd

Add a ring PMD and connect two spp_nvf processes. To configure network path, add ring 0 to sec 1 and sec 2. Then, connect it with patch subcommand.

spp > sec 1;add ring 0
spp > sec 2;add ring 0
spp > sec 1;patch 0 2
spp > sec 2;patch 2 1
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
                   +----------+      ring 0      +----------+         |
                   |  spp_nfv |    +--------+    |  spp_nfv |         |
                   |  (sec 1) | -> |  |  |  |- > |  (sec 2) |         |
                   +----------+    +--------+    +----------+         |
                      ^                                   :           |
                      |                                   |           |
                      :                                   v           |
+----+----------+-------------------------------------------------+   |
|    | primary  |       ^                               :         |   |
|    +----------+       |                               :         |   |
|                       :                               :         |   |
|                       :                               |         |   |  host
|                       :                               v         |   |
|                  +--------------+            +--------------+   |   |
|                  |   phy port 0 |            |   phy port  1|   |   |
+------------------+--------------+------------+--------------+---+ __|
                          ^                           :
                          |                           |
                          :                           v

3.3.3. Bi-Directional L2fwd

Add two ring PMDs to two spp_nvf processes. For bi-directional forwarding, patch ring 0 for a path from sec 1 to sec 2 and ring 1 for another path from sec 2 to sec 1.

First, add ring 0 and ring 1 to sec 1.

spp > sec 1;add ring 0
spp > sec 1;add ring 1
spp > sec 1;status
recv:6:{Client ID 1 Idling
port id: 0,on,PHY,outport: -99
port id: 1,on,PHY,outport: -99
port id: 2,on,RING(0),outport: -99
port id: 3,on,RING(1),outport: -99

Then, add ring 0 and ring 1 to sec 2.

spp > sec 2;add ring 0
spp > sec 2;add ring 1
spp > sec 1;patch 0 2
spp > sec 1;patch 3 0
spp > sec 2;patch 1 3
spp > sec 2;patch 2 1
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
                                    ring 0                            |
                                  +--------+                          |
                +------------+ <--|  |  |  |<-- +-----------+         |
                |          p3|    +--------+    |p3         |         |
                |  spp_nfv   |                  |  spp_nfv  |         |
                |  (sec 1) p2|--> +--------+ -->|p2 (sec 2) |         |
                +------------+    |  |  |  |    +-----------+         |
                        ^         +--------+          ^               |
                        |           ring 1            |               |
                        v                             v               |
+---+----------+--------------------------------------------------+   |
|   | primary  |        ^                             ^           |   |
|   +----------+        |                             :           |   |
|                       :                             :           |   |
|                       :                             |           |   |  host
|                       v                             v           |   |
|                  +--------------+            +--------------+   |   |
|                  |  phy port 0  |            |  phy port 1  |   |   |
+------------------+--------------+------------+--------------+---+ __|
                          ^                           ^
                          |                           |
                          v                           v

3.4. Single spp_nfv with Vhost PMD

3.4.1. Vhost PMD

Vhost PMD is an interface for communicating between on hsot and guest VM. As described in How to Use, vhost must be created by add subcommand before the VM is launched.

3.4.2. Setup Vhost PMD

In this use case, add vhost 0 to sec 1 for communicating with the VM. First, check if /tmp/sock0 is already exist. You have to remove it already exist to avoid failure of socket file creation.

$ ls /tmp | grep sock
sock0 ...

# remove it if exist
$ rm /tmp/sock0

Create /tmp/sock0 from sec 1.

spp > sec 1;add vhost 0

3.4.3. Uni-Directional L2fwd with Vhost PMD

Start a VM with vhost interface as described in How to Use and launch spp_vm with secondary ID 2. You find sec 2 from controller after launched.

Patch port 0 and port 1 to vhost 0 with sec 1 running on host. Inside VM, configure loopback by patching port 0 and port 0 with sec 2.

spp > sec 1;patch 0 2
spp > sec 1;patch 2 1
spp > sec 2;patch 0 0
spp > sec 1;forward
spp > sec 2;forward
                      +-----------------------+   |
                      | guest                 |   |
                      |                       |   |
                      |   +--------------+    |   |  guest
                      |   |    spp_vm    |    |   |
                      |   |    (sec 2)   |    |   |
                      |   |      p0      |    |   |
                      +---+--------------+----+ __|
                           ^           :
                           |  virtio   |
                           |           V                          __
                       +--------------------+                       |
                       |      spp_nfv       |                       |
                       | p2   (sec 1)       |                       |
                       +--------------------+                       |
                           ^           :                            |
                           |           +---------- +                |
                           :                       v                |
+----+----------+--------------------------------------------+      |
|    | primary  |       ^                          :         |      |
|    +----------+       |                          :         |      |
|                       :                          |         |      | host
|                       :                          v         |      |
|                  +--------------+       +--------------+   |      |
|                  |   phy port 0 |       |  phy port  1 |   |      |
+------------------+--------------+-------+--------------+---+    __|
                          ^                           :
                          |                           |
                          :                           v