Contributor’s Guidelines
1. DPDK Coding Style
1.1. Description
1.2. General Guidelines
1.3. C Comment Style
1.4. C Preprocessor Directives
1.5. C Types
1.6. C Indentation
1.7. C Function Definition, Declaration and Use
1.8. C Statement Style and Conventions
2. Design
2.1. Environment or Architecture-specific Sources
2.2. Library Statistics
3. Managing ABI updates
3.1. Description
3.2. General Guidelines
3.3. What is an ABI
3.4. The DPDK ABI policy
3.5. Examples of Deprecation Notices
3.6. Versioning Macros
3.7. Examples of ABI Macro use
3.8. Running the ABI Validator
4. DPDK Documentation Guidelines
4.1. Structure of the Documentation
4.2. Role of the Documentation
4.3. Building the Documentation
4.4. Document Guidelines
4.5. RST Guidelines
4.6. Doxygen Guidelines
Related Topics
Documentation overview
7. ABI and API Deprecation
1. DPDK Coding Style
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