..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
    Copyright 2017,2020 NXP

DPAA Poll Mode Driver

The DPAA NIC PMD (**librte_net_dpaa**) provides poll mode driver
support for the inbuilt NIC found in the **NXP DPAA** SoC family.

More information can be found at `NXP Official Website

NXP DPAA (Data Path Acceleration Architecture - Gen 1)

This section provides an overview of the NXP DPAA architecture
and how it is integrated into the DPDK.

Contents summary

- DPAA overview
- DPAA driver architecture overview
- FMAN configuration tools and library

.. _dpaa_overview:

DPAA Overview

Reference: `FSL DPAA Architecture <http://www.nxp.com/assets/documents/data/en/white-papers/QORIQDPAAWP.pdf>`_.

The QorIQ Data Path Acceleration Architecture (DPAA) is a set of hardware
components on specific QorIQ series multicore processors. This architecture
provides the infrastructure to support simplified sharing of networking
interfaces and accelerators by multiple CPU cores, and the accelerators

DPAA includes:

- Cores
- Network and packet I/O
- Hardware offload accelerators
- Infrastructure required to facilitate flow of packets between the components above

Infrastructure components are:

- The Queue Manager (QMan) is a hardware accelerator that manages frame queues.
  It allows  CPUs and other accelerators connected to the SoC datapath to
  enqueue and dequeue ethernet frames, thus providing the infrastructure for
  data exchange among CPUs and datapath accelerators.
- The Buffer Manager (BMan) is a hardware buffer pool management block that
  allows software and accelerators on the datapath to acquire and release
  buffers in order to build frames.

Hardware accelerators are:

- SEC - Cryptographic accelerator
- PME - Pattern matching engine

The Network and packet I/O component:

- The Frame Manager (FMan) is a key component in the DPAA and makes use of the
  DPAA infrastructure (QMan and BMan). FMan  is responsible for packet
  distribution and policing. Each frame can be parsed, classified and results
  may be attached to the frame. This meta data can be used to select
  particular QMan queue, which the packet is forwarded to.

DPAA DPDK - Poll Mode Driver Overview

This section provides an overview of the drivers for DPAA:

* Bus driver and associated "DPAA infrastructure" drivers
* Functional object drivers (such as Ethernet).

Brief description of each driver is provided in layout below as well as
in the following sections.

.. code-block:: console

                                       | DPDK DPAA  |
                                       |    PMD     |
                                       +-----+------+       +---------------+
                                       :  Ethernet  :.......| DPDK DPAA     |
                    . . . . . . . . .  :   (FMAN)   :       | Mempool driver|
                   .                   +---+---+----+       |  (BMAN)       |
                  .                        ^   |            +-----+---------+
                 .                         |   |<enqueue,         .
                .                          |   | dequeue>         .
               .                           |   |                  .
              .                        +---+---V----+             .
             .      . . . . . . . . . .: Portal drv :             .
            .      .                   :            :             .
           .      .                    +-----+------+             .
          .      .                     :   QMAN     :             .
         .      .                      :  Driver    :             .
    +----+------+-------+              +-----+------+             .
    |   DPDK DPAA Bus   |                    |                    .
    |   driver          |....................|.....................
    |   /bus/dpaa       |                    |
    +-------------------+                    |
    ========================== HARDWARE =====|========================

In the above representation, solid lines represent components which interface
with DPDK RTE Framework and dotted lines represent DPAA internal components.

DPAA Bus driver

The DPAA bus driver is a ``rte_bus`` driver which scans the platform like bus.
Key functions include:

- Scanning and parsing the various objects and adding them to their respective
  device list.
- Performing probe for available drivers against each scanned device
- Creating necessary ethernet instance before passing control to the PMD


DPAA PMD is traditional DPDK PMD which provides necessary interface between
RTE framework and DPAA internal components/drivers.

- Once devices have been identified by DPAA Bus, each device is associated
  with the PMD
- PMD is responsible for implementing necessary glue layer between RTE APIs
  and lower level QMan and FMan blocks.
  The Ethernet driver is bound to a FMAN port and implements the interfaces
  needed to connect the DPAA network interface to the network stack.
  Each FMAN Port corresponds to a DPDK network interface.


  Features of the DPAA PMD are:

  - Multiple queues for TX and RX
  - Receive Side Scaling (RSS)
  - Packet type information
  - Checksum offload
  - Promiscuous mode

DPAA Mempool Driver

DPAA has a hardware offloaded buffer pool manager, called BMan, or Buffer

- Using standard Mempools operations RTE API, the mempool driver interfaces
  with RTE to service each mempool creation, deletion, buffer allocation and
  deallocation requests.
- Each FMAN instance has a BMan pool attached to it during initialization.
  Each Tx frame can be automatically released by hardware, if allocated from
  this pool.

Allowing & Blocking

For blocking a DPAA device, following commands can be used.

 .. code-block:: console

    <dpdk app> <EAL args> -b "dpaa_bus:fmX-macY" -- ...
    e.g. "dpaa_bus:fm1-mac4"

Supported DPAA SoCs

- LS1043A/LS1023A
- LS1046A/LS1026A


See :doc:`../platform/dpaa` for setup information

- Follow the DPDK :ref:`Getting Started Guide for Linux <linux_gsg>`
  to setup the basic DPDK environment.
- DPAA driver has dependency on kernel to perform various functionalities.
  So kernel and DPDK version should be compatible for proper working.
  Refer release notes of NXP SDK guide to match the versions `NXP LSDK GUIDE

.. note::

   Some part of dpaa bus code (qbman and fman - library) routines are
   dual licensed (BSD & GPLv2), however they are used as BSD in DPDK in userspace.


Environment Variables

DPAA drivers uses the following environment variables to configure its
state during application initialization:

- ``DPAA_NUM_RX_QUEUES`` (default 1)

  This defines the number of Rx queues configured for an application, per
  port. Hardware would distribute across these many number of queues on Rx
  of packets.
  In case the application is configured to use lesser number of queues than
  configured above, it might result in packet loss (because of distribution).

- ``DPAA_PUSH_QUEUES_NUMBER`` (default 4)

  This defines the number of High performance queues to be used for ethdev Rx.
  These queues use one private HW portal per queue configured, so they are
  limited in the system. The first configured ethdev queues will be
  automatically be assigned from the these high perf PUSH queues. Any queue
  configuration beyond that will be standard Rx queues. The application can
  choose to change their number if HW portals are limited.
  The valid values are from '0' to '4'. The values shall be set to '0' if the
  application want to use eventdev with DPAA device.
  Currently these queues are not used for LS1023/LS1043 platform by default.

Driver compilation and testing

Refer to the document :ref:`compiling and testing a PMD for a NIC <pmd_build_and_test>`
for details.

#. Running testpmd:

   Follow instructions available in the document
   :ref:`compiling and testing a PMD for a NIC <pmd_build_and_test>`
   to run testpmd.

   Example output:

   .. code-block:: console

      ./<build_dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd -c 0xff -n 1 \
        -- -i --portmask=0x3 --nb-cores=1 --no-flush-rx

      EAL: Registered [pci] bus.
      EAL: Registered [dpaa] bus.
      EAL: Detected 4 lcore(s)
      EAL: dpaa: Bus scan completed
      Configuring Port 0 (socket 0)
      Port 0: 00:00:00:00:00:01
      Configuring Port 1 (socket 0)
      Port 1: 00:00:00:00:00:02
      Checking link statuses...
      Port 0 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex
      Port 1 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex

FMAN Config

Frame Manager is also responsible for parser, classify and distribute
functionality in the DPAA.

   FMAN supports:
   Packet parsing at wire speed. It supports standard protocols parsing and
   identification by HW (VLAN/IP/UDP/TCP/SCTP/PPPoE/PPP/MPLS/GRE/IPSec).
   It supports non-standard UDF header parsing for custom protocols.
   Classification / Distribution: Coarse classification based on Key generation
   Hash and exact match lookup

FMC - FMAN Configuration Tool
   This tool is available in User Space. The tool is used to configure FMAN
   Physical (MAC) or Ephemeral (OH)ports for Parse/Classify/distribute.
   The PCDs can be hash based where a set of fields are key input for hash
   generation within FMAN keygen. The hash value is used to generate a FQID for
   frame. There is a provision to setup exact match lookup too where field
   values within a packet drives corresponding FQID.
   Currently it works on XML file inputs.

   1.For Dynamic Configuration change, currently no support is available.
   E.g. enable/disable a port, a operator (set of VLANs and associate rules).

   2.During FMC configuration, port for which policy is being configured is
   brought down and the policy is flushed on port before new policy is updated
   for the port. Support is required to add/append/delete etc.

   3.FMC, being a separate user-space application, needs to be invoked from

   The details can be found in FMC Doc at:
   `Frame Manager Configuration Tool <https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN4760.pdf>`_.

   The Frame Manager library provides an API on top of the Frame Manager driver
   ioctl calls, that provides a user space application with a simple way to
   configure driver parameters and PCD (parse - classify - distribute) rules.

   This is an alternate to the FMC based configuration. This library provides
   direct ioctl based interfaces for FMAN configuration as used by the FMC tool
   as well. This helps in overcoming the main limitation of FMC - i.e. lack
   of dynamic configuration.

   The location for the fmd driver as used by FMLIB and FMC is as follows:
   `Kernel FMD Driver

VSP (Virtual Storage Profile)
   The storage profiled are means to provide virtualized interface. A ranges of
   storage profiles cab be associated to Ethernet ports.
   They are selected during classification. Specify how the frame should be
   written to memory and which buffer pool to select for packet storage in
   queues. Start and End margin of buffer can also be configured.


Platform Requirement

DPAA drivers for DPDK can only work on NXP SoCs as listed in the
``Supported DPAA SoCs``.

Maximum packet length

The DPAA SoC family support a maximum of a 10240 jumbo frame. The value
is fixed and cannot be changed. So, even when the ``rxmode.mtu``
member of ``struct rte_eth_conf`` is set to a value lower than 10240, frames
up to 10240 bytes can still reach the host interface.

Multiprocess Support

Current version of DPAA driver doesn't support multi-process applications
where I/O is performed using secondary processes. This feature would be
implemented in subsequent versions.