29. Internet Protocol (IP) Pipeline Application

29.1. Application overview

The Internet Protocol (IP) Pipeline application is intended to be a vehicle for rapid development of packet processing applications running on multi-core CPUs.

The application provides a library of reusable functional blocks called pipelines. These pipelines can be seen as prefabricated blocks that can be instantiated and inter-connected through packet queues to create complete applications (super-pipelines).

Pipelines are created and inter-connected through the application configuration file. By using different configuration files, different applications are effectively created, therefore this application can be seen as an application generator. The configuration of each pipeline can be updated at run-time through the application Command Line Interface (CLI).

Main application components are:

A Library of reusable pipelines

  • Each pipeline represents a functional block, e.g. flow classification, firewall, routing, master, etc.
  • Each pipeline type can be instantiated several times in the same application, which each instance configured separately and mapped to a single CPU core. Each CPU core can run one or several pipeline instances, which can be of same or different type.
  • Pipeline instances are inter-connected through packet queues (for packet processing) and message queues (for run-time configuration).
  • Pipelines are implemented using DPDK Packet Framework.
  • More pipeline types can always be built and added to the existing pipeline types.

The Configuration file

  • The configuration file defines the application structure. By using different configuration files, different applications are created.
  • All the application resources are created and configured through the application configuration file: pipeline instances, buffer pools, links (i.e. network interfaces), hardware device RX/TX queues, software queues, traffic manager devices, EAL startup arguments, etc.
  • The configuration file syntax is “define by reference”, meaning that resources are defined as they are referenced. First time a resource name is detected, it is registered with default parameters. Optionally, the resource parameters can be further refined through a configuration file section dedicated to that resource.
  • Command Line Interface (CLI)

Global CLI commands: link configuration, etc.

  • Common pipeline CLI commands: ping (keep-alive), statistics, etc.
  • Pipeline type specific CLI commands: used to configure instances of specific pipeline type. These commands are registered with the application when the pipeline type is registered. For example, the commands for routing pipeline instances include: route add, route delete, route list, etc.
  • CLI commands can be grouped into scripts that can be invoked at initialization and at runtime.

29.2. Design goals

29.2.1. Rapid development

This application enables rapid development through quick connectivity of standard components called pipelines. These components are built using DPDK Packet Framework and encapsulate packet processing features at different levels: ports, tables, actions, pipelines and complete applications.

Pipeline instances are instantiated, configured and inter-connected through low complexity configuration files loaded during application initialization. Each pipeline instance is mapped to a single CPU core, with each CPU core able to run one or multiple pipeline instances of same or different types. By loading a different configuration file, a different application is effectively started.

29.2.2. Flexibility

Each packet processing application is typically represented as a chain of functional stages which is often called the functional pipeline of the application. These stages are mapped to CPU cores to create chains of CPU cores (pipeline model), clusters of CPU cores (run-to-completion model) or chains of clusters of CPU cores (hybrid model).

This application allows all the above programming models. By applying changes to the configuration file, the application provides the flexibility to reshuffle its building blocks in different ways until the configuration providing the best performance is identified. Move pipelines around

The mapping of pipeline instances to CPU cores can be reshuffled through the configuration file. One or several pipeline instances can be mapped to the same CPU core.

Fig. 29.1 Example of moving pipeline instances across different CPU cores Move tables around

There is some degree of flexibility for moving tables from one pipeline instance to another. Based on the configuration arguments passed to each pipeline instance in the configuration file, specific tables can be enabled or disabled. This way, a specific table can be “moved” from pipeline instance A to pipeline instance B by simply disabling its associated functionality for pipeline instance A while enabling it for pipeline instance B.

Due to requirement to have simple syntax for the configuration file, moving tables across different pipeline instances is not as flexible as the mapping of pipeline instances to CPU cores, or mapping actions to pipeline tables. Complete flexibility in moving tables from one pipeline to another could be achieved through a complex pipeline description language that would detail the structural elements of the pipeline (ports, tables and actions) and their connectivity, resulting in complex syntax for the configuration file, which is not acceptable. Good configuration file readability through simple syntax is preferred.

Example: the IP routing pipeline can run the routing function only (with ARP function run by a different pipeline instance), or it can run both the routing and ARP functions as part of the same pipeline instance.

Fig. 29.2 Example of moving tables across different pipeline instances Move actions around

When it makes sense, packet processing actions can be moved from one pipeline instance to another. Based on the configuration arguments passed to each pipeline instance in the configuration file, specific actions can be enabled or disabled. This way, a specific action can be “moved” from pipeline instance A to pipeline instance B by simply disabling its associated functionality for pipeline instance A while enabling it for pipeline instance B.

Example: The flow actions of accounting, traffic metering, application identification, NAT, etc can be run as part of the flow classification pipeline instance or split across several flow actions pipeline instances, depending on the number of flow instances and their compute requirements.

Fig. 29.3 Example of moving actions across different tables and pipeline instances

29.2.3. Performance

Performance of the application is the highest priority requirement. Flexibility is not provided at the expense of performance.

The purpose of flexibility is to provide an incremental development methodology that allows monitoring the performance evolution:

  • Apply incremental changes in the configuration (e.g. mapping on pipeline instances to CPU cores) in order to identify the configuration providing the best performance for a given application;
  • Add more processing incrementally (e.g. by enabling more actions for specific pipeline instances) until the application is feature complete while checking the performance impact at each step.

29.2.4. Debug capabilities

The application provides a significant set of debug capabilities:

  • Command Line Interface (CLI) support for statistics polling: pipeline instance ping (keep-alive checks), pipeline instance statistics per input port/output port/table, link statistics, etc;
  • Logging: Turn on/off application log messages based on priority level;

29.3. Running the application

The application startup command line is:

ip_pipeline [-f CONFIG_FILE] [-s SCRIPT_FILE] -p PORT_MASK [-l LOG_LEVEL]

The application startup arguments are:


  • Optional: Yes
  • Default: ./config/ip_pipeline.cfg
  • Argument: Path to the configuration file to be loaded by the application. Please refer to the Configuration file syntax for details on how to write the configuration file.


  • Optional: Yes
  • Default: Not present
  • Argument: Path to the CLI script file to be run by the master pipeline at application startup. No CLI script file will be run at startup of this argument is not present.


  • Optional: No
  • Default: N/A
  • Argument: Hexadecimal mask of NIC port IDs to be used by the application. First port enabled in this mask will be referenced as LINK0 as part of the application configuration file, next port as LINK1, etc.


  • Optional: Yes
  • Default: 1 (High priority)
  • Argument: Log level to determine which application messages are to be printed to standard output. Available log levels are: 0 (None), 1 (High priority), 2 (Low priority). Only application messages whose priority is higher than or equal to the application log level will be printed.

29.4. Application stages

29.4.1. Configuration

During this stage, the application configuration file is parsed and its content is loaded into the application data structures. In case of any configuration file parse error, an error message is displayed and the application is terminated. Please refer to the Configuration file syntax for a description of the application configuration file format.

29.4.2. Configuration checking

In the absence of any parse errors, the loaded content of application data structures is checked for overall consistency. In case of any configuration check error, an error message is displayed and the application is terminated.

29.4.3. Initialization

During this stage, the application resources are initialized and the handles to access them are saved into the application data structures. In case of any initialization error, an error message is displayed and the application is terminated.

The typical resources to be initialized are: pipeline instances, buffer pools, links (i.e. network interfaces), hardware device RX/TX queues, software queues, traffic management devices, etc.

29.4.4. Run-time

Each CPU core runs the pipeline instances assigned to it in time sharing mode and in round robin order:

  1. Packet processing task: The pipeline run-time code is typically a packet processing task built on top of DPDK Packet Framework rte_pipeline library, which reads bursts of packets from the pipeline input ports, performs table lookups and executes the identified actions for all tables in the pipeline, with packet eventually written to pipeline output ports or dropped.
  2. Message handling task: Each CPU core will also periodically execute the message handling code of each of the pipelines mapped to it. The pipeline message handling code is processing the messages that are pending in the pipeline input message queues, which are typically sent by the master CPU core for the on-the-fly pipeline configuration: check that pipeline is still alive (ping), add/delete entries in the pipeline tables, get statistics, etc. The frequency of executing the message handling code is usually much smaller than the frequency of executing the packet processing work.

Please refer to the PIPELINE section for more details about the application pipeline module encapsulation.

29.5. Configuration file syntax

29.5.1. Syntax overview

The syntax of the configuration file is designed to be simple, which favors readability. The configuration file is parsed using the DPDK library librte_cfgfile, which supports simple INI file format for configuration files.

As result, the configuration file is split into several sections, with each section containing one or more entries. The scope of each entry is its section, and each entry specifies a variable that is assigned a specific value. Any text after the ; character is considered a comment and is therefore ignored.

The following are application specific: number of sections, name of each section, number of entries of each section, name of the variables used for each section entry, the value format (e.g. signed/unsigned integer, string, etc) and range of each section entry variable.

Generic example of configuration file section:


<variable_name_1> = <value_1>


<variable_name_N> = <value_N>

29.5.2. Application resources present in the configuration file

Table 29.1 Application resource names in the configuration file
Resource type Format Examples
Link (network interface) LINK<ID> LINK0, LINK1
Link RX queue RXQ<LINK_ID>.<QUEUE_ID> RXQ0.0, RXQ1.5
Link TX queue TXQ<LINK_ID>.<QUEUE_ID> TXQ0.0, TXQ1.5
Software queue SWQ<ID> SWQ0, SWQ1
Traffic Manager TM<LINK_ID> TM0, TM1

LINK instances are created implicitly based on the PORT_MASK application startup argument. LINK0 is the first port enabled in the PORT_MASK, port 1 is the next one, etc. The LINK ID is different than the DPDK PMD-level NIC port ID, which is the actual position in the bitmask mentioned above. For example, if bit 5 is the first bit set in the bitmask, then LINK0 is having the PMD ID of 5. This mechanism creates a contiguous LINK ID space and isolates the configuration file against changes in the board PCIe slots where NICs are plugged in.

RXQ, TXQ and TM instances have the LINK ID as part of their name. For example, RXQ2.1, TXQ2.1 and TM2 are all associated with LINK2.

29.5.3. Rules to parse the configuration file

The main rules used to parse the configuration file are:

  1. Application resource name determines the type of resource based on the name prefix.

    Example: all software queues need to start with SWQ prefix, so SWQ0 and SWQ5 are valid software queue names.

  2. An application resource is defined by creating a configuration file section with its name. The configuration file section allows fine tuning on any of the resource parameters. Some resource parameters are mandatory, in which case it is required to have them specified as part of the section, while some others are optional, in which case they get assigned their default value when not present.

    Example: section SWQ0 defines a software queue named SWQ0, whose parameters are detailed as part of this section.

  3. An application resource can also be defined by referencing it. Referencing a resource takes place by simply using its name as part of the value assigned to a variable in any configuration file section. In this case, the resource is registered with all its parameters having their default values. Optionally, a section with the resource name can be added to the configuration file to fine tune some or all of the resource parameters.

    Example: in section PIPELINE3, variable pktq_in includes SWQ5 as part of its list, which results in defining a software queue named SWQ5; when there is no SWQ5 section present in the configuration file, SWQ5 gets registered with default parameters.

29.5.4. PIPELINE section

Table 29.2 Configuration file PIPELINE section (1/2)
Section Description Optional Range Default value
type Pipeline type. Defines the functionality to be executed. NO See “List of pipeline types” N/A
core CPU core to run the current pipeline. YES See “CPU Core notation” CPU socket 0, core 0, hyper-thread 0
pktq_in Packet queues to serve as input ports for the current pipeline instance. The acceptable packet queue types are: RXQ, SWQ, TM and SOURCE. First device in this list is used as pipeline input port 0, second as pipeline input port 1, etc. YES List of input packet queue IDs Empty list
pktq_out Packet queues to serve as output ports for the current pipeline instance. The acceptable packet queue types are: TXQ, SWQ, TM and SINK. First device in this list is used as pipeline output port 0, second as pipeline output port 1, etc. YES List of output packet queue IDs. Empty list
Table 29.3 Configuration file PIPELINE section (2/2)
Section Description Optional Range Default value
msgq_in Input message queues. These queues contain request messages that need to be handled by the current pipeline instance. The type and format of request messages is defined by the pipeline type. For each pipeline instance, there is an input message queue defined implicitly, whose name is: MSGQ-REQ-<PIPELINE_ID>. This message queue should not be mentioned as part of msgq_in list. YES List of message queue IDs Empty list
msgq_out Output message queues. These queues are used by the current pipeline instance to write response messages as result of request messages being handled. The type and format of response messages is defined by the pipeline type. For each pipeline instance, there is an output message queue defined implicitly, whose name is: MSGQ-RSP-<PIPELINE_ID>. This message queue should not be mentioned as part of msgq_out list. YES List of message queue IDs Empty list
timer_period Time period, measured in milliseconds, for handling the input message queues. YES milliseconds 1 ms
<any other> Arguments to be passed to the current pipeline instance. Format of the arguments, their type, whether each argument is optional or mandatory and its default value (when optional) are defined by the pipeline type. The value of the arguments is applicable to the current pipeline instance only. Depends on pipeline type Depends on pipeline type Depends on pipeline type CPU core notation

The CPU Core notation is:

<CPU core> ::= [s|S<CPU socket ID>][c|C]<CPU core ID>[h|H]

For example:

CPU socket 0, core 0, hyper-thread 0: 0, c0, s0c0

CPU socket 0, core 0, hyper-thread 1: 0h, c0h, s0c0h

CPU socket 3, core 9, hyper-thread 1: s3c9h

29.5.5. MEMPOOL section

Table 29.4 Configuration file MEMPOOL section
Section Description Optional Type Default value
buffer_size Buffer size (in bytes) for the current buffer pool. YES uint32_t 2048 + sizeof(struct rte_mbuf) + HEADROOM
pool_size Number of buffers in the current buffer pool. YES uint32_t 32K
cache_size Per CPU thread cache size (in number of buffers) for the current buffer pool. YES uint32_t 256
cpu CPU socket ID where to allocate memory for the current buffer pool. YES uint32_t 0

29.5.7. RXQ section

Table 29.6 Configuration file RXQ section
Section Description Optional Type Default value
mempool Mempool to use for buffer allocation for current NIC RX queue. The mempool ID has to be associated with a valid instance defined in the mempool entry of the global section. YES uint32_t MEMPOOL0
Size NIC RX queue size (number of descriptors) YES uint32_t 128
burst Read burst size (number of descriptors) YES uint32_t 32

29.5.8. TXQ section

Table 29.7 Configuration file TXQ section
Section Description Optional Type Default value
size NIC TX queue size (number of descriptors) YES uint32_t power of 2 > 0 512
burst Write burst size (number of descriptors) YES uint32_t power of 2 0 < burst < size 32
dropless When dropless is set to NO, packets can be dropped if not enough free slots are currently available in the queue, so the write operation to the queue is non- blocking. When dropless is set to YES, packets cannot be dropped if not enough free slots are currently available in the queue, so the write operation to the queue is blocking, as the write operation is retried until enough free slots become available and all the packets are successfully written to the queue. YES YES/NO NO
n_retries Number of retries. Valid only when dropless is set to YES. When set to 0, it indicates unlimited number of retries. YES uint32_t 0

29.5.9. SWQ section

Table 29.8 Configuration file SWQ section
Section Description Optional Type Default value
size Queue size (number of packets) YES uint32_t power of 2 256
burst_read Read burst size (number of packets) YES uint32_t power of 2 0 < burst < size 32
burst_write Write burst size (number of packets) YES uint32_t power of 2 0 < burst < size 32
dropless When dropless is set to NO, packets can be dropped if not enough free slots are currently available in the queue, so the write operation to the queue is non- blocking. When dropless is set to YES, packets cannot be dropped if not enough free slots are currently available in the queue, so the write operation to the queue is blocking, as the write operation is retried until enough free slots become available and all the packets are successfully written to the queue. YES YES/NO NO
n_retries Number of retries. Valid only when dropless is set to YES. When set to 0, it indicates unlimited number of retries. YES uint32_t 0
cpu CPU socket ID where to allocate memory for this SWQ. YES uint32_t 0

29.5.10. TM section

Table 29.9 Configuration file TM section
Section Description Optional Type Default value
Cfg File name to parse for the TM configuration to be applied. The syntax of this file is described in the examples/qos_sched DPDK application documentation. YES string tm_profile
burst_read Read burst size (number of packets) YES uint32_t 64
burst_write Write burst size (number of packets) YES uint32_t 32

29.5.11. SOURCE section

Table 29.10 Configuration file SOURCE section
Section Description Optional Type Default value
Mempool Mempool to use for buffer allocation. YES uint32_t MEMPOOL0
Burst Read burst size (number of packets)   uint32_t 32

29.5.12. SINK section

Currently, there are no parameters to be passed to a sink device, so SINK section is not allowed.

29.5.13. MSGQ section

Table 29.11 Configuration file MSGQ section
Section Description Optional Type Default value
size Queue size (number of packets) YES uint32_t != 0 power of 2 64
cpu CPU socket ID where to allocate memory for the current queue. YES uint32_t 0

29.5.14. EAL section

The application generates the EAL parameters rather than reading them from the command line.

The CPU core mask parameter is generated based on the core entry of all PIPELINE sections. All the other EAL parameters can be set from this section of the application configuration file.

29.6. Library of pipeline types

29.6.1. Pipeline module

A pipeline is a self-contained module that implements a packet processing function and is typically implemented on top of the DPDK Packet Framework librte_pipeline library. The application provides a run-time mechanism to register different pipeline types.

Depending on the required configuration, each registered pipeline type (pipeline class) is instantiated one or several times, with each pipeline instance (pipeline object) assigned to one of the available CPU cores. Each CPU core can run one or more pipeline instances, which might be of same or different types. For more information of the CPU core threading model, please refer to the Run-time section. Pipeline type

Each pipeline type is made up of a back-end and a front-end. The back-end represents the packet processing engine of the pipeline, typically implemented using the DPDK Packet Framework libraries, which reads packets from the input packet queues, handles them and eventually writes them to the output packet queues or drops them. The front-end represents the run-time configuration interface of the pipeline, which is exposed as CLI commands. The front-end communicates with the back-end through message queues.

Table 29.12 Pipeline back-end
Field name Field type Description
f_init Function pointer Function to initialize the back-end of the current pipeline instance. Typical work implemented by this function for the current pipeline instance: Memory allocation; Parse the pipeline type specific arguments; Initialize the pipeline input ports, output ports and tables, interconnect input ports to tables; Set the message handlers.
f_free Function pointer Function to free the resources allocated by the back-end of the current pipeline instance.
f_run Function pointer Set to NULL for pipelines implemented using the DPDK library librte_pipeline (typical case), and to non-NULL otherwise. This mechanism is made available to support quick integration of legacy code. This function is expected to provide the packet processing related code to be called as part of the CPU thread dispatch loop, so this function is not allowed to contain an infinite loop.
f_timer Function pointer Function to read the pipeline input message queues, handle the request messages, create response messages and write the response queues. The format of request and response messages is defined by each pipeline type, with the exception of some requests which are mandatory for all pipelines (e.g. ping, statistics).
f_track Function pointer See section Tracking pipeline output port to physical link
Table 29.13 Pipeline front-end
Field name Field type Description
f_init Function pointer Function to initialize the front-end of the current pipeline instance.
f_free Function pointer Function to free the resources allocated by the front-end of the current pipeline instance.
cmds Array of CLI commands Array of CLI commands to be registered to the application CLI for the current pipeline type. Even though the CLI is executed by a different pipeline (typically, this is the master pipeline), from modularity perspective is more efficient to keep the message client side (part of the front-end) together with the message server side (part of the back-end). Table copies

Fast table copy: pipeline table used by pipeline for the packet processing task, updated through messages, table data structures are optimized for lookup operation.

Slow table copy: used by the configuration layer, typically updated through CLI commands, kept in sync with the fast copy (its update triggers the fast copy update). Required for executing advanced table queries without impacting the packet processing task, therefore the slow copy is typically organized using different criteria than the fast copy.


  • Flow classification: Search through current set of flows (e.g. list all flows with a specific source IP address);
  • Firewall: List rules in descending order of priority;
  • Routing table: List routes sorted by prefix depth and their type (local, remote, default);
  • ARP: List entries sorted per output interface. Packet meta-data

Packet meta-data field offsets provided as argument to pipeline instances are essentially defining the data structure for the packet meta-data used by the current application use-case. It is very useful to put it in the configuration file as a comment in order to facilitate the readability of the configuration file.

The reason to use field offsets for defining the data structure for the packet meta-data is due to the C language limitation of not being able to define data structures at run-time. Feature to consider: have the configuration file parser automatically generate and print the data structure defining the packet meta-data for the current application use-case.

Packet meta-data typically contains:

  1. Pure meta-data: intermediate data per packet that is computed internally, passed between different tables of the same pipeline instance (e.g. lookup key for the ARP table is obtained from the routing table), or between different pipeline instances (e.g. flow ID, traffic metering color, etc);
  2. Packet fields: typically, packet header fields that are read directly from the packet, or read from the packet and saved (duplicated) as a working copy at a different location within the packet meta-data (e.g. Diffserv 5-tuple, IP destination address, etc).

Several strategies are used to design the packet meta-data, as described in the next subsections. Store packet meta-data in a different cache line as the packet headers

This approach is able to support protocols with variable header length, like MPLS, where the offset of IP header from the start of the packet (and, implicitly, the offset of the IP header in the packet buffer) is not fixed. Since the pipelines typically require the specification of a fixed offset to the packet fields (e.g. Diffserv 5-tuple, used by the flow classification pipeline, or the IP destination address, used by the IP routing pipeline), the workaround is to have the packet RX pipeline copy these fields at fixed offsets within the packet meta-data.

As this approach duplicates some of the packet fields, it requires accessing more cache lines per packet for filling in selected packet meta-data fields (on RX), as well as flushing selected packet meta-data fields into the packet (on TX).


; struct app_pkt_metadata {
;   uint32_t ip_da;
;      uint32_t hash;
;      uint32_t flow_id;
;      uint32_t color;
; } __attribute__((__packed__));

; Packet meta-data offsets
ip_da_offset = 0;   Used by: routing
hash_offset = 4;    Used by: RX, flow classification
flow_id_offset = 8; Used by: flow classification, flow actions
color_offset = 12;  Used by: flow actions, routing Overlay the packet meta-data in the same cache line with the packet headers

This approach is minimizing the number of cache line accessed per packet by storing the packet metadata in the same cache line with the packet headers. To enable this strategy, either some headroom is reserved for meta-data at the beginning of the packet headers cache line (e.g. if 16 bytes are needed for meta-data, then the packet headroom can be set to 128+16 bytes, so that NIC writes the first byte of the packet at offset 16 from the start of the first packet cache line), or meta-data is reusing the space of some packet headers that are discarded from the packet (e.g. input Ethernet header).


; struct app_pkt_metadata {
;     uint8_t headroom[RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM]; /* 128 bytes (default) */
;     union {
;         struct {
;             struct ether_hdr ether; /* 14 bytes */
;             struct qinq_hdr qinq; /* 8 bytes */
;         };
;         struct {
;             uint32_t hash;
;             uint32_t flow_id;
;             uint32_t color;
;         };
;     };
;     struct ipv4_hdr ip; /* 20 bytes */
; } __attribute__((__packed__));
; Packet meta-data offsets
qinq_offset = 142;    Used by: RX, flow classification
ip_da_offset = 166;   Used by: routing
hash_offset = 128;    Used by: RX, flow classification
flow_id_offset = 132; Used by: flow classification, flow actions
color_offset = 136;   Used by: flow actions, routing

29.6.2. List of pipeline types

Table 29.14 List of pipeline types provided with the application
Name Table(s) Actions Messages


Note: depending on port type, can be used for RX, TX, IP fragmentation, IP reassembly or Traffic Management

  1. Pkt metadata build
  2. Flow hash
  3. Pkt checks
  4. Load balancing
  1. Ping
  2. Stats
Flow classification

Exact match

  • Key = byte array (source: pkt metadata)
  • Data = action dependent
  1. Flow ID
  2. Flow stats
  3. Metering
  4. Network Address
  5. Translation (NAT)
  1. Ping
  2. Stats
  3. Flow stats
  4. Action stats
  5. Flow add/ update/ delete
  6. Default flow add/ update/ delete
  7. Action update
Flow actions


  • Key = Flow ID (source: pkt metadata)
  • Data = action dependent
  1. Flow stats
  2. Metering
  3. Network Address
  4. Translation (NAT)
  1. Ping
  2. Stats
  3. Action stats
  4. Action update


  • Key = n-tuple (source: pkt headers)
  • Data = none
  1. Allow/Drop
  1. Ping
  2. Stats
  3. Rule add/ update/ delete
  4. Default rule add/ update/ delete
IP routing

LPM (IPv4 or IPv6, depending on pipeline type)

  • Key = IP destination (source: pkt metadata)
  • Data = Dependent on actions and next hop type

Hash table (for ARP, only

when ARP is enabled)

  • Key = (Port ID, next hop IP address) (source: pkt meta-data)
  • Data: MAC address
  1. TTL decrement and
  2. IPv4 checksum
  3. update
  4. Header
  5. encapsulation
  6. (based on next hop
  7. type)
  1. Ping
  2. Stats
  3. Route add/ update/ delete
  4. Default route add/ update/ delete
  5. ARP entry add/ update/ delete
  6. Default ARP entry add/ update/ delete

29.7. Command Line Interface (CLI)

29.7.1. Global CLI commands

Table 29.15 Global CLI commands
Command Description Syntax
run Run CLI commands script file. run <file> <file> = path to file with CLI commands to execute
quit Gracefully terminate the application. quit

29.7.3. CLI commands common for all pipeline types

Table 29.17 CLI commands mandatory for all pipelines
Command Description Syntax
ping Check whether specific pipeline instance is alive. The master pipeline sends a ping request message to given pipeline instance and waits for a response message back. Timeout message is displayed when the response message is not received before the timer expires. p <pipeline ID> ping
stats Display statistics for specific pipeline input port, output port or table. p <pipeline ID> stats port in <port in ID> p <pipeline ID> stats port out <port out ID> p <pipeline ID> stats table <table ID>
input port enable Enable given input port for specific pipeline instance. p <pipeline ID> port in <port ID> enable
input port disable Disable given input port for specific pipeline instance. p <pipeline ID> port in <port ID> disable

29.7.4. Pipeline type specific CLI commands

The pipeline specific CLI commands are part of the pipeline type front-end.