28. Packet Classification and Access Control

The DPDK provides an Access Control library that gives the ability to classify an input packet based on a set of classification rules.

The ACL library is used to perform an N-tuple search over a set of rules with multiple categories and find the best match (highest priority) for each category. The library API provides the following basic operations:

  • Create a new Access Control (AC) context.
  • Add rules into the context.
  • For all rules in the context, build the runtime structures necessary to perform packet classification.
  • Perform input packet classifications.
  • Destroy an AC context and its runtime structures and free the associated memory.

28.1. Overview

The current implementation allows the user for each AC context to specify its own rule (set of fields) over which packet classification will be performed. To define each field inside an AC rule, the following structure is used:

struct rte_acl_field_def {
    uint8_t type;         /*< type - ACL_FIELD_TYPE. */
    uint8_t size;         /*< size of field 1,2,4, or 8. */
    uint8_t field_index;  /*< index of field inside the rule. */
    uint8_t input_index;  /*< 0-N input index. */
    uint32_t offset;      /*< offset to start of field. */
  • type The field type is one of three choices:
    • _MASK - for fields such as IP addresses that have a value and a mask defining the number of relevant bits.
    • _RANGE - for fields such as ports that have a lower and upper value for the field.
    • _BITMASK - for fields such as protocol identifiers that have a value and a bit mask.
  • size The size parameter defines the length of the field in bytes. Allowable values are 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. Note that due to the grouping of input bytes, 1 or 2 byte fields must be defined as consecutive fields that make up 4 consecutive input bytes. Also, it is best to define fields of 8 or more bytes as 4 byte fields so that the build processes can eliminate fields that are all wild.
  • field_index A zero-based value that represents the position of the field inside the rule; 0 to N-1 for N fields.
  • input_index For performance reasons, the inner loop of the search function is unrolled to process four input bytes at a time. This requires the input to be grouped into sets of 4 consecutive bytes. The loop processes the first input byte as part of the setup and then subsequent bytes must be in groups of 4 consecutive bytes. The input index specifies to which input group that field belongs to.
  • offset The offset field defines the offset for the field. This is the offset from the beginning of the buffer parameter for the search.

For example, to define classification for the following IPv4 5-tuple structure:

struct ipv4_5tuple {
    uint8_t proto;
    uint32_t ip_src;
    uint32_t ip_dst;
    uint16_t port_src;
    uint16_t port_dst;

The following array of field definitions can be used:

struct rte_acl_field_def ipv4_defs[5] = {
    /* first input field - always one byte long. */
        .size = sizeof (uint8_t),
        .field_index = 0,
        .input_index = 0,
        .offset = offsetof (struct ipv4_5tuple, proto),

    /* next input field (IPv4 source address) - 4 consecutive bytes. */
        .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK,
        .size = sizeof (uint32_t),
        .field_index = 1,
        .input_index = 1,
       .offset = offsetof (struct ipv4_5tuple, ip_src),

    /* next input field (IPv4 destination address) - 4 consecutive bytes. */
        .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK,
        .size = sizeof (uint32_t),
        .field_index = 2,
        .input_index = 2,
       .offset = offsetof (struct ipv4_5tuple, ip_dst),

     * Next 2 fields (src & dst ports) form 4 consecutive bytes.
     * They share the same input index.
        .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_RANGE,
        .size = sizeof (uint16_t),
        .field_index = 3,
        .input_index = 3,
        .offset = offsetof (struct ipv4_5tuple, port_src),

        .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_RANGE,
        .size = sizeof (uint16_t),
        .field_index = 4,
        .input_index = 3,
        .offset = offsetof (struct ipv4_5tuple, port_dst),

A typical example of such an IPv4 5-tuple rule is a follows:

source addr/mask  destination addr/mask  source ports dest ports protocol/mask        0:65535      1234:1234  17/0xff

Any IPv4 packets with protocol ID 17 (UDP), source address 192.168.1.[0-255], destination address, source port [0-65535] and destination port 1234 matches the above rule.

To define classification for the IPv6 2-tuple: <protocol, IPv6 source address> over the following IPv6 header structure:

struct struct ipv6_hdr {
    uint32_t vtc_flow;     /* IP version, traffic class & flow label. */
    uint16_t payload_len;  /* IP packet length - includes sizeof(ip_header). */
    uint8_t proto;         /* Protocol, next header. */
    uint8_t hop_limits;    /* Hop limits. */
    uint8_t src_addr[16];  /* IP address of source host. */
    uint8_t dst_addr[16];  /* IP address of destination host(s). */
} __attribute__((__packed__));

The following array of field definitions can be used:

struct struct rte_acl_field_def ipv6_2tuple_defs[5] = {
        .size = sizeof (uint8_t),
        .field_index = 0,
        .input_index = 0,
        .offset = offsetof (struct ipv6_hdr, proto),

        .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK,
        .size = sizeof (uint32_t),
        .field_index = 1,
        .input_index = 1,
        .offset = offsetof (struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr[0]),

        .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK,
        .size = sizeof (uint32_t),
        .field_index = 2,
        .input_index = 2,
        .offset = offsetof (struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr[4]),

        .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK,
        .size = sizeof (uint32_t),
        .field_index = 3,
        .input_index = 3,
       .offset = offsetof (struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr[8]),

       .type = RTE_ACL_FIELD_TYPE_MASK,
       .size = sizeof (uint32_t),
       .field_index = 4,
       .input_index = 4,
       .offset = offsetof (struct ipv6_hdr, src_addr[12]),

A typical example of such an IPv6 2-tuple rule is a follows:

source addr/mask                              protocol/mask
2001:db8:1234:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/48     6/0xff

Any IPv6 packets with protocol ID 6 (TCP), and source address inside the range [2001:db8:1234:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 - 2001:db8:1234:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff] matches the above rule.

When creating a set of rules, for each rule, additional information must be supplied also:

  • priority: A weight to measure the priority of the rules (higher is better). If the input tuple matches more than one rule, then the rule with the higher priority is returned. Note that if the input tuple matches more than one rule and these rules have equal priority, it is undefined which rule is returned as a match. It is recommended to assign a unique priority for each rule.
  • category_mask: Each rule uses a bit mask value to select the relevant category(s) for the rule. When a lookup is performed, the result for each category is returned. This effectively provides a “parallel lookup” by enabling a single search to return multiple results if, for example, there were four different sets of ACL rules, one for access control, one for routing, and so on. Each set could be assigned its own category and by combining them into a single database, one lookup returns a result for each of the four sets.
  • userdata: A user-defined field that could be any value except zero. For each category, a successful match returns the userdata field of the highest priority matched rule.


When adding new rules into an ACL context, all fields must be in host byte order (LSB). When the search is performed for an input tuple, all fields in that tuple must be in network byte order (MSB).

28.2. Application Programming Interface (API) Usage


For more details about the Access Control API, please refer to the DPDK API Reference.

The following example demonstrates IPv4, 5-tuple classification for rules defined above with multiple categories in more detail.

28.2.1. Classify with Multiple Categories

struct rte_acl_ctx * acx;
struct rte_acl_config cfg;
int ret;

/* define a structure for the rule with up to 5 fields. */

RTE_ACL_RULE_DEF(acl_ipv4_rule, RTE_DIM(ipv4_defs));

/* AC context creation parameters. */

struct rte_acl_param prm = {
    .name = "ACL_example",
    .socket_id = SOCKET_ID_ANY,
    .rule_size = RTE_ACL_RULE_SZ(RTE_DIM(ipv4_defs)),

    /* number of fields per rule. */

    .max_rule_num = 8, /* maximum number of rules in the AC context. */

struct acl_ipv4_rule acl_rules[] = {

    /* matches all packets traveling to, applies for categories: 0,1 */
        .data = {.userdata = 1, .category_mask = 3, .priority = 1},

        /* destination IPv4 */
        .field[2] = {.value.u32 = IPv4(192,168,0,0),. mask_range.u32 = 16,},

        /* source port */
        .field[3] = {.value.u16 = 0, .mask_range.u16 = 0xffff,},

        /* destination port */
       .field[4] = {.value.u16 = 0, .mask_range.u16 = 0xffff,},

    /* matches all packets traveling to, applies for categories: 0 */
        .data = {.userdata = 2, .category_mask = 1, .priority = 2},

        /* destination IPv4 */
        .field[2] = {.value.u32 = IPv4(192,168,1,0),. mask_range.u32 = 24,},

        /* source port */
        .field[3] = {.value.u16 = 0, .mask_range.u16 = 0xffff,},

        /* destination port */
        .field[4] = {.value.u16 = 0, .mask_range.u16 = 0xffff,},

    /* matches all packets traveling from, applies for categories: 1 */
        .data = {.userdata = 3, .category_mask = 2, .priority = 3},

        /* source IPv4 */
        .field[1] = {.value.u32 = IPv4(10,1,1,1),. mask_range.u32 = 32,},

        /* source port */
        .field[3] = {.value.u16 = 0, .mask_range.u16 = 0xffff,},

        /* destination port */
        .field[4] = {.value.u16 = 0, .mask_range.u16 = 0xffff,},


/* create an empty AC context  */

if ((acx = rte_acl_create(&prm)) == NULL) {

    /* handle context create failure. */


/* add rules to the context */

ret = rte_acl_add_rules(acx, acl_rules, RTE_DIM(acl_rules));
if (ret != 0) {
   /* handle error at adding ACL rules. */

/* prepare AC build config. */

cfg.num_categories = 2;
cfg.num_fields = RTE_DIM(ipv4_defs);

memcpy(cfg.defs, ipv4_defs, sizeof (ipv4_defs));

/* build the runtime structures for added rules, with 2 categories. */

ret = rte_acl_build(acx, &cfg);
if (ret != 0) {
   /* handle error at build runtime structures for ACL context. */

For a tuple with source IP address: and destination IP address:, once the following lines are executed:

uint32_t results[4]; /* make classify for 4 categories. */

rte_acl_classify(acx, data, results, 1, 4);

then the results[] array contains:

results[4] = {2, 3, 0, 0};
  • For category 0, both rules 1 and 2 match, but rule 2 has higher priority, therefore results[0] contains the userdata for rule 2.
  • For category 1, both rules 1 and 3 match, but rule 3 has higher priority, therefore results[1] contains the userdata for rule 3.
  • For categories 2 and 3, there are no matches, so results[2] and results[3] contain zero, which indicates that no matches were found for those categories.

For a tuple with source IP address: and destination IP address:, once the following lines are executed:

uint32_t results[4]; /* make classify by 4 categories. */

rte_acl_classify(acx, data, results, 1, 4);

the results[] array contains:

results[4] = {1, 1, 0, 0};
  • For categories 0 and 1, only rule 1 matches.
  • For categories 2 and 3, there are no matches.

For a tuple with source IP address: and destination IP address:, once the following lines are executed:

uint32_t results[4]; /* make classify by 4 categories. */
rte_acl_classify(acx, data, results, 1, 4);

the results[] array contains:

results[4] = {0, 3, 0, 0};
  • For category 1, only rule 3 matches.
  • For categories 0, 2 and 3, there are no matches.